The groundbreaking art of Kerry James Marshall

The groundbreaking art of Kerry James Marshall
Learn more about the work of American painter Kerry James Marshall with Alicja Zelazko, associate editor of arts and humanities at Encyclopædia Britannica.
Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc.
INTERVIEWER: Do you have a second to tell us a cool art fact?
ALICJA ZELAZKO: Sure. How long ya got?
INTERVIEWER: 60 seconds.
ALICJA ZELAZKO: 60 seconds? Um, okay, I'll give it a shot.
ALICJA ZELAZKO: Did you know that only 1 percent of art collections in U.S. museums have work by African American artists?
Since becoming an artist, Kerry James Marshall has worked to insert Black figures in spaces usually dominated by white people. Museums are one of those spaces, but painting is another. Massive canvases were once reserved only for the depiction of religious narratives, royal portraits, and battle scenes. The figures in those paintings were mostly white. Marshall, however, adopted huge canvases to paint the African American experience.
His characteristic flat, black figures are striking. They are often placed in settings in which the audience seldom sees an African American: a mid-century suburban living room, for example, or, in this case, an artist’s studio. Here Marshall takes up the grand tradition of depicting artists at work, but, unlike in similar renderings in art history, every figure here is Black. U.S. museums have been steadily acquiring Marshall’s paintings, and their accession is a testament to Marshall’s efforts to insert Black figures in spaces where they belong.
INTERVIEWER: Do you have a second to tell us a cool art fact?
ALICJA ZELAZKO: Sure. How long ya got?
INTERVIEWER: 60 seconds.
ALICJA ZELAZKO: 60 seconds? Um, okay, I'll give it a shot.
ALICJA ZELAZKO: Did you know that only 1 percent of art collections in U.S. museums have work by African American artists?
Since becoming an artist, Kerry James Marshall has worked to insert Black figures in spaces usually dominated by white people. Museums are one of those spaces, but painting is another. Massive canvases were once reserved only for the depiction of religious narratives, royal portraits, and battle scenes. The figures in those paintings were mostly white. Marshall, however, adopted huge canvases to paint the African American experience.
His characteristic flat, black figures are striking. They are often placed in settings in which the audience seldom sees an African American: a mid-century suburban living room, for example, or, in this case, an artist’s studio. Here Marshall takes up the grand tradition of depicting artists at work, but, unlike in similar renderings in art history, every figure here is Black. U.S. museums have been steadily acquiring Marshall’s paintings, and their accession is a testament to Marshall’s efforts to insert Black figures in spaces where they belong.