Learn about the history of the Irish language in modern Ireland and Irish linguistic study at University College Cork, Ireland

Learn about the history of the Irish language in modern Ireland and Irish linguistic study at University College Cork, Ireland
A discussion of the Irish language in modern Ireland and of Irish language instruction at University College Cork, Cork, Ireland.
University College Cork, Ireland (A Britannica Publishing Partner)
[SPEAKING GAELIC] By the time St. Patrick arrived in Ireland, Irish had established itself as a language within the island of Ireland. Now the Irish that they spoke, even though we can never be sure what that language was in the sense of how they spoke and what it was. But we do have elements of it that have been handed down in written form. And what we see is a language is quite different from the modern language. And it's quite inaccessible to the speaker of the modern language.
Probably if you look at Ireland, probably what is handed down is most from that language that was spoken at the time of St. Patrick, or that was in Ireland at the time that St. Patrick is reflected in the place names. And I always think that if you step back and you look at the map of Ireland, and you want to see what's the greatest manifestation of that to the modern Irish speaker, I think if you look at the large body of water in the Northwest of our country-- Lough Neagh-- the letter N in that will always mystify the modern Irish speaker, because the grammar and the syntax as we know it shouldn't allow for an "N" to be there.
And so when we become aware of the older Irish, the old Irish that was spoken around about that time, and we realize that yes, in modern Irish, we have masculine and feminine nouns. There you have a neuter noun. And we see the reason for this "N."
And to me, that's always when I look at the map of Ireland, the thing that's the most visible remnant of that language, apart from as it's spoken today. The modern language as we have it today is spoken along the West Coast, in little pockets along the West Coast, some little pockets within Cork, in London Cork. And there's one small pocket on the East Coast of Ireland.
If we move down to the South Coast again, we find small pockets in Ring and in Dungarvan in Waterford. It's really where the land was poor, traditionally where the land was poor. If we go back to the Cromwellian times, we see that the Irish were pushed out to the west out toward where the land was poor. And basically that's where we find Irish today.
Now there has been-- since the end of the 19th century-- there has been a large move to re-establish it in urban centers along the East Coast in particular. We find it in Cork. We find it in Dublin. And we find it probably in the strongest manifestation of this is in Belfast. We find the language very, very vibrant when we go into the west of Belfast, we do.
But again, in order to touch base I suppose with the language in the form that is unbroken, going back into the mists of time through St. Patrick into when the Celts first came to Ireland, we need to go to what we call the [INAUDIBLE]. And that is these little pockets along the West Coast of Ireland.
Irish people have a very strange affinity with Irish, because when you come from abroad, when you come in through Ireland, and you come into the Republic of Ireland especially, you'll see all the signs are bilingual. And then you hear nearly everybody around you speaking in English.
But when you scratch a little bit below the surface you find, yes, they do all have a fairly good knowledge of Irish. And they have a very, very strong connection with the language. They're very, very happy particularly when they hear somebody coming from abroad, and when they come into the shop-- when they stop them and they say a little phrase like, [GAELIC], thank you, or [GAELIC], please, [GAELIC], hello.
You will always find if you come from abroad in through Ireland, you use a little bit of Irish that you've learned, Irish people will always respond very, very well to you. Better than they will respond to you if you speak English, which everybody speaks.
And we have a very, very strong tradition of teaching Irish in UCC. We have the Department of Ancient and Modern Irish, who deal with the language as it was in its earliest form. Then we have the Department of Modern Irish, who teach I suppose, the degree program, the academic program for students who would need to have a little bit of Irish before it.
In the center that I work for-- Ionad na Gaelige Labhartha-- we basically pick up where everybody else leaves off. And we need to do that, because apart from the people who are studying Irish as an academic subject, almost everybody in UCC wants to do the Irish. Members of staff want to do Irish. Families of members of staff want to do Irish. Students who are doing subjects [INAUDIBLE] as engineering, medicine, the sciences, they want to keep up their level of Irish when they're here. Or they want to learn it.
And very, very importantly, students who come from abroad and who come into Ireland, and who are greeted coming off the aeroplane, coming off the boat by Irish signs, they're mystified by this language. They can't pronounce it. They're looking at it. How do I say that? What do I do?
They come in to us. We have courses for them. And they're very, very popular courses.
Over the last 10 years we have taught Irish to over 2,000 people from abroad. We have a course-- a beginner's course, and a more advanced beginner's course. So that when you leave Ireland after your year here, you have a fairly good knowledge of the language, possibly up to nearly level A2 of the European framework.
I know that the poetry in particular has-- there's a scheme by which the poetry is financed-- the translation of the poetry is financed. So some of the modern poetry is being translated not just into English, but into Japanese, and the Spanish, and the French, and the German. And it does get quite an outing in the international world.
But the modern literature-- the prose literature, the short stories, the drama, and the novel-- doesn't get the same. I'm not too sure why that is. But it just doesn't get the same exposure on an international level.
I would encourage you to come to UCC. And when you arrive in UCC, we are in the O'Reilly building. We're very, very accessible.
You can contact us before you come into UCC. We provide you with all the information on our courses. And we would advise you to come and see us, as I said, as soon as you get here, or contact us before you get here. And we will certainly cater for you. We never turn anybody away.
For us, as Irish people, as people who work with the language who are committed to the language, it's always-- it touches us somewhere when we see people coming from abroad. And it's so easy to drift through Ireland and not to stop, and not to pay attention to the fact that-- wait a minute, Irish is a big, big part of all our culture. Whether we speak English, or whether we speak Irish, it's a big part of our culture, and that you recognize that.
We will always respond well to you for that.
And some day, I hope when you've come to Cork, when you've done our classes in Irish, you can return to this video. And you'll know what I have been saying to you.
Probably if you look at Ireland, probably what is handed down is most from that language that was spoken at the time of St. Patrick, or that was in Ireland at the time that St. Patrick is reflected in the place names. And I always think that if you step back and you look at the map of Ireland, and you want to see what's the greatest manifestation of that to the modern Irish speaker, I think if you look at the large body of water in the Northwest of our country-- Lough Neagh-- the letter N in that will always mystify the modern Irish speaker, because the grammar and the syntax as we know it shouldn't allow for an "N" to be there.
And so when we become aware of the older Irish, the old Irish that was spoken around about that time, and we realize that yes, in modern Irish, we have masculine and feminine nouns. There you have a neuter noun. And we see the reason for this "N."
And to me, that's always when I look at the map of Ireland, the thing that's the most visible remnant of that language, apart from as it's spoken today. The modern language as we have it today is spoken along the West Coast, in little pockets along the West Coast, some little pockets within Cork, in London Cork. And there's one small pocket on the East Coast of Ireland.
If we move down to the South Coast again, we find small pockets in Ring and in Dungarvan in Waterford. It's really where the land was poor, traditionally where the land was poor. If we go back to the Cromwellian times, we see that the Irish were pushed out to the west out toward where the land was poor. And basically that's where we find Irish today.
Now there has been-- since the end of the 19th century-- there has been a large move to re-establish it in urban centers along the East Coast in particular. We find it in Cork. We find it in Dublin. And we find it probably in the strongest manifestation of this is in Belfast. We find the language very, very vibrant when we go into the west of Belfast, we do.
But again, in order to touch base I suppose with the language in the form that is unbroken, going back into the mists of time through St. Patrick into when the Celts first came to Ireland, we need to go to what we call the [INAUDIBLE]. And that is these little pockets along the West Coast of Ireland.
Irish people have a very strange affinity with Irish, because when you come from abroad, when you come in through Ireland, and you come into the Republic of Ireland especially, you'll see all the signs are bilingual. And then you hear nearly everybody around you speaking in English.
But when you scratch a little bit below the surface you find, yes, they do all have a fairly good knowledge of Irish. And they have a very, very strong connection with the language. They're very, very happy particularly when they hear somebody coming from abroad, and when they come into the shop-- when they stop them and they say a little phrase like, [GAELIC], thank you, or [GAELIC], please, [GAELIC], hello.
You will always find if you come from abroad in through Ireland, you use a little bit of Irish that you've learned, Irish people will always respond very, very well to you. Better than they will respond to you if you speak English, which everybody speaks.
And we have a very, very strong tradition of teaching Irish in UCC. We have the Department of Ancient and Modern Irish, who deal with the language as it was in its earliest form. Then we have the Department of Modern Irish, who teach I suppose, the degree program, the academic program for students who would need to have a little bit of Irish before it.
In the center that I work for-- Ionad na Gaelige Labhartha-- we basically pick up where everybody else leaves off. And we need to do that, because apart from the people who are studying Irish as an academic subject, almost everybody in UCC wants to do the Irish. Members of staff want to do Irish. Families of members of staff want to do Irish. Students who are doing subjects [INAUDIBLE] as engineering, medicine, the sciences, they want to keep up their level of Irish when they're here. Or they want to learn it.
And very, very importantly, students who come from abroad and who come into Ireland, and who are greeted coming off the aeroplane, coming off the boat by Irish signs, they're mystified by this language. They can't pronounce it. They're looking at it. How do I say that? What do I do?
They come in to us. We have courses for them. And they're very, very popular courses.
Over the last 10 years we have taught Irish to over 2,000 people from abroad. We have a course-- a beginner's course, and a more advanced beginner's course. So that when you leave Ireland after your year here, you have a fairly good knowledge of the language, possibly up to nearly level A2 of the European framework.
I know that the poetry in particular has-- there's a scheme by which the poetry is financed-- the translation of the poetry is financed. So some of the modern poetry is being translated not just into English, but into Japanese, and the Spanish, and the French, and the German. And it does get quite an outing in the international world.
But the modern literature-- the prose literature, the short stories, the drama, and the novel-- doesn't get the same. I'm not too sure why that is. But it just doesn't get the same exposure on an international level.
I would encourage you to come to UCC. And when you arrive in UCC, we are in the O'Reilly building. We're very, very accessible.
You can contact us before you come into UCC. We provide you with all the information on our courses. And we would advise you to come and see us, as I said, as soon as you get here, or contact us before you get here. And we will certainly cater for you. We never turn anybody away.
For us, as Irish people, as people who work with the language who are committed to the language, it's always-- it touches us somewhere when we see people coming from abroad. And it's so easy to drift through Ireland and not to stop, and not to pay attention to the fact that-- wait a minute, Irish is a big, big part of all our culture. Whether we speak English, or whether we speak Irish, it's a big part of our culture, and that you recognize that.
We will always respond well to you for that.
And some day, I hope when you've come to Cork, when you've done our classes in Irish, you can return to this video. And you'll know what I have been saying to you.