Hear Barry Harris, Garry Giddens, and Ira Gitler sharing their experiences of Thelonious Monk

Hear Barry Harris, Garry Giddens, and Ira Gitler sharing their experiences of Thelonious Monk
An excerpt from the documentary Barry Harris: The Spirit of Bebop (1999).
Checkerboard Film Foundation (A Britannica Publishing Partner)
BARRY HARRIS: Monk laid in that bed right there, and he stayed there from--quite a while--10 years or somethin' like that, you know.
IRA GITLER: I think there was a period when they were--when Monk was practicing and Barry would listen to him and also where they would exchange choruses on the piano. But that was a little earlier on. In the last period I don't think Monk was doing much of anything. He was in a--an extreme depression.
GARY GIDDENS: The New York Jazz Repertory Company was the first attempt at having a permanent repertory band.
BARRY HARRIS: He hadn't gotten up really to play. So when we were having this big concert at Carnegie Hall . . .
GARY GIDDENS: One of the highlights was a concert of Thelonious Monk's music. And Monk was invited to play it, but Monk had already become a recluse. Nobody anticipated him showing [laughter] up. So they--they asked Barry to play the piano.
BARRY HARRIS: It was all Monk's music and Paul Jeffrey's. We had strings and everything and big arrangements, and I'd gone to rehearsal after rehearsal.
GARY GIDDENS: They wrote a series of concertos--based on Monk's tunes--that would feature the piano against the scrim of strings on the left side of the stage and a big band in the center and to the right.
BARRY HARRIS: I said to Monk--I say, "You sure you don't want to get up and play this concert tomorrow?" And he said . . . He didn't answer.
GARY GIDDENS: Two minutes before the curtain went up, we're all sitting in our seats--all 11 of us, and Barry is waiting to be introduced--and Monk just came out of nowhere; and he Walked right by him onto the stage; played two hours. It was unbelievable.
BARRY HARRIS: So one thing I could say I got paid free [laughter], you know. But he played the gig. It was nice, too. He played good, too.
IRA GITLER: I think there was a period when they were--when Monk was practicing and Barry would listen to him and also where they would exchange choruses on the piano. But that was a little earlier on. In the last period I don't think Monk was doing much of anything. He was in a--an extreme depression.
GARY GIDDENS: The New York Jazz Repertory Company was the first attempt at having a permanent repertory band.
BARRY HARRIS: He hadn't gotten up really to play. So when we were having this big concert at Carnegie Hall . . .
GARY GIDDENS: One of the highlights was a concert of Thelonious Monk's music. And Monk was invited to play it, but Monk had already become a recluse. Nobody anticipated him showing [laughter] up. So they--they asked Barry to play the piano.
BARRY HARRIS: It was all Monk's music and Paul Jeffrey's. We had strings and everything and big arrangements, and I'd gone to rehearsal after rehearsal.
GARY GIDDENS: They wrote a series of concertos--based on Monk's tunes--that would feature the piano against the scrim of strings on the left side of the stage and a big band in the center and to the right.
BARRY HARRIS: I said to Monk--I say, "You sure you don't want to get up and play this concert tomorrow?" And he said . . . He didn't answer.
GARY GIDDENS: Two minutes before the curtain went up, we're all sitting in our seats--all 11 of us, and Barry is waiting to be introduced--and Monk just came out of nowhere; and he Walked right by him onto the stage; played two hours. It was unbelievable.
BARRY HARRIS: So one thing I could say I got paid free [laughter], you know. But he played the gig. It was nice, too. He played good, too.