A geology safari through Germany's Eifel region

A geology safari through Germany's Eifel region
The geology of the Eifel region, western Germany.
Contunico © ZDF Studios GmbH, Mainz; Thumbnail © Patricia Hofmeester/Dreamstime.com
NARRATOR: Germany's Eifel region was shaped both by volcanoes and the fact that the entire area was tucked away beneath the surface of the sea for millions of years. Joachim Hepp takes us on a geology safari, sharing more of the region's secrets.
JOACHIM HEPP: "If we were to turn back the clock 370 million years, we'd probably find ourselves standing 50 meters beneath the sea. This entire area was once a coral reef. Here you can see a branch of coral that was inhabited by a polyp. It used its tentacle to get food from the sea. This part here is a crab shell - a so-called Calceola Sandalina. You can still make out its sandal-like shape."
NARRATOR: After taking us to see some prehistoric molluscs, Joachim Hepp drives us to the Arendsberg Volcano or, more precisely, inside the Arendsberg Volcano.
HEPP: "Here we are, right in the middle of the volcano. This isn't the volcanic crater though. Basalt was once mined here, and you can still see evidence of it in the basalt formations, or rather the basalt pillars, which stick out very prominently. The position of the pillars indicates that we're in a volcanic vent, or rather a diatreme in the heart of the volcano. If you were to turn back the clock 24 million years, we would be roughly around 150 meters underground right now."
NARRATOR: The next destination on our geology safari lies deep in the wild growth of the Eifel's low mountains. And it's real curiosity.
HEPP: "We're now standing here on the Lohner waterfall. It's a growing waterfall that continues to get bigger and bigger. It grows about 10 centimeters in a single year. 4.5 tons of chalk are produced annually by the waterfall - that's 500 grams per hour. The chalk sticks to the moss, resulting in calcareous sinter deposits and causing the waterfall to get bigger and taller."
NARRATOR: So what have we learned on our geology safari? The Eifel region's low mountains weren't formed just by volcanoes. Water has made mountains here, even if only little ones.
JOACHIM HEPP: "If we were to turn back the clock 370 million years, we'd probably find ourselves standing 50 meters beneath the sea. This entire area was once a coral reef. Here you can see a branch of coral that was inhabited by a polyp. It used its tentacle to get food from the sea. This part here is a crab shell - a so-called Calceola Sandalina. You can still make out its sandal-like shape."
NARRATOR: After taking us to see some prehistoric molluscs, Joachim Hepp drives us to the Arendsberg Volcano or, more precisely, inside the Arendsberg Volcano.
HEPP: "Here we are, right in the middle of the volcano. This isn't the volcanic crater though. Basalt was once mined here, and you can still see evidence of it in the basalt formations, or rather the basalt pillars, which stick out very prominently. The position of the pillars indicates that we're in a volcanic vent, or rather a diatreme in the heart of the volcano. If you were to turn back the clock 24 million years, we would be roughly around 150 meters underground right now."
NARRATOR: The next destination on our geology safari lies deep in the wild growth of the Eifel's low mountains. And it's real curiosity.
HEPP: "We're now standing here on the Lohner waterfall. It's a growing waterfall that continues to get bigger and bigger. It grows about 10 centimeters in a single year. 4.5 tons of chalk are produced annually by the waterfall - that's 500 grams per hour. The chalk sticks to the moss, resulting in calcareous sinter deposits and causing the waterfall to get bigger and taller."
NARRATOR: So what have we learned on our geology safari? The Eifel region's low mountains weren't formed just by volcanoes. Water has made mountains here, even if only little ones.