Learn about the early outbreak of the AIDS epidemic in the U.S.

Learn about the early outbreak of the AIDS epidemic in the U.S.
Learn about the history of the AIDS epidemic in the U.S., including the response from activists and from political and medical establishments.
© World Science Festival (A Britannica Publishing Partner)
REPORTER 1: In medical news a potentially fatal disease unknown just months ago is spreading so quickly that doctors now say it's a national epidemic.
REPORTER 2: 90% of the cases have turned up in New York and six other cities. It is spreading at an alarming rate.
REPORTER 3: Researchers offer little hope for future victims, because no one knows what causes AIDS, or how to cure it.
REPORTER 4: Seven hundred and twenty-two cases of AIDS have been reported in New York City since the beginning of the outbreak.
REPORTER 5: Almost half of those diagnosed so far have died. AIDS was once found only among sexually active gay men, but not anymore.
REPORTER 6: Researchers complain that very little money has been spent nationwide to understand it or to combat it. One reason for that, they believe, is that the primary at risk population is gay men who don't carry a lot of political clout.
REPORTER 7: This epidemic is not going to remain localized in any one group. Epidemics affect people. We need funding to stimulate research to find the cause of this new disease.
REPORTER 8: Would you support a massive government research program against AIDS?
RONALD REAGAN: I have been supporting it. We have $100 million in the budget this year.
PETER JENNINGS: The National Academy of Sciences has issued a very stern warning on the subject of AIDS. The current efforts are described as woefully inadequate.
REPORTER 9: This report calls for the government to spend $2 billion a year on AIDS research and education. The panel urged the use of condoms during intercourse.
DAVID BALTIMORE: We hope it will make a risky situation completely safe, but I don't think there's sufficient research to be certain.
REPORTER 10: He was tall, dark, and handsome, and he had that name.
REPORTER 11: Word of Rock Hudson's death spread quickly this morning, and friends and associates rushed to his Beverly Hills home.
REPORTER 12: For the first time today the government approved prescription sales of the drug to treat AIDS.
REPORTER 13: AZT is not a cure. AZT only seems to extend life for an average nine months.
PROTESTERS: Twenty-two thousand die from AIDS, where was the FDA?
PROTESTER 1: We want more experimental drugs tested in more people as quickly as possible. People are dying. We're caught in the middle, and we don't know what to do except protest, and protest, and protest.
PROTESTERS: Act up, fight back, fight AIDS, act up, fight back, fight AIDS.
PROTESTER 2: I would like you to join us in an act of activism.
PROTESTERS: AIDS no more! AIDS no more! Paul Watford. Michael Talbot. Rodney Arthur. James Menzi.
REPORTER 14: A quilt, made by Americans across the country, was unfurled.
REPORTER 15: He was diagnosed with AIDS five years ago, when he was 13. One of the first children know to have AIDS at that time.
SPEAKER 1: There's a real danger right now of complacency in the fight against AIDS, because a lot of people feel, well, gee, I'm not going to get it.
MAGIC JOHNSON: Because of the HIV virus I have attained, I will have to retire from the Lakers.
JENNINGS: Officials of the World Health Organization say that four million women will die of AIDS by the year 2000.
ELIZABETH GLASER: I found out that I had been infected with the AIDS virus.
MARY FISHER: I ask the Republican Party to lift the shroud of silence, which has been draped over the issue of HIV and AIDS.
ARTHUR ASHE: AIDS patients are not to be pitied. None of us want pity. We do want compassion. We do want understanding.
JENNINGS: The scientific advisory panel has recommended that the Food and Drug Administration approve a new drug called most important advance since AZT.
SPEAKER 2: It's a step in the right direction.
REPORTER 16: AIDS patients are living both better and longer. New York, which has the highest number of AIDS patients in the country, has shown a dramatic decrease in the number of AIDS deaths, a 30% drop.
REPORTER 17: We have a fresh reminder this morning that the AIDS epidemic is anything but history. A report from the United Nations says that despite promising new treatments more than 33.5 million people are now infected with HIV. And that number is expected to keep climbing.
AIDS SURVIVOR: Despite what you may have heard, I am cured of the AIDS virus.
SPEAKER 3: We can now say with some confidence that we have the scientific basis to bring an end to this epidemic. We are not sure when that's going to happen, but we know it's possible.
BARACK OBAMA: Few could have imagined that we'd be talking about the real possibility of an AIDS free generation. We've got to keep fighting, fight for every person who needs our help today, but also fight for every person who didn't live to see this moment. Keep fighting for all of them, because we can end this pandemic. We can beat this disease. We can win this fight.
REPORTER 2: 90% of the cases have turned up in New York and six other cities. It is spreading at an alarming rate.
REPORTER 3: Researchers offer little hope for future victims, because no one knows what causes AIDS, or how to cure it.
REPORTER 4: Seven hundred and twenty-two cases of AIDS have been reported in New York City since the beginning of the outbreak.
REPORTER 5: Almost half of those diagnosed so far have died. AIDS was once found only among sexually active gay men, but not anymore.
REPORTER 6: Researchers complain that very little money has been spent nationwide to understand it or to combat it. One reason for that, they believe, is that the primary at risk population is gay men who don't carry a lot of political clout.
REPORTER 7: This epidemic is not going to remain localized in any one group. Epidemics affect people. We need funding to stimulate research to find the cause of this new disease.
REPORTER 8: Would you support a massive government research program against AIDS?
RONALD REAGAN: I have been supporting it. We have $100 million in the budget this year.
PETER JENNINGS: The National Academy of Sciences has issued a very stern warning on the subject of AIDS. The current efforts are described as woefully inadequate.
REPORTER 9: This report calls for the government to spend $2 billion a year on AIDS research and education. The panel urged the use of condoms during intercourse.
DAVID BALTIMORE: We hope it will make a risky situation completely safe, but I don't think there's sufficient research to be certain.
REPORTER 10: He was tall, dark, and handsome, and he had that name.
REPORTER 11: Word of Rock Hudson's death spread quickly this morning, and friends and associates rushed to his Beverly Hills home.
REPORTER 12: For the first time today the government approved prescription sales of the drug to treat AIDS.
REPORTER 13: AZT is not a cure. AZT only seems to extend life for an average nine months.
PROTESTERS: Twenty-two thousand die from AIDS, where was the FDA?
PROTESTER 1: We want more experimental drugs tested in more people as quickly as possible. People are dying. We're caught in the middle, and we don't know what to do except protest, and protest, and protest.
PROTESTERS: Act up, fight back, fight AIDS, act up, fight back, fight AIDS.
PROTESTER 2: I would like you to join us in an act of activism.
PROTESTERS: AIDS no more! AIDS no more! Paul Watford. Michael Talbot. Rodney Arthur. James Menzi.
REPORTER 14: A quilt, made by Americans across the country, was unfurled.
REPORTER 15: He was diagnosed with AIDS five years ago, when he was 13. One of the first children know to have AIDS at that time.
SPEAKER 1: There's a real danger right now of complacency in the fight against AIDS, because a lot of people feel, well, gee, I'm not going to get it.
MAGIC JOHNSON: Because of the HIV virus I have attained, I will have to retire from the Lakers.
JENNINGS: Officials of the World Health Organization say that four million women will die of AIDS by the year 2000.
ELIZABETH GLASER: I found out that I had been infected with the AIDS virus.
MARY FISHER: I ask the Republican Party to lift the shroud of silence, which has been draped over the issue of HIV and AIDS.
ARTHUR ASHE: AIDS patients are not to be pitied. None of us want pity. We do want compassion. We do want understanding.
JENNINGS: The scientific advisory panel has recommended that the Food and Drug Administration approve a new drug called most important advance since AZT.
SPEAKER 2: It's a step in the right direction.
REPORTER 16: AIDS patients are living both better and longer. New York, which has the highest number of AIDS patients in the country, has shown a dramatic decrease in the number of AIDS deaths, a 30% drop.
REPORTER 17: We have a fresh reminder this morning that the AIDS epidemic is anything but history. A report from the United Nations says that despite promising new treatments more than 33.5 million people are now infected with HIV. And that number is expected to keep climbing.
AIDS SURVIVOR: Despite what you may have heard, I am cured of the AIDS virus.
SPEAKER 3: We can now say with some confidence that we have the scientific basis to bring an end to this epidemic. We are not sure when that's going to happen, but we know it's possible.
BARACK OBAMA: Few could have imagined that we'd be talking about the real possibility of an AIDS free generation. We've got to keep fighting, fight for every person who needs our help today, but also fight for every person who didn't live to see this moment. Keep fighting for all of them, because we can end this pandemic. We can beat this disease. We can win this fight.