What is Avogadro's law?

What is Avogadro's law?
How do you weigh a molecule?
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How do you weigh a molecule?
It’s not easy. The largest stable molecule ever constructed, known as PG5, contains roughly 20 million atoms but is still difficult to weigh... You would need more than a trillion molecules of PG5 just to match the weight of a typical human hair.
An Italian scientist named Amedeo Avogadro helped to solve this “weighty” issue. The key turned out to be a simple hypothesis: At the same temperature and pressure, the same volume of two different gasses will contain the same number of atoms. Today we call this Avogadro’s Law. This means we can figure out the relative weight and mass of different molecules by weighing a lot of molecules.
Avogadro’s Law tells us that if you can find the weight (or mass) of two equal volumes of a gas, the relationship between those weights will be the same as the relationship between the weights of a single molecule of each gas. Let’s compare the mass of hydrogen and oxygen. Take two grams of hydrogen gas (H2). If we measure out the same volume of oxygen gas (O2), we find the mass of the oxygen is about 32 grams. If a volume of oxygen gas is 16 times as massive as a volume of hydrogen gas, then a molecule of oxygen is also 16 times as massive as a molecule of hydrogen. Over time, Avogrado’s work contributed to the creation of a new unit of measure — the mole. The mole allows scientists to measure a large number of very small entities, such as molecules or atoms. One mole of a substance is roughly the number of atoms needed to convert the substance’s molecular weight to its mass in grams. One mole of H2, has a molecular weight of just over 2. One mole of O2 has a molecular weight of about 32. The number of entities in a mole was named in honor of Avogadro. Avogadro’s Number is 6.02214076 × 1023. That means that our one mole of H2 contains about six hundred septillion molecules. And, of course, so does a mole of O2, or a mole of any other molecule.
Avogadro’s Law tells us that if you can find the weight (or mass) of two equal volumes of a gas, the relationship between those weights will be the same as the relationship between the weights of a single molecule of each gas. Let’s compare the mass of hydrogen and oxygen. Take two grams of hydrogen gas (H2). If we measure out the same volume of oxygen gas (O2), we find the mass of the oxygen is about 32 grams. If a volume of oxygen gas is 16 times as massive as a volume of hydrogen gas, then a molecule of oxygen is also 16 times as massive as a molecule of hydrogen. Over time, Avogrado’s work contributed to the creation of a new unit of measure — the mole. The mole allows scientists to measure a large number of very small entities, such as molecules or atoms. One mole of a substance is roughly the number of atoms needed to convert the substance’s molecular weight to its mass in grams. One mole of H2, has a molecular weight of just over 2. One mole of O2 has a molecular weight of about 32. The number of entities in a mole was named in honor of Avogadro. Avogadro’s Number is 6.02214076 × 1023. That means that our one mole of H2 contains about six hundred septillion molecules. And, of course, so does a mole of O2, or a mole of any other molecule.