Tour a former flatware factory in Fleckenberg, Germany

Tour a former flatware factory in Fleckenberg, Germany
Visit a museum in Fleckenberg, Germany, where visitors can see how spoons and other flatware are made.
Contunico © ZDF Studios GmbH, Mainz
NARRATOR: We are at the Technical Museum in Fleckenberg, Germany. Visitors here can see how rough pieces of sheet metal are shaped into attractive coffee spoons using hydropower alone. It is a complicated process that requires six steps and a wide array of machinery. But Hans Stutte handles the presses, drums, spindles and polishing machines with the elegance of a concert pianist. The highlight of the production process is when the spoon bowl, the indentation in the spoon, is shaped with a press.
HANS STUTTE: "The spindle creates the stroke, that is, the power to shape the bowl at the end of the spoon. You see, here's the negative and the positive, I just lay my spoon in here and, there, the bowl is done."
NARRATOR: The last bowl was pressed into the last spoon here in the early 1980s. After that the abandoned factory was left to crumble until it and its old time clock were made listed historical monuments. The local preservation club took over from there and renovated the structure, turning it into a museum. The undertaking was a great success.
LUISE ADAMS: "A woman came in and said, 'That's just how my husband smelled when he came home from work.' People stand there and say, 'Here they are, all those machines I worked on my whole life.' For some coming here is like a homecoming and the children really enjoy visiting. Nine-, 10-, 11-year-olds, you don't need to tell them to pay attention, they are enthralled."
NARRATOR: And this museum isn't just for children. Did you have any idea that German knife handles used to be filled with sand from the Rhine? Or how to make spoons of different sizes and bowl depths? According to Hans Stutte, a good spoon will last a lifetime.
STUTTE: "You should come here before you no longer need one anymore."
HANS STUTTE: "The spindle creates the stroke, that is, the power to shape the bowl at the end of the spoon. You see, here's the negative and the positive, I just lay my spoon in here and, there, the bowl is done."
NARRATOR: The last bowl was pressed into the last spoon here in the early 1980s. After that the abandoned factory was left to crumble until it and its old time clock were made listed historical monuments. The local preservation club took over from there and renovated the structure, turning it into a museum. The undertaking was a great success.
LUISE ADAMS: "A woman came in and said, 'That's just how my husband smelled when he came home from work.' People stand there and say, 'Here they are, all those machines I worked on my whole life.' For some coming here is like a homecoming and the children really enjoy visiting. Nine-, 10-, 11-year-olds, you don't need to tell them to pay attention, they are enthralled."
NARRATOR: And this museum isn't just for children. Did you have any idea that German knife handles used to be filled with sand from the Rhine? Or how to make spoons of different sizes and bowl depths? According to Hans Stutte, a good spoon will last a lifetime.
STUTTE: "You should come here before you no longer need one anymore."