Why do onions make you cry?

Why do onions make you cry?
Learn why chopping raw onions causes eyes to burn and release tears.
© American Chemical Society (A Britannica Publishing Partner)
[MUSIC PLAYING] SPEAKER: Whether diced, caramelized, or sauteed, if you cook, you've probably shed a few tears while chopping an onion. The answer to why onions make you cry begins underground. Onions are a vegetable belonging to the plant genus allium along with 400 other variations that include garlic and chives. Sulfur in the earth is absorbed by these vegetables to form amino acid sulfoxides, sulfur compounds that readily turn into a gas.
When you cut into an onion, you break open loads of individual onion cells. These ruptured cells release special enzymes as well as amino acid sulfoxides, which form sulfenic acid. The sulfenic acid in onion enzymes react to form Syn-Propanethial S-Oxide. This tough-to-pronounce gas floats up from the chopped onions and eventually reaches your eyes.
The front surface of your eyes is equipped with special sensory nerves that detect and protect your precious eyeballs from physical and chemical irritants. These nerves respond to this gas by sending a signal to your central nervous system, which you could feel as a burning sensation. This nerve signal is carried back to your lacrimal glands, which release tears to wash the irritant away.
Don't be such a baby. Once those onions start sizzling, the enzymes that help form Syn-Propanethial S-Oxide become inactive. You can also avoid weepy onion-slicing sessions by refrigerating them before cutting. The cold reduces the tendency for some of volatile onion compounds to turn into a gas.
Before you start sobbing about the onions tearful effects, think about this. Those same sulfur compounds that make you cry also give onions some of their distinctive flavor. And hey, if you really want to avoid tears the next time you chop onions, just wear goggles.
When you cut into an onion, you break open loads of individual onion cells. These ruptured cells release special enzymes as well as amino acid sulfoxides, which form sulfenic acid. The sulfenic acid in onion enzymes react to form Syn-Propanethial S-Oxide. This tough-to-pronounce gas floats up from the chopped onions and eventually reaches your eyes.
The front surface of your eyes is equipped with special sensory nerves that detect and protect your precious eyeballs from physical and chemical irritants. These nerves respond to this gas by sending a signal to your central nervous system, which you could feel as a burning sensation. This nerve signal is carried back to your lacrimal glands, which release tears to wash the irritant away.
Don't be such a baby. Once those onions start sizzling, the enzymes that help form Syn-Propanethial S-Oxide become inactive. You can also avoid weepy onion-slicing sessions by refrigerating them before cutting. The cold reduces the tendency for some of volatile onion compounds to turn into a gas.
Before you start sobbing about the onions tearful effects, think about this. Those same sulfur compounds that make you cry also give onions some of their distinctive flavor. And hey, if you really want to avoid tears the next time you chop onions, just wear goggles.