Why was ancient Egypt so successful?

Why was ancient Egypt so successful?
An overview of ancient Egypt, including a discussion of hieroglyphics and the pyramids.
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NARRATOR: The Egyptians - a culture boasting extraordinary accomplishments was way ahead of its time. The Nile, a river which traces an over 120-mile path through the desert, provided the foundation for their civilization. The river brought fertility to the land, and peace lasting millennia helped it flourish. Ancient Egypt was impressive; even in antiquity its architecture and monumental structures left visitors breathless. Contemporary accounts report how advanced the Egyptians were in sciences and technology. Archaeological excavations confirm that Egypt was the birthplace of our civilization. Abydos is the site of the Egyptians' first sacred ground. Archaeologists have dated a potsherd with an inscription from King Scorpion to 3200 B.C., making it quite possibly the oldest scripted tableau in human history. For the Egyptians this was a groundbreaking cultural achievement which greatly contributed to the development of the empire.
KENT WEEKS: The development of writing in Ancient Egypt made possible the development of Egyptian civilization in its most complex forms. Without writing, there could have been no record keeping.
NARRATOR: Ancient Egypt was the first culture to document its existence, preserving its story for posterity. Mysterious symbols which had long been forgotten. It was not until 200 years ago that researchers managed to unlock the hidden meanings of the hieroglyphs. Many historical records tell of the pyramids. Archaeologists are still at a loss when it comes to explaining how it was possible to assemble millions of stone blocks to construct the Great Pyramid of Giza, the Seventh Wonder of the World. It's thought that the Egyptians employed ramps to build them. How exactly the pyramids were erected will forever remain a mystery. What is certain is that it took a concerted effort on the part of all Egyptians.
The pharaoh and his pyramids were the focus of all social life in Ancient Egypt. The Egyptian people aided and venerated the king, laboring to realize his construction projects. In return the pharaoh guaranteed his people a stable and orderly community life. It was thus that the pyramids gained political meaning. They helped ensure power and stability for the pharaohs. A model of leadership that succeeded: the Egyptian Empire was a picture of stability which remained invulnerable for thousands of years.
KENT WEEKS: The development of writing in Ancient Egypt made possible the development of Egyptian civilization in its most complex forms. Without writing, there could have been no record keeping.
NARRATOR: Ancient Egypt was the first culture to document its existence, preserving its story for posterity. Mysterious symbols which had long been forgotten. It was not until 200 years ago that researchers managed to unlock the hidden meanings of the hieroglyphs. Many historical records tell of the pyramids. Archaeologists are still at a loss when it comes to explaining how it was possible to assemble millions of stone blocks to construct the Great Pyramid of Giza, the Seventh Wonder of the World. It's thought that the Egyptians employed ramps to build them. How exactly the pyramids were erected will forever remain a mystery. What is certain is that it took a concerted effort on the part of all Egyptians.
The pharaoh and his pyramids were the focus of all social life in Ancient Egypt. The Egyptian people aided and venerated the king, laboring to realize his construction projects. In return the pharaoh guaranteed his people a stable and orderly community life. It was thus that the pyramids gained political meaning. They helped ensure power and stability for the pharaohs. A model of leadership that succeeded: the Egyptian Empire was a picture of stability which remained invulnerable for thousands of years.