History of the feminist movement in 1970s West Germany

History of the feminist movement in 1970s West Germany
Brief overview of the women's movement in West Germany during the 1970s.
Contunico © ZDF Studios GmbH, Mainz
NARRATOR: The youth rebels. The revolts of 1968 bring a lasting change to West German society.
ALICE SCHWARZER: "The women’s movement reacted to 1968, because they suddenly realized that there were men who wanted to free the whole world and the last Bolivian farmer, but we could continue to make coffee and do the typing."
NARRATOR: At the beginning of the 1970s, there are the first women’s protests. They want to make their own decisions, including when to have children. Especially the young no longer want to conform to the traditional role model of the housewife. According to the law, women are only allowed to work, if they don’t neglect their duties as wives and mothers. There is fierce debate about Paragraph 218, making abortion a criminal offense. The protest becomes a scandal when some of the women admit publicly to having had an abortion.
SCHWARZER: "It took a lot of courage. Doing it meant you didn’t know if you would be arrested the following day, if the neighbors would still talk to you, or if you might lose your job. It was an unparalleled provocation at a time when women still died as a result of illegal abortions."
NARRATOR: The protests get results. Abortion becomes legal under certain conditions. And women are now allowed to work without the consent of their husbands. It’s fanning the flames of the new feminist movement. Women’s conferences demand equal rights on all levels. There are book shops just for women, no men allowed. One magazine becomes the symbol of female resistance. It’s called 'Emma'. It creates a stir. The editor and publisher is Alice Schwarzer, known as a confrontational leading figure of the new women’s movement.
SCHWARZER: "Of course the women’s movement upset the balance of the traditional hierarchy between men and women, which was widespread and unchallenged. It upset the balance of the whole society."
NARRATOR: From then on, the topic of women’s emancipation and equal rights are ingrained in public debate.
ALICE SCHWARZER: "The women’s movement reacted to 1968, because they suddenly realized that there were men who wanted to free the whole world and the last Bolivian farmer, but we could continue to make coffee and do the typing."
NARRATOR: At the beginning of the 1970s, there are the first women’s protests. They want to make their own decisions, including when to have children. Especially the young no longer want to conform to the traditional role model of the housewife. According to the law, women are only allowed to work, if they don’t neglect their duties as wives and mothers. There is fierce debate about Paragraph 218, making abortion a criminal offense. The protest becomes a scandal when some of the women admit publicly to having had an abortion.
SCHWARZER: "It took a lot of courage. Doing it meant you didn’t know if you would be arrested the following day, if the neighbors would still talk to you, or if you might lose your job. It was an unparalleled provocation at a time when women still died as a result of illegal abortions."
NARRATOR: The protests get results. Abortion becomes legal under certain conditions. And women are now allowed to work without the consent of their husbands. It’s fanning the flames of the new feminist movement. Women’s conferences demand equal rights on all levels. There are book shops just for women, no men allowed. One magazine becomes the symbol of female resistance. It’s called 'Emma'. It creates a stir. The editor and publisher is Alice Schwarzer, known as a confrontational leading figure of the new women’s movement.
SCHWARZER: "Of course the women’s movement upset the balance of the traditional hierarchy between men and women, which was widespread and unchallenged. It upset the balance of the whole society."
NARRATOR: From then on, the topic of women’s emancipation and equal rights are ingrained in public debate.