Hear about Voto Mobile, a survey via radio and mobile phone in Ghana to help the public communicate their views and opinions on various issues

Hear about Voto Mobile, a survey via radio and mobile phone in Ghana to help the public communicate their views and opinions on various issues
Investigating how public opinion polling in Ghana via mobile phone and radio can amplify citizens' political voices there.
Displayed by permission of The Regents of the University of California. All rights reserved. (A Britannica Publishing Partner)
KWEKU OPOKU-AGYEMANG: Democracy is not perfect, you know, but it's the least unperfect system there is.
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My name is Kweku Opoku-Agyemang, and I'm from Ghana. I think I have one of the best jobs here at the Blum Center, because I get to work on governance issues and technology. In Ghana radio is the most popular media by far. Most Ghanaians would line up literally for miles to call into radio stations. So what I decided to do was to introduce radio called--to a survey called Voto Mobile [music out]. Voto Mobile allows several thousands of surveys to be done in a matter of days. And people can answer questions on their regular mobile phones at any point in time, not just during a radio program. It allows people to communicate in the five major languages used in Ghana so that it's inclusive and everybody can participate. It's one thing to do a poll and show some graphs [music in], but I think there's something very natural and innate about hearing one person talking to another about very basic concerns.
What are people thinking about water access? What are people thinking about electricity access? What are people thinking about health, education, school, and so on? It will encourage citizens to feel that their concerns are being taken more seriously--and also for elected officials to feel more connected to their citizens.
My hope is that this project will contribute to Ghana's democracy, if even in a small way, and hold elected officials accountable to the people who are putting their trust in them.
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My name is Kweku Opoku-Agyemang, and I'm from Ghana. I think I have one of the best jobs here at the Blum Center, because I get to work on governance issues and technology. In Ghana radio is the most popular media by far. Most Ghanaians would line up literally for miles to call into radio stations. So what I decided to do was to introduce radio called--to a survey called Voto Mobile [music out]. Voto Mobile allows several thousands of surveys to be done in a matter of days. And people can answer questions on their regular mobile phones at any point in time, not just during a radio program. It allows people to communicate in the five major languages used in Ghana so that it's inclusive and everybody can participate. It's one thing to do a poll and show some graphs [music in], but I think there's something very natural and innate about hearing one person talking to another about very basic concerns.
What are people thinking about water access? What are people thinking about electricity access? What are people thinking about health, education, school, and so on? It will encourage citizens to feel that their concerns are being taken more seriously--and also for elected officials to feel more connected to their citizens.
My hope is that this project will contribute to Ghana's democracy, if even in a small way, and hold elected officials accountable to the people who are putting their trust in them.
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