Understand how music therapy is helping young children in Australian elementary schools to deal with grief, loss and other behavioral and emotional disorders

Understand how music therapy is helping young children in Australian elementary schools to deal with grief, loss and other behavioral and emotional disorders
Learn about a therapeutic program of music instruction in Australian elementary schools.
© University of Melbourne, Victoria, Australia (A Britannica Publishing Partner)
DR. KATRINA SKEWES MCFERRAN: Schools are, potentially, a place where the mind is engaged but the soul of the person isn't engaged. And what we hear from teachers constantly is that they are struggling to keep children attending, to keep them retained in school, and to keep them interested in what it is that they're learning. Music Matters came out of research into how music therapy was helping young people in schools who were struggling, first of all, with grief and loss, and then with different behavioral and emotional disorders. And what we found was that music therapy was very helpful, but we didn't feel as though we were actually impacting their lives beyond the group.
LUCY BOLGER: There are many young people and children for whom formalized methods of music are not the way. They're not engaging them in certain ways. There's also not very much of that happening at schools. So I think Music Matters offers a different forum. It's not about becoming the best musician you can be. It's about engaging as honestly and openly in music, in however that's going to work for you.
MCFERRAN: We really believe that by introducing music beyond music experts, introducing it into every part of the curriculum, that that will lead to a more engaged and a more powerful learning opportunity for students in Australian schools.
STUDENTS: [SINGING] There are so many ways people say hi.
JOHN DECOITE: Initially, there was a few of the boys, in particular, a bit dubious about how it would go. But they really got involved and got interested in it. And they enjoyed it. I think it's just strengthened their ideas and their enjoyment.
BRIANNE TIMMERMANS: It's really exciting and fun to learn new, different musics and things like that.
CAMPBELL STIFF: Getting involved with something like that, just making your own music, being with your friends as well, having help from people like [? Kath, ?] it's just-- I can't describe it. It's so fun. But our song that we've created, it goes a bit like this.
(SINGING) We need to keep our planet healthy and green. Rubbish in our rivers [INAUDIBLE]. Let's stop polluting. [INAUDIBLE]
MATT ARCHER: As a parent, just seeing my daughter coming home and being really excited that now there was a choir for her age group, as well, because previously there was only a senior choir, so she was very excited about having a choir for her age group. And coming on after choir every day, really happy, singing songs all the time and wanting to practice them all the time. So just as a parent, there was a real excitement from my child. I think if it gives them of a certain-- just an encouragement about being in school as well, and that's going to help them in the classroom as well. They are going to be more focused, and perhaps they can just enjoy the whole learning experience.
MCFERRAN: Music allows people to express something in themselves which is very real, and honest, and often, and often is described as transcending their pathology-- in clinical settings-- is how it's often described.
RAY YATES: Children gain not only confidence, they gain self-esteem, but they gain that creativity and the ability to think outside the box. So our real push was in the whole child, and we think this program has encapsulated that.
BOLGER: In order for a child who brings their whole self to school to perform best academically, they need to be able to support those parts of themselves that are perhaps a little bit less goal oriented, curriculum based, and tangible. And music offers opportunities within a school environment in very appropriate ways-- if you find the right ways in each school, to do that.
MCFERRAN: So our initial look at the data is suggesting that we can measure an increase in musical engagement, and what we're hoping we'll see with the next round of analysis is that that engagement is spread out into the community.
LUCY BOLGER: There are many young people and children for whom formalized methods of music are not the way. They're not engaging them in certain ways. There's also not very much of that happening at schools. So I think Music Matters offers a different forum. It's not about becoming the best musician you can be. It's about engaging as honestly and openly in music, in however that's going to work for you.
MCFERRAN: We really believe that by introducing music beyond music experts, introducing it into every part of the curriculum, that that will lead to a more engaged and a more powerful learning opportunity for students in Australian schools.
STUDENTS: [SINGING] There are so many ways people say hi.
JOHN DECOITE: Initially, there was a few of the boys, in particular, a bit dubious about how it would go. But they really got involved and got interested in it. And they enjoyed it. I think it's just strengthened their ideas and their enjoyment.
BRIANNE TIMMERMANS: It's really exciting and fun to learn new, different musics and things like that.
CAMPBELL STIFF: Getting involved with something like that, just making your own music, being with your friends as well, having help from people like [? Kath, ?] it's just-- I can't describe it. It's so fun. But our song that we've created, it goes a bit like this.
(SINGING) We need to keep our planet healthy and green. Rubbish in our rivers [INAUDIBLE]. Let's stop polluting. [INAUDIBLE]
MATT ARCHER: As a parent, just seeing my daughter coming home and being really excited that now there was a choir for her age group, as well, because previously there was only a senior choir, so she was very excited about having a choir for her age group. And coming on after choir every day, really happy, singing songs all the time and wanting to practice them all the time. So just as a parent, there was a real excitement from my child. I think if it gives them of a certain-- just an encouragement about being in school as well, and that's going to help them in the classroom as well. They are going to be more focused, and perhaps they can just enjoy the whole learning experience.
MCFERRAN: Music allows people to express something in themselves which is very real, and honest, and often, and often is described as transcending their pathology-- in clinical settings-- is how it's often described.
RAY YATES: Children gain not only confidence, they gain self-esteem, but they gain that creativity and the ability to think outside the box. So our real push was in the whole child, and we think this program has encapsulated that.
BOLGER: In order for a child who brings their whole self to school to perform best academically, they need to be able to support those parts of themselves that are perhaps a little bit less goal oriented, curriculum based, and tangible. And music offers opportunities within a school environment in very appropriate ways-- if you find the right ways in each school, to do that.
MCFERRAN: So our initial look at the data is suggesting that we can measure an increase in musical engagement, and what we're hoping we'll see with the next round of analysis is that that engagement is spread out into the community.