American Revolution: Paul Revere

American Revolution: Paul Revere
Learn about Paul Revere's role in the American Revolution.
© Civil War Trust (A Britannica Publishing Partner)
"Listen, my children, and you shall hear of the midnight ride of Paul Revere. On the 18th of April in 75-- Hardly a man is now alive who remembers this famous day and year."
Paul Revere was a Boston silversmith. He was kind of very involved with the Sons of Liberty pretty early on. This growing movement, this patriot movement, started in the early 1760s. It started with a man named Samuel Adams, who was a troublemaker, and a very, very strong believer in this idea, this crazy idea, that one day all the colonies should be independent and self-governing.
General Gage was attempting to disarm the Sons of Liberty. There are a number of powder houses in outlying towns of Boston. General Gage wanted to seize the munitions, and he heard that there was an enormous supply of munitions in Concord. And that is the case. So, basically, the surprise attack was meant to disarm the Sons of Liberty so that they would not be able to defend themselves in the event of any kind of combat.
So the Redcoats are marching on foot and their purpose is to seize the munitions. When Revere heard that the Redcoats were moving on that night, he asked Robert Newman to hang these two lanterns as a signal to a group of backup militia in Charlestown, who had been waiting and watching with a spyglass every night for about the last week or so. When they finally saw the two lanterns, they knew it was time to ride, and they headed up north and spread the alarm all the way up to New Hampshire.
There were two men left Boston that night. William Dawes was name of the other fellow. There were also several militiamen alerted in towns as these riders made their way to Lexington, and those towns alerted towns further out. So it was a town-to-town relay alarm system set in motion by these two men. Each one of those riders was risking arrest and hanging for doing what they did.
Now, this signal had everything to do with timing. The Redcoats were planning a surprise attack. The Lexington alarm ride spoiled that surprise attack by having our riders get out there first and alert all the towns. So instead of walking into a sleeping village, the Redcoats actually were walking into villages with minutemen, armed and ready to do battle. This was the case on Lexington Green and the case when they reached Concord.
Now, this is two lanterns, meaning the Redcoats were traveling, as it says in the poem, by sea. But it's not actually the sea. They're actually crossing the Charles River on boats to Lexington. If they were going by land, they would have to leave Boston peninsula by heading all the way south through what's called Boston Neck and swinging around west and heading up north to Lexington. That march would have taken about three hours longer. So this is the whole point of that lantern signal and why Longfellow used it in his poem. "One if by land, two if by sea."
Paul Revere was not anywhere near as famous in his own time as he is now today, as every classroom knows the name Paul Revere. And some of them don't know the name William Dawes. Had Longfellow written, "Listen my children and take a pause, to hear the story of William Dawes," then perhaps we'd be talking about a different personality.
Paul Revere was a Boston silversmith. He was kind of very involved with the Sons of Liberty pretty early on. This growing movement, this patriot movement, started in the early 1760s. It started with a man named Samuel Adams, who was a troublemaker, and a very, very strong believer in this idea, this crazy idea, that one day all the colonies should be independent and self-governing.
General Gage was attempting to disarm the Sons of Liberty. There are a number of powder houses in outlying towns of Boston. General Gage wanted to seize the munitions, and he heard that there was an enormous supply of munitions in Concord. And that is the case. So, basically, the surprise attack was meant to disarm the Sons of Liberty so that they would not be able to defend themselves in the event of any kind of combat.
So the Redcoats are marching on foot and their purpose is to seize the munitions. When Revere heard that the Redcoats were moving on that night, he asked Robert Newman to hang these two lanterns as a signal to a group of backup militia in Charlestown, who had been waiting and watching with a spyglass every night for about the last week or so. When they finally saw the two lanterns, they knew it was time to ride, and they headed up north and spread the alarm all the way up to New Hampshire.
There were two men left Boston that night. William Dawes was name of the other fellow. There were also several militiamen alerted in towns as these riders made their way to Lexington, and those towns alerted towns further out. So it was a town-to-town relay alarm system set in motion by these two men. Each one of those riders was risking arrest and hanging for doing what they did.
Now, this signal had everything to do with timing. The Redcoats were planning a surprise attack. The Lexington alarm ride spoiled that surprise attack by having our riders get out there first and alert all the towns. So instead of walking into a sleeping village, the Redcoats actually were walking into villages with minutemen, armed and ready to do battle. This was the case on Lexington Green and the case when they reached Concord.
Now, this is two lanterns, meaning the Redcoats were traveling, as it says in the poem, by sea. But it's not actually the sea. They're actually crossing the Charles River on boats to Lexington. If they were going by land, they would have to leave Boston peninsula by heading all the way south through what's called Boston Neck and swinging around west and heading up north to Lexington. That march would have taken about three hours longer. So this is the whole point of that lantern signal and why Longfellow used it in his poem. "One if by land, two if by sea."
Paul Revere was not anywhere near as famous in his own time as he is now today, as every classroom knows the name Paul Revere. And some of them don't know the name William Dawes. Had Longfellow written, "Listen my children and take a pause, to hear the story of William Dawes," then perhaps we'd be talking about a different personality.