Why does snow crunch underfoot?

Why does snow crunch underfoot?
Learn why snow makes a crunching sound when underfoot.
Contunico © ZDF Studios GmbH, Mainz
NARRATOR: The majestic beauty of a snowy, white landscape on a cold winter day is incomparable. And so is the unmistakable crunching sound that can be heard wherever people walk through the snow. Sometimes it's louder, other times it's quieter. But why exactly does snow crunch?
SKIER 1: "I have no idea. I don't know, but probably because it gets pressed together."
SKIER 2: "It's probably the snow crystals that we walk on."
SKIER 3: "It only crunches when it's cold."
SNOWBOARDER: "I just know that it melts under my snowboard."
SKIER 4: "I think it might be due to the ice crystals rubbing against each other."
NARRATOR: Snow falls silently to the ground, so is it the cold or simply friction that is responsible for the crunching sound it makes when we walk on it? Bernhard Zenke should know the answer. He works for the official avalanche warning service in Bavaria and is a genuine snow expert. He says that snow crunches because it's so fragile.
BERNHARD ZENKE: "If you take a close look at a snow crystal you can see that it has lots of little branches. When we walk on new snow, these tiny branches break up by the thousands and that causes the crunching sound we hear."
NARRATOR: So snow's crunching sound is down to the delicate ice branches. For the crystals to grow branches like this one, the air in the clouds has to have a temperature of around -12 degrees centigrade. If the air is warmer, only ice needles are formed. But whether they're shaped like needles or stars, the crystals are all fragile. And what about our skier's theory that friction is responsible for the crunching sound? Our expert tells us that this is also true, but only when the snow is compacted.
ZENKE: "Even when the snow is compressed it still crunches. This is because the broken snow particles from the ice crystals are rubbing against each other."
NARRATOR: But whether the snow is old or new, once the air warms up, there's no more crunching sound. This is because the ice crystals begin to bend then instead of breaking or rubbing against each other. So when the snow goes quiet, you know that the winter wonderland's time is almost up.
SKIER 1: "I have no idea. I don't know, but probably because it gets pressed together."
SKIER 2: "It's probably the snow crystals that we walk on."
SKIER 3: "It only crunches when it's cold."
SNOWBOARDER: "I just know that it melts under my snowboard."
SKIER 4: "I think it might be due to the ice crystals rubbing against each other."
NARRATOR: Snow falls silently to the ground, so is it the cold or simply friction that is responsible for the crunching sound it makes when we walk on it? Bernhard Zenke should know the answer. He works for the official avalanche warning service in Bavaria and is a genuine snow expert. He says that snow crunches because it's so fragile.
BERNHARD ZENKE: "If you take a close look at a snow crystal you can see that it has lots of little branches. When we walk on new snow, these tiny branches break up by the thousands and that causes the crunching sound we hear."
NARRATOR: So snow's crunching sound is down to the delicate ice branches. For the crystals to grow branches like this one, the air in the clouds has to have a temperature of around -12 degrees centigrade. If the air is warmer, only ice needles are formed. But whether they're shaped like needles or stars, the crystals are all fragile. And what about our skier's theory that friction is responsible for the crunching sound? Our expert tells us that this is also true, but only when the snow is compacted.
ZENKE: "Even when the snow is compressed it still crunches. This is because the broken snow particles from the ice crystals are rubbing against each other."
NARRATOR: But whether the snow is old or new, once the air warms up, there's no more crunching sound. This is because the ice crystals begin to bend then instead of breaking or rubbing against each other. So when the snow goes quiet, you know that the winter wonderland's time is almost up.