What causes powerful wind squalls?

What causes powerful wind squalls?
Learn about squalls.
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A few years ago a wind storm called Kyrill swept over Europe with wind gusts of up to 200 kilometers per hour. These wind gusts, also known as squalls, slammed into trees, houses and industrial structures, leaving a trail of destruction in their wake. The damage caused by the storm in Austria was cited at a cost of €100 million. In Germany the figure was even quoted at a huge €2.4 billion.
But what actually causes such destructive squalls? A squall is a short burst of air movement often occurring during heavy winds, storms, thunderstorms, hail or snow. They can also be described as brief, heavy gusts of wind. And squalls work on the basis of the same principle as wind itself. We feel wind as air movement that is sometimes stronger and sometimes weaker. Wind occurs when numerous air particles from higher pressure areas known as anticyclones flow into low pressure areas with fewer air particles. These particles always seek to be distributed evenly throughout the air, and the direction is always from a high pressure area to a low pressure area. Wind and squalls occur on the basis of this law of physics. But the greater the difference in the air pressure, the stronger the resulting air movement is. A brief calm only occurs once all of the air particles have been distributed evenly. Just when and where squalls will occur is unpredictable. Sometimes the wind is influenced by other factors, such as friction with tall buildings or flat water surfaces. But squalls can occur anywhere at any time. Wind is thus synonymous with movement.
But what actually causes such destructive squalls? A squall is a short burst of air movement often occurring during heavy winds, storms, thunderstorms, hail or snow. They can also be described as brief, heavy gusts of wind. And squalls work on the basis of the same principle as wind itself. We feel wind as air movement that is sometimes stronger and sometimes weaker. Wind occurs when numerous air particles from higher pressure areas known as anticyclones flow into low pressure areas with fewer air particles. These particles always seek to be distributed evenly throughout the air, and the direction is always from a high pressure area to a low pressure area. Wind and squalls occur on the basis of this law of physics. But the greater the difference in the air pressure, the stronger the resulting air movement is. A brief calm only occurs once all of the air particles have been distributed evenly. Just when and where squalls will occur is unpredictable. Sometimes the wind is influenced by other factors, such as friction with tall buildings or flat water surfaces. But squalls can occur anywhere at any time. Wind is thus synonymous with movement.