Discover the theater history of Chicago and the birth of the Goodman

Discover the theater history of Chicago and the birth of the Goodman
Learn about the history of theater in Chicago, including the art form's role as mass entertainment in an era without television or radio and as an avenue for experimentation in the so-called little theater movement.
Newberry Library (A Britannica Publishing Partner)
Theater got its start in Chicago before the great fire of 1871. The earliest theater was Rice's Theater. In the exhibit, we have materials from three other pre-fire theaters-- McVickers, Wood's Museum, and Crosby's Opera House.
I think live performance in this era was very important. People didn't have other diversions like television or radio or things like that, so it was an important part of people's lives.
We represent post-fire theater and some beautiful theater posters, which were put up on posts and things like that. They're really fantastic and they show kind of the vaudeville, burlesque variety act nature of a lot of the theater performances during this era. But during this time, too, there was serious theater. McVickers, for instance, and Wood's, both had stock companies. Traveling stars came in, like Edwin Booth, Clara Louise Kellogg. So there was serious drama. There was opera. And then there was more of this what you might call lowbrow theater, as well.
As part of the time, the literary and artistic ferment that was going on in many areas, people in the drama wanted to produce more realistic, more modern, more authentic plays. Things that weren't necessarily things that would succeed in a giant commercial theater. And so the little theater movement really got its start in the first decade of the 20th century.
You might be interested in the name behind The Goodman. It is Kenneth Sawyer Goodman.
Aside from writing one act plays, of which there are a number of varying quality, he also was very interested in the whole theater scene and the whole idea of quality drama. And had observed over and over again that these little theaters couldn't sustain themselves. So his idea was to create a repertory company and have it aligned with a school of drama.
I think live performance in this era was very important. People didn't have other diversions like television or radio or things like that, so it was an important part of people's lives.
We represent post-fire theater and some beautiful theater posters, which were put up on posts and things like that. They're really fantastic and they show kind of the vaudeville, burlesque variety act nature of a lot of the theater performances during this era. But during this time, too, there was serious theater. McVickers, for instance, and Wood's, both had stock companies. Traveling stars came in, like Edwin Booth, Clara Louise Kellogg. So there was serious drama. There was opera. And then there was more of this what you might call lowbrow theater, as well.
As part of the time, the literary and artistic ferment that was going on in many areas, people in the drama wanted to produce more realistic, more modern, more authentic plays. Things that weren't necessarily things that would succeed in a giant commercial theater. And so the little theater movement really got its start in the first decade of the 20th century.
You might be interested in the name behind The Goodman. It is Kenneth Sawyer Goodman.
Aside from writing one act plays, of which there are a number of varying quality, he also was very interested in the whole theater scene and the whole idea of quality drama. And had observed over and over again that these little theaters couldn't sustain themselves. So his idea was to create a repertory company and have it aligned with a school of drama.