Consider the theory of isostasy as an explanation for landforms and the geologic cycle

Consider the theory of isostasy as an explanation for landforms and the geologic cycle
The theory of isostasy.
Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc.
NARRATOR: We can begin to understand why each landform exists when we consider the theory of isostasy.
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According to isostasy, the relatively thin outer layer of rock, the crust, is not rigidly attached to the more dense rock beneath it.
The ocean floor and continents, which make up the crust, actually float on top of the viscous mantle.
Typically, the continental crust is thickest under the high mountain ranges and thinner under the lowlands. The thinnest crust is under the oceans.
If we were to remove the mountain tops, the dramatic weight loss would cause the mountains to rise up--like a ship unloading cargo.
Through erosion, water and wind do remove mountain tops, breaking them down into sediments and depositing them onto the lowlands . . . where their weight causes the crust to sink further into the mantle, lowering and smoothing the landscape.
When we look out over the landscape [music out], what we see is a frozen moment in the earth's geologic evolution.
Tens of millions of years of gradual change led to much of what we see today.
And with the same slow pace, the land will continue to change.
For all the diversity of earth's landscape, the landforms can be categorized into just three basic types: mountains, plateaus, and plains.
A scene like this is often a blending of the three types.
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According to isostasy, the relatively thin outer layer of rock, the crust, is not rigidly attached to the more dense rock beneath it.
The ocean floor and continents, which make up the crust, actually float on top of the viscous mantle.
Typically, the continental crust is thickest under the high mountain ranges and thinner under the lowlands. The thinnest crust is under the oceans.
If we were to remove the mountain tops, the dramatic weight loss would cause the mountains to rise up--like a ship unloading cargo.
Through erosion, water and wind do remove mountain tops, breaking them down into sediments and depositing them onto the lowlands . . . where their weight causes the crust to sink further into the mantle, lowering and smoothing the landscape.
When we look out over the landscape [music out], what we see is a frozen moment in the earth's geologic evolution.
Tens of millions of years of gradual change led to much of what we see today.
And with the same slow pace, the land will continue to change.
For all the diversity of earth's landscape, the landforms can be categorized into just three basic types: mountains, plateaus, and plains.
A scene like this is often a blending of the three types.