See how wire entanglement inside a well bore mitigates the effects of blowout preventer failure in an oil well

See how wire entanglement inside a well bore mitigates the effects of blowout preventer failure in an oil well
Learn about the experimental use of entangled wire as an obstruction to mitigate the effects of blowout preventer failure in an oil well.
© Massachusetts Institute of Technology (A Britannica Publishing Partner)
FOLKERS EDUARDO ROJAS: Given our growing demand for energy the offshore oil industry has resorted to drilling in deeper waters and at more extreme conditions. Ah, they're here. Under these operating conditions, there is an increased risk of a blowout preventer failure. The repercussions of a blowout are such that when a blowout takes place, the full reservoir volume can be released and depleted into the environment.
My PhD work centers on determining the feasibility of controlling a free-flowing well by generating a mechanical plug inside of the failed blowout preventer. It entailed the formulation of critical parameters that lead to wire entanglement in a flowing conduit and the development of a functional prototype, taking into consideration the operating constraint and industry requirements.
In order to prove the feasibility study of my approach, I considered the following-- generation of wire entanglement, subjected set structure to axial loads to determine the potential for anchoring within the wellbore, and sealing potential given the dimensions of the blowout preventer. To mitigate the effects of a blowout, like the BP Deepwater Horizon accident, which resulted in the release of approximately five million barrels of oil at an estimated cost of $42 billion for BP, my method consists of feeding a wire into a free-flowing wellbore to create an entanglement inside of the wellbore. As the entanglement reaches cohesion, it is pushed by the flow towards an existing obstruction, such as the partially closed [? rams ?] inside of the blowout preventer.
Simultaneously, I continue feeding a softer, more compressible material into the wellbore thus generating higher drag forces and further compressing initial entanglement against the obstruction to anchor the mechanical plug in the wellbore. Sealing is achieved as more and more soft material is compressed due to the significant pressure differential between the well and the environment.
FIREMAN: And you want it to go to 3-8-0.
ROJAS: My work has the potential to significantly reduce the time it takes to respond to an oil spill from the current 4 to 10 weeks to a mere 2 to 3 days, thus allowing for sufficient closure of the well until more permanent well-controlled solutions arrive on site. This means only a minimum amount of oil gets released into the environment.
I'm trying to prove that I can create an entanglement inside of a high speed flow. Cool?
ASSISTANT: Sounds good to me.
My PhD work centers on determining the feasibility of controlling a free-flowing well by generating a mechanical plug inside of the failed blowout preventer. It entailed the formulation of critical parameters that lead to wire entanglement in a flowing conduit and the development of a functional prototype, taking into consideration the operating constraint and industry requirements.
In order to prove the feasibility study of my approach, I considered the following-- generation of wire entanglement, subjected set structure to axial loads to determine the potential for anchoring within the wellbore, and sealing potential given the dimensions of the blowout preventer. To mitigate the effects of a blowout, like the BP Deepwater Horizon accident, which resulted in the release of approximately five million barrels of oil at an estimated cost of $42 billion for BP, my method consists of feeding a wire into a free-flowing wellbore to create an entanglement inside of the wellbore. As the entanglement reaches cohesion, it is pushed by the flow towards an existing obstruction, such as the partially closed [? rams ?] inside of the blowout preventer.
Simultaneously, I continue feeding a softer, more compressible material into the wellbore thus generating higher drag forces and further compressing initial entanglement against the obstruction to anchor the mechanical plug in the wellbore. Sealing is achieved as more and more soft material is compressed due to the significant pressure differential between the well and the environment.
FIREMAN: And you want it to go to 3-8-0.
ROJAS: My work has the potential to significantly reduce the time it takes to respond to an oil spill from the current 4 to 10 weeks to a mere 2 to 3 days, thus allowing for sufficient closure of the well until more permanent well-controlled solutions arrive on site. This means only a minimum amount of oil gets released into the environment.
I'm trying to prove that I can create an entanglement inside of a high speed flow. Cool?
ASSISTANT: Sounds good to me.