Learn about emulsion and a simple way to make and reconfigure the complex emulsions

Learn about emulsion and a simple way to make and reconfigure the complex emulsions
A simple way to make and reconfigure complex emulsions.
© Massachusetts Institute of Technology (A Britannica Publishing Partner)
VISHNU SRESHT: We're interested in understanding how different types of liquids that don't normally like each other can be made to play nice with each other. These mixtures are known as emulsions.
LAUREN ZARZAR: An emulsion is a mixture of two emissable fluids, like oil and water. So a simple emulsion of oil and water might be droplets of an oil dispersed in water. Or droplets of water dispersed in oil-- like your salad dressing, would be an emulsion that people might come into contact with day-to-day.
SRESHT: What we've tried to do is go one step further and get three different liquids, or four different liquids, to mix together. These are known as complex emulsions.
ZARZAR: For instance, a double emulsion is one liquid, inside another liquid, inside a third liquid. And we're focusing on figuring out ways to actually reconfigure these droplets. So for instance, a double emulsion-- you might be able to turn it inside out. So the inner liquid is now the outer liquid, or the reverse.
SRESHT: One way that we've discovered to make these complex emulsions very easily, is simply by exploiting temperature. One simple mixture that we've been working with recently consists of water, hydrocarbons-- which are oils-- and fluorocarbons-- which are oils where the hydrogen has been replaced by fluorine. Now normally hydrocarbons, water, and fluorocarbons do not like each other. But if you heat them up, you'll notice that hydrocarbons and fluorocarbons can mix. And we've used this mixing ability to make droplets consisting of hydrocarbon and fluorocarbons mixed together, suspended in water.
Later when we reduce the temperature, the hydrocarbons and the fluorocarbons unmix, and we end up with a complex emulsion that consists of droplets of fluorocarbons, inside hydrocarbons, inside water. Or droplets of hydrocarbons inside fluorocarbons inside water. This is just the first step of our research.
The second step was to figure out how to change the shape of these droplets. How do I go from hydrocarbon inside fluorocarbon inside water, to fluorocarbon inside hydrocarbon inside water? The way we do this is by using special types of soap. We use the common soaps that you've used, which are hydrocarbon-based soaps, along with fluorocarbon-based soaps. Depending on how much hydrocarbon-based soap or fluorocarbon-based soap you use, you can adjust the shape of these emulsions. And you can make the hydrocarbon phase go from inside the droplet, to outside the droplet, or vice versa.
These emulsion droplets are basically like little packages. You can open and close these packages, depending on the types of soap you use. One very interesting example recently has been to use a particular type of soap that reacts to light. When we turn on a light, we can make the soap's usefulness change, and therefore we can open or close the box, just using light.
ZARZAR: Emulsions are very important components of a lot of new technology and materials. For instance, emulsions are very common in medicine, in cosmetics, and in food. And so development of new emulsions, and new ways of, in our case, reconfiguring the emulsion and therefore changing its properties, can have a lot of really important and impactful applications in technology today.
LAUREN ZARZAR: An emulsion is a mixture of two emissable fluids, like oil and water. So a simple emulsion of oil and water might be droplets of an oil dispersed in water. Or droplets of water dispersed in oil-- like your salad dressing, would be an emulsion that people might come into contact with day-to-day.
SRESHT: What we've tried to do is go one step further and get three different liquids, or four different liquids, to mix together. These are known as complex emulsions.
ZARZAR: For instance, a double emulsion is one liquid, inside another liquid, inside a third liquid. And we're focusing on figuring out ways to actually reconfigure these droplets. So for instance, a double emulsion-- you might be able to turn it inside out. So the inner liquid is now the outer liquid, or the reverse.
SRESHT: One way that we've discovered to make these complex emulsions very easily, is simply by exploiting temperature. One simple mixture that we've been working with recently consists of water, hydrocarbons-- which are oils-- and fluorocarbons-- which are oils where the hydrogen has been replaced by fluorine. Now normally hydrocarbons, water, and fluorocarbons do not like each other. But if you heat them up, you'll notice that hydrocarbons and fluorocarbons can mix. And we've used this mixing ability to make droplets consisting of hydrocarbon and fluorocarbons mixed together, suspended in water.
Later when we reduce the temperature, the hydrocarbons and the fluorocarbons unmix, and we end up with a complex emulsion that consists of droplets of fluorocarbons, inside hydrocarbons, inside water. Or droplets of hydrocarbons inside fluorocarbons inside water. This is just the first step of our research.
The second step was to figure out how to change the shape of these droplets. How do I go from hydrocarbon inside fluorocarbon inside water, to fluorocarbon inside hydrocarbon inside water? The way we do this is by using special types of soap. We use the common soaps that you've used, which are hydrocarbon-based soaps, along with fluorocarbon-based soaps. Depending on how much hydrocarbon-based soap or fluorocarbon-based soap you use, you can adjust the shape of these emulsions. And you can make the hydrocarbon phase go from inside the droplet, to outside the droplet, or vice versa.
These emulsion droplets are basically like little packages. You can open and close these packages, depending on the types of soap you use. One very interesting example recently has been to use a particular type of soap that reacts to light. When we turn on a light, we can make the soap's usefulness change, and therefore we can open or close the box, just using light.
ZARZAR: Emulsions are very important components of a lot of new technology and materials. For instance, emulsions are very common in medicine, in cosmetics, and in food. And so development of new emulsions, and new ways of, in our case, reconfiguring the emulsion and therefore changing its properties, can have a lot of really important and impactful applications in technology today.