What was the Black Death?

What was the Black Death?
Learn more about the Black Death pandemic.
Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc.
The Black Death was a pandemic caused by plague that wiped out at least one-third of Europe’s population in the 14th century.
The disease, which manifested as either bubonic plague or pneumonic plague during the Black Death, first reached Mediterranean ports in 1347. It ultimately spread inland, infecting the entire continent.
So…where did the Black Death come from?
Even before the disease reached Europe, there were rumors of a sickness plaguing the East. It spread both organically and purposefully—the Kipchak khan Jani Beg, a Mongol ruler, threw his dead plague-ridden soldiers into the Genoese trading port of Kaffa to kill his enemies, and from there it spread rapidly.
Genoese trading ships from Kaffa carried the disease westward to the Mediterranean, the first reaching Sicily in 1347. Upon their arrival, the crew was seen at the port with blackened swollen lymph nodes that oozed pus. The ship was immediately sent away from Sicily, but the damage was already done.
Without understanding why, millions were dying from massive infection and suffering from its terrible effects, including swollen lymph nodes, fever, stomachache, and body pain.
Why was the Black Death so deadly?
The Black Death was a form of plague caused by the transmission of the bacterium Yersinia pestis.
At the time, the methods of disease transmission were not yet well understood. Common treatments, such as herbal soaks and bloodletting, were ineffective and even harmful.
Sometimes afflicted villages were quarantined and burned.
Despite these measures, the plague continued to spread via disease-ridden fleas on rodents and people.
Plague would subside and reappear in Europe for centuries as increased numbers of rats infested with disease-carrying fleas caused what could be called “multiple waves” of the epidemic.
Eventually, with better sanitation, less contact between humans and rats, changes in the patterns of trade and commerce, evolutionary changes in strains of plague itself, and development of treatments based on the germ theory of disease, the plague retreated.
Although Yersinia pestis still afflicts people today, outbreaks are on a much smaller scale, and modern medicine has created antibiotic treatments to prevent its spread and the creation of another devastating wave of Black Death.
The disease, which manifested as either bubonic plague or pneumonic plague during the Black Death, first reached Mediterranean ports in 1347. It ultimately spread inland, infecting the entire continent.
So…where did the Black Death come from?
Even before the disease reached Europe, there were rumors of a sickness plaguing the East. It spread both organically and purposefully—the Kipchak khan Jani Beg, a Mongol ruler, threw his dead plague-ridden soldiers into the Genoese trading port of Kaffa to kill his enemies, and from there it spread rapidly.
Genoese trading ships from Kaffa carried the disease westward to the Mediterranean, the first reaching Sicily in 1347. Upon their arrival, the crew was seen at the port with blackened swollen lymph nodes that oozed pus. The ship was immediately sent away from Sicily, but the damage was already done.
Without understanding why, millions were dying from massive infection and suffering from its terrible effects, including swollen lymph nodes, fever, stomachache, and body pain.
Why was the Black Death so deadly?
The Black Death was a form of plague caused by the transmission of the bacterium Yersinia pestis.
At the time, the methods of disease transmission were not yet well understood. Common treatments, such as herbal soaks and bloodletting, were ineffective and even harmful.
Sometimes afflicted villages were quarantined and burned.
Despite these measures, the plague continued to spread via disease-ridden fleas on rodents and people.
Plague would subside and reappear in Europe for centuries as increased numbers of rats infested with disease-carrying fleas caused what could be called “multiple waves” of the epidemic.
Eventually, with better sanitation, less contact between humans and rats, changes in the patterns of trade and commerce, evolutionary changes in strains of plague itself, and development of treatments based on the germ theory of disease, the plague retreated.
Although Yersinia pestis still afflicts people today, outbreaks are on a much smaller scale, and modern medicine has created antibiotic treatments to prevent its spread and the creation of another devastating wave of Black Death.