Why Sojourner Truth changed her name

Why Sojourner Truth changed her name
Learn more about the life of American evangelist and social reformer Sojourner Truth.
Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc.
Sojourner Truth was an evangelist and reformer who applied her religious fervor to the abolitionist and women’s rights movements in the United States.
Born into enslavement in 1797 as Isabella Baumfree, Sojourner Truth lived the first years of her life in the Dutch-speaking town of Swartekill in Ulster county, New York.
Slaveholders bought and sold her four times.
Between 1810 and 1827, starting in her early teens, she had at least five children. Sometime during this period she married Thomas, an enslaved man, and was considered the property of slaveholder John Dumont.
In 1827, one year before New York abolished slavery, Isabella escaped with her youngest child to a nearby abolitionist family, the Van Wageners.
In 1828 New York officially emancipated all enslaved people. But Dumont had already separated her from her five-year-old son, Peter. With the help of the Van Wageners, Isabella sued Dumont in court in order to recover her son—and won, making her the first Black woman to win a lawsuit against a white man.
On June 1, 1843, Isabella decided to change her name to Sojourner Truth, dedicating her life to Methodism and the abolition movement. She joined a utopian community in Northampton, Massachusetts, where she met leading abolitionists like William Lloyd Garrison and Frederick Douglass.
In 1851 Truth delivered an improvised speech at the Ohio Women’s Rights Convention in Akron in which she critiqued the myths and stereotypes of Black women in society. The famed title phrase, “Ain’t I a Woman,” would appear in print 12 years later, in a Southern-inspired version of the speech.
When the Civil War began in 1861, Truth began to work as a recruiter for the Union army and to help gather supplies for Black volunteer regiments and later accepted an appointment with the National Freedman’s Relief Association.
Even after President Abraham Lincoln issued the Emancipation Proclamation, Truth continued to advocate for social change by working for desegregation of streetcars and securing land grants for formerly enslaved people. Sojourner Truth spoke passionately about women’s rights, universal suffrage, and prison reform until her advanced age and health issues finally intervened.
In 1875 she retired to her home in Battle Creek, Michigan, where she lived peacefully until her death on November 26, 1883.