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- Academia - Arachnida (PDF) (Feb. 25, 2025)
There are many modifications of the cephalothorax and abdomen. Among the scorpions the abdomen is subdivided into the mesosoma, or preabdomen, and the metasoma, or postabdomen, which is mobile and more slender. Similar arrangements are found among whip scorpions, schizomids, and ricinuleids. Among the daddy longlegs the division between the two parts is indistinct, and among most of the mites and ticks the body is rounded and shows no segmentation. Spiders exhibit the greatest variation in body shape.
The form and function of the six pairs of appendages are variable. The first pair, the chelicerae, often have claws or fangs. They are used to capture prey (spiders), transport a spermatophore (sunspiders, some mites and ticks), produce sounds (sunspiders, some spiders), cut strands of silk (web-dwelling spiders), and produce silk (pseudoscorpions). The pedipalps, the second pair, likewise are often highly modified. Among the scorpions and pseudoscorpions the pedipalps are large, whereas among the tailless whip scorpions and some daddy longlegs they are elongated and equipped with many heavy spines. Among some arachnids they are prehensile and serve to both capture and hold prey. In male spiders they serve to transfer sperm, and for spiders, scorpions, pseudoscorpions, and tailless whip scorpions they play an important role during courtship displays.
There are typically four pairs of walking legs, each of which usually has seven segments of variable lengths, with the last segment often bearing claws. The legs serve chiefly for locomotion but may be modified for serving as tactile organs (daddy longlegs), for capturing and immobilizing prey (running spiders), and for producing sound (daddy longlegs, spiders, sunspiders, and scorpions).
Internal features
Support, skeleton, and exoskeleton
The arachnid exoskeleton is formed of chitin, a nitrogen-containing carbohydrate associated with a protein. This complex results in a tough but pliable external skeleton. The exoskeleton consists of two parts, the thin outer epicuticle, which usually contains a wax and is impermeable to water, and a thicker endocuticle. Membranes, flexible portions of the cuticle, are present wherever there are articulations.
Growth can occur only by shedding the old exoskeleton, a process termed molting or ecdysis. This process is under hormonal control and involves the secretion of a new cuticle below the old one. Hardening (sclerotization) may be accompanied by pigmentation.

While the exoskeleton provides both support and protection, arachnids also have a hard internal structure called the endosternite, which anchors muscles.
Tissues and muscles
The muscles of the cephalothorax are well developed, while those of the abdomen are reduced. The muscles are striated, similar to those of vertebrates. Muscles in the legs have their origin either on the endosternite or on the body wall and extend to the basal segments of the appendages. Muscles within the appendages make possible the movements of the individual segments. Within the abdomen, muscles consist primarily of bundles that connect the various segments. Most of the space between the digestive tract and the body wall, the hemocoel, is filled with hemolymph (blood).
Nervous system and sense organs
The arachnid nervous system is similar to that of other arthropods in that it consists of a brain and a chain of paired ganglia, or nerve bundles. The nervous system has been highly modified by ganglionic fusion and migration forward toward the head region. A large ganglion above the esophagus is considered the brain and gives rise to the nerves of the eyes and first pair of appendages (chelicerae). It is joined to a ganglion located below the esophagus. Nerves from this latter ganglion extend to the second pair of appendages (pedipalps) and legs. An unpaired nerve runs along the esophagus and stomach and is connected to the brain by paired nerves.
There are commonly three types of sense organs: tactile hairs called trichobothria, simple eyes (ocelli), and slit (lyriform) sense organs. Specialized structures, possibly serving as tactile organs or detectors of air movements, include malleoli (racket organs) of sunspiders and comblike appendages (pectines) of scorpions. The number of simple eyes found on the carapace varies. Scorpions, for example, may have as many as five pairs of simple eyes on the sides of the carapace in addition to a median pair, while daddy longlegs have only median eyes, and many cryptic or cave-dwelling species have either reduced eyes or none at all. The most abundant sense organs, tactile hairs, are scattered over the body. The slit sense organs, which appear as slits in the cuticle, may function to detect odours, although those on the legs of daddy longlegs function in the reception of internal stimuli (proprioception). Tarsal organs are small round holes in the upper surface of the last (distal) segment of the leg that may act as chemoreceptors.
Digestion and nutrition
With the exception of some daddy longlegs and mites, arachnids are carnivorous, relying upon smaller arthropods for their food. Most species partially digest their prey as it is held in the chelicerae. The digestive system is a tube that begins with the mouth, situated below the chelicerae, and leads into the pharynx, then into the esophagus, and from there into the sucking stomach, which has heavy muscles and serves to pump the partially digested food into the midgut, where special enzymes digest the food. The absorptive surface of the midgut is increased by a series of blind sacs (gastric caecae). Fecal material accumulates in the hindgut and is voided through the anus.
Two main types of excretory organs occur in arachnids: coxal glands and Malpighian tubules. The coxal glands consist of three parts: a large excretory sac lying opposite the coxal segment of the first pair of legs, a long coiled tubule, and a short exit tube that opens to the exterior through orifices behind the first and third coxal leg segments. The nitrogen-containing waste material usually is the organic compound guanine.