Food habits
- Related Topics:
- oreodont
- ruminant
- tylopod
- Archaeomeryx
- Suiformes
Most artiodactyls are closely tied to the resources of their environment. They are dependent, for example, on feeding areas not being covered by too much snow or shrivelled under a drought, and on the regulating effects of fire or other herbivores on the seasonal succession of vegetation. Various grazing species feed on grass at different heights. Browsers, those that feed on the foliage of shrubs and trees, show more extreme variation in feeding height, the maximum being that of the giraffe.
Herbivorous animals need less initiative and intelligence to collect food than do the meat-eating, hunting carnivores, but digestion is more difficult. Advanced artiodactyls have evolved the ability to bolt food and to ruminate it (chew it more thoroughly) at a later time or while resting in an area where they may be less obvious to predators and can conserve energy. Tropical artiodactyls frequently have adaptations for water conservation, having developed to a high degree internal physiological regulation (homeostasis).
Primitive artiodactyls were probably omnivorous but favoured plant foods, a characteristic still found in pigs. The latter dig with the snout and, to a lesser extent, with the front legs and upper tusks (canine teeth). The wart-hog of Africa (Phacochoerus aethiopicus) has a modified method of gathering food. When food is scarce it forages for young grass shoots under very low bushes; its tusks and localized thickening on its skin protect the eyes and muscles from thorn damage, and small incisors enable it to pluck food.
Hippopotamuses (Hippopotamus amphibius), although they spend a great deal of time submerged in lakes or rivers, do not feed in the water. They graze at night, wandering over well-used trails, sometimes far from water, often damaging crops.
Most members of the camel family are found in arid habitats. The vicuña (Lama vicugna) of the South American Andes lives at high altitudes where it grazes on soft grasses and herbs. It has much the same food requirements as domestic sheep.

Chevrotains live in dense undergrowth close to water or in marshes, where they browse on soft vegetation, roots, and tubers, following a way of life probably not unlike that of their ancestors.
The other ruminants browse or graze. They may take many plant species in the course of the year, but at any one season a large part of the diet consists of only five or six plants. Some ruminants are strongly specialized. The reindeer of the Arctic (Rangifer tarandus), for example, eats a variety of sedges, grasses, and herbaceous plants in summer but, as the long winter approaches, gradually shifts to a diet of lichens. It uses its front feet to scrape snow away from lichens to a depth of about 60 cm (2 feet). The females are unique among deer in possessing antlers, which are thought to help them get scarce food in late winter by driving off the males that have by then shed their antlers. Reindeer may eat lemmings. The red deer, on the other hand, has catholic feeding habits. In woods it browses on lichens, berries, fungi, and the leaves of most deciduous trees; in open country it eats grass, heather, berries, and lichens. Shrubs and trees are used more in winter. When the red deer lives in the same areas as other ruminants it can be a serious competitor for food.
Grasses form a substantial part of the diet of many ruminants. Young grass consists of about 5 percent protein, 1 percent fat, 3 percent minerals, and 20 percent carbohydrates; the remaining percentage is water. The most noticeable changes as grass ages are an increase in carbohydrate content to 75 percent and a large decrease in the amount of water. Such food, especially when coated with silica, as are many grasses, or when covered with dust, would be impossible for nearly all nonruminant herbivores to eat or digest. The major evolutionary trend in ruminants has been to make use of grasses and grasslands, and the higher ruminants have evolved largely in adaptive balance with one another. This adaptive balance was shown during a study of the change from plains to thickets of scrub growth in an area in the eastern Congo over a period of about ten years. There was an accompanying decrease in numbers of antelopes and warthogs, no change in buffalo, and an increase in elephants and hippopotamuses.
There is not usually a one-to-one dependence of any artiodactyl species on one plant. The plant species that constitute the major part of the diet may vary with the season, and similar parts of different plants may be eaten in preference to other parts of the same plant. Food resources in an area are thus parcelled out among the various artiodactyls present. Sometimes behavioral differences minimize competition between closely related species in the same area. A study has shown that in central Africa the roan antelope (Hippotragus equinus), a grazer, favours open areas with taller, ranker perennial grasses and is more or less sedentary within a small area; the sable antelope (H. niger), also a grazer, prefers savanna woodland or the edges of open areas, and herds follow a more or less cyclic annual route over an area of about 500 square km (200 square miles). When pasturage is restricted, sheep will cut grass very short, and goats will damage trees and bushes. An American zoologist, George B. Schaller, has observed that, in Kanha Park in central India in the hot season, blackbuck (Antilope cervicapra) continue to graze on grass shoots in open areas; chital deer seek out tender grass blades, especially along forest edges, and also feed on leaves and fruits; barasingha (Cervus duvauceli) eat dry and moderately coarse grass along ravines; sambar deer (Cervus unicolor) browse on leaves and crop coarse grasses in the forest; and gaur (Bos gaurus) graze on tall, coarse grass and break down saplings to get at the leaves. The choice of habitat also varies: chital avoid steep terrain and forests with an unbroken canopy; blackbuck require less water than the others and thus remain in drier regions; sambar and gaur are less specialized in habitat requirements, and both are active primarily at night; barasingha prefer reed beds but also enter forests and climb hills.
It has also become evident that grazing successions are one of the mechanisms that enable the maximum use to be made of environmental resources. On the Serengeti plains, for example, the wildebeest grazes on ground already covered by the zebra and leaves the grazed grass in a condition suitable for the Thomson’s gazelle. Interactions take place between artiodactyls and some plant species. It has been noted in the Tarangire area of northern Tanzania that Acacia seedlings germinate only where the impala (Aepyceros melampus) has left its dung. In parts of southern Peru plants growing on or close to the dung of the vicuña are different from those of the surrounding pasture.
Artiodactyls often favour the boundary zone between habitats. In Rhodesia, Lichtenstein’s hartebeest (Alcelaphus lichtensteini) is usually found at the edge of clearings adjacent to woodland.