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- Lipostraca
The branchiopod nervous system consists of a cerebral ganglion, or brain, connected to two chains of ventral ganglia, which run along the trunk, underneath the gut. Nerves develop from these ganglia to the various mouthparts and limbs. In the anostracans the two chains are cross-connected in each segment so that the system resembles a ladder. In the short-bodied forms, such as the anomopods and onychopods, the ventral nervous system is condensed into a single mass. The most conspicuous sense organs are the eyes. In the anostracans the eyes are on movable stalks, while in the notostracans the paired eyes lie close together on top of the head. In the other living branchiopods the eyes join together to form a single more or less spherical eye in the middle of the head. All branchiopod eyes are provided with muscles and show rapid trembling movements thought to be part of a scanning process that gives more information about the surroundings than could be gained with a stationary eye. Other sense organs in branchiopods are used mainly as organs of touch (mechanoreception) or taste (chemoreception). These sense organs take the form of bristles connected with nerves at their base, and those concerned with taste are often thin-walled and tubular in form. The notostracans in particular are richly endowed with both sorts of receptors on their trunk limbs; they help in sorting the edible from the inedible as the animal grubs about in the mud at the bottom of a pool.
The digestive system
The branchiopod digestive system shows considerable variation. In most groups the esophagus is narrow and has muscles which can dilate and others which can contract so that food can be pushed rapidly into the midgut. In many branchiopods the midgut is a simple tube with a pair of blind sacs, or diverticula. These diverticula may be simple extensions from the gut, or they may be complexly branched as in the notostracans and the spinicaudates. Some anomopods of the family Chydoridae have coiled midguts and may also have a single posterior diverticulum. One phenomenon shown by many branchiopods is anal swallowing. Water is taken in through the anus and is thought to act like an enema in clearing unwanted material from the hindgut.
The excretory system
The branchiopod excretory organ is the maxillary, or shell, gland, so called because loops of the excretory duct can be seen in the wall of the carapace. In the nauplius larva the excretory function is performed by a gland opening on the antennae, but this degenerates as the animal grows and the maxillary gland takes over. Some excretion also can occur through the wall of the gut, which transfers substances from the blood into the gut lumen, from which it passes to the outside.
Most branchiopods have thin cuticles so that a certain amount of respiratory exchange can take place over the general body surface. The trunk limbs of most groups are flattened and leaflike, and on their outer edges they bear thin-walled lobes that can function like gills. The continuous movements of the trunk limbs of an anostracan, for instance, ensure a constant flow of water over these lobes. The lobes on the trunk limbs also play a part in ionic regulation, a process that controls the concentration and composition of the salts in the body fluids.
There is good evidence of cyclic secretion of substances in the brain, which appears to be related to the control of molting and reproduction.

Evolution and paleontology
The Branchiopoda originated in pre-Devonian times, for in the Devonian period a distinct order and suborder are evident: the Lipostraca and the Spinicaudata, respectively. The Lipostraca contains only Lepidocaris rhyniensis, from the Rhynie cherts of Scotland. This minute branchiopod is preserved so well that fine details of its limbs can be seen. Its structure is better known than that of any other fossil crustacean. It is even possible to deduce its method of feeding. The first three pairs of trunk limbs could have scraped material from the surfaces of plants or stones, and the food could then be transported forward to the mouth by a series of setae near the bases of the limbs. The trunk limbs lying behind the first three were two-branched and could have been used for swimming. Fossil members of the Spinicaudata are also known from the Devonian period, but their limb structure is not known in the detail available for Lepidocaris; many were preserved only as carapaces. The Laevicaudata extends back as far as the Early Cretaceous epoch (145.5 million to 99.6 million years ago).
The Kazacharthra were much larger than Lepidocaris and occur later in the fossil record, being found in the Early Jurassic epoch (199.6 million to 175.6 million years ago). They had elongated bodies with more than 40 body segments, a large carapace, and six pairs of complex flattened limbs.
At various times some of the fossils from the Burgess shales of the Cambrian period (542 million to 488.3 million years ago) have been allocated to the Branchiopoda, but none of these has been generally accepted. Some fossils from the Cambrian period of Sweden, however, show features similar to those of primitive branchiopods, although the preservation is not sufficient to classify them with certainty. The earliest apparent anostracans are found in the Early Cretaceous epoch. They have trunk limbs very similar to those of recent anostracans. They also have stalked eyes and brood pouches.
Notostracan carapaces have been found in the Carboniferous period (359.2 million to 299 million years ago), and the two extant genera, Triops and Lepidurus, are known from the Triassic period (251 million to 199.6 million years ago). Some have actually been placed in the living species Triops cancriformis, indicating that this species has been in existence for more than 200 million years. The Anomopoda occur as fossils in recent deposits. The families Chydoridae and Bosminidae in particular have been used, in conjunction with pollen and diatoms, to interpret climatic and ecological changes during the histories of individual lakes. Older fossils of anomopods are rare, but egg cases, or ephippia, have been found from the Oligocene epoch (33.9 million to 23 million years ago) and possibly from the Cretaceous period.