brown tree snake
- Also called:
- brown catsnake or culepla
- Related Topics:
- mangrove snake
brown tree snake, (Boiga irregularis), slender, mildly venomous, primarily arboreal snake of family Colubridae that is considered to be one of the most aggressive invasive species in the world. The brown tree snake is native only to the islands immediately west of Wallace’s Line and to New Guinea and the northern and eastern coasts of Australia; however, its geographic range has expanded significantly and now includes Guam, Saipan, and other islands of the western Pacific. Although it is most commonly found in tropical forests and grasslands, it may occur in other tropical habitats, including urban ecosystems, up to elevations of about 425 metres (about 1,400 feet). The species is also known for its ability to decimate populations of small vertebrates in the habitats it colonizes.
Physical features
The brown tree snake is characterized by a number of distinctive features. The head of the snake is noticeably wider than its body, and each of its large eyes contains a large vertical pupil that opens wide at night to facilitate hunting. Its long, slender body enables it to climb trees, vines, and rocks and to hide in small spaces. Markings on the body appear as a dark pattern placed against a brownish yellow background; however, some Australian populations display blue or red bands on a white background. Hatchlings, which average 38 cm (about 15 inches) in length, typically grow to 1–2 metres (3–7 feet) in length as adults. The largest individuals, however, can reach lengths of 3 metres (about 10 feet) and weigh up to about 2.3 kg (approximately 5 pounds).
Predators and prey
Brown tree snakes are voracious predators and scavengers and have few natural enemies. Capable of eating up to 70 percent of their body mass per day, they have been known to consume many different types of small vertebrates as well as carrion. Younger, smaller snakes seek out small birds and amphibians, small lizards and other reptiles, and the eggs of these animals. In contrast, larger snakes frequently prey upon larger lizards and birds and small mammals, such as bats and rodents.

To immobilize its prey, the brown tree snake bites and holds on to its victim. Wrapping its victim’s body with its own, the snake initiates a chewing action to inject venom from the grooved teeth located near the back of its mouth. The venom is relatively mild and has been shown to be less effective on mammals than on other vertebrates.
The brown tree snake’s predators are not well documented. Some studies report that brown tree snakes are preyed upon by monitor lizards and feral pigs and cats, and others have shown that the species is also vulnerable to red-bellied black snakes (Pseudechis porphyriacus) and cane toads (Bufo marinus).
Little is known about the reproductive habits of brown tree snakes. Some studies claim that breeding and egg laying are known to occur throughout the year across their entire geographic range, whereas others note that breeding may be cued by cooler temperatures that occur in the colder seasons of the year. In many cases, egg fertilization does not follow mating right away, because a reproducing female may store a male’s sperm for up to several years until it is needed. Fertilized eggs are deposited in relatively dark, humid locations—such as caves, holes, hollow logs, and gaps between rocks—to prevent excessive drying. Two clutches of up to 12 eggs may be deposited in a given year, and each egg ranges from 42 to 47 mm long (about 1.7 to 1.9 inches) and 18 to 22 mm (about 0.7 to 0.9 inch) wide. As the leathery outer coverings of the eggs slowly harden and dry over time, the eggs in the clutch may adhere to one another to form a clump. Brown tree snakes neither incubate their eggs nor care for their young, and the hatchlings that emerge some 90 days later thus must immediately fend for themselves.
Conservation status
Although its worldwide population has not been assessed, the brown tree snake is considered to be common in the habitats it occupies. The population on Guam, where it is notorious as an invasive species, is particularly well documented; during the 1970s and 1980s, the snake’s population density on many parts of the island peaked at about 4,600–5,800 per square km (12,000–15,000 per square mile). Studies performed during the early part of the 21st century, however, recorded brown tree snake densities of 8–20 per acre, or 2,000–5,000 per square km (4,000–10,000 per square mile), across the entire island.
Role as an invasive species
The brown tree snake was first sighted on Guam in 1953 and was thought to have been introduced to the island sometime after 1944. (During the final days of World War II, Guam became an important military base and transfer point for Allied forces.) Although some sources report that the snake was deliberately introduced to control native rodent populations, it is more likely that the original invaders were stowaways aboard military aircraft and cargo ships from the Solomon Islands. Over the next several decades, the brown tree snake devastated several of the island’s native vertebrate populations, eliminating both of the island’s two endemic bird species, two of Guam’s three native bat species, and several species of seabirds that used the island for breeding. Some of those species had served as critical pollinators for many of the island’s plants, and their decline and subsequent absence brought about a decline in the number of plant species on the island. In addition, a 2017 study showed that the snake’s elimination of many frugivorous (fruit-eating) birds resulted in substantial reductions in seed dispersal, which led, in turn, to dramatic population declines in Premna serratifolia and Psychotria mariana, two of the island’s important fruit trees. The snake was also responsible for the loss of several species of amphibians and native lizards. In the early 21st century, ecologists and wildlife officials were concerned that the brown tree snake could invade other islands, such as the Hawaiian Islands (which are exceptionally rich in endemic bird species), and substantially reduce or eliminate the species found on them.
John P. Rafferty