- Also called:
- nightjars
- Related Topics:
- potoo
- nightjar
- frogmouth
- Caprimulgidae
- Caprimulgi
Nesting habits are diverse among caprimulgiform families. Nightjars make no nest, depositing their eggs directly on the ground or on the leaf-covered floor of woodland. Occasionally they use a slight natural depression or scratch out a place among the debris. Populations of a few species (notably the North American nighthawks) have adapted to urban life and nest on flat gravel-covered rooftops. The one or two slightly glossy eggs may be cryptically coloured (profusely marbled with pink, buff, brown, or gray) or contrast markedly with their surroundings (white to buff, usually with slight lines or blotches of colour). Incubation lasts about 19 days and may be by both adults or by only the female; there is considerable variation in this behaviour even within some species.
In contrast to the simplified nesting of nightjars, frogmouths construct nests on the horizontal forks of trees. In the genus Podargus the nest is of twigs and other plant matter and the two or three eggs are white. In Batrachostomus the nest is a pad of the birds’ own down, bound and camouflaged externally with cobwebs and lichens, one white egg being laid. Both sexes are believed to incubate, the period being about 30 days. Owlet-frogmouths nest mostly in hollow trees but also in tunnels in banks. They lay three or four white eggs, usually on a mat of leaves or fur. The incubation period is as yet unknown. The potoos are the most highly restricted nesters, for they must find a branch or stub with a suitable depression or crevice of just the right size to accommodate the single egg they lay. The egg is white, marked with brown and gray, and is incubated by both parents for 30 to 35 days.
On ledges in the caves they inhabit, the oilbirds build up a shallow nest rim of viscous, regurgitated fruit matter, which sets to a firm structure. As the accumulation of seeds raises the level inside the nest, the rim is constantly added to, so as to maintain a slight depression. The nests are used year after year and gradually grow to low mounds. Inevitably, some seeds and the feces of very young nestlings contribute to the fabric of the rim. Two to four eggs are laid (white, subelliptical, slightly rough surface); both sexes incubate, the period being about 33 days.
The chicks of nightjars are semi-precocial: they are down-covered (buff to brownish, plain or mottled, highly cryptic), fed by both parents, capable of opening their eyes on the first day (though normally keeping them closed for several days), capable of walking on the first day, and able to hop or run very well by the third or fourth day. They usually run with wings raised, resembling young ducklings in gait. From the beginning, chicks may solicit feeding by walking to the front of the adult, reaching up, and pecking at its bill. During the first days they are fed a regurgitated whitish viscous substance but later only partially digested insects. As early as the second day, although sometimes not until a week later, the chicks are led to different resting sites, at first only a metre or so at a time but gradually much greater distances. Some of this moving may result from the chicks’ own wanderings, for they are often restless and leave the covering adult.
In many cases both parents brood the chicks, in others only the female does so, and rarely the male assumes the primary role. By about two weeks the young are well feathered and too large for successful brooding; they rest at first near a parent but later quite alone.

Undisturbed young birds fly voluntarily at 22 to 28 days of age; disturbed young may fly much earlier. By the time they are able to fly, they begin a certain amount of feeding on their own but are still largely dependent on their parents up to 40 to 50 days. When two young hatch, one of them frequently develops more slowly. If it survives, however, it may require up to 40 days to reach the state of voluntary flight.
The nestlings of frogmouths, potoos, and owlet-frogmouths are semi-dependent, are covered with whitish down, are fed by both parents, and remain in the nest until fledged. One observer noted that a young common potoo began wandering over the boughs of the nest tree at about four weeks. This same nestling first made trial flights at 47 days and finally left the nest tree when 50 days old. Other reports indicate the nestling period of potoos to be of 40–45 days, that of frogmouths about 30 days. The young are brooded only during the first half of this period, by which time young potoos have attained the juvenile plumage (whitish mottled with brownish) and are already accomplished in assuming the “broken-branch” posture of adults.
On the whole, the caprimulgiform birds, like most birds, breed solely or mostly at the time of maximum abundance of food supply. Oilbirds may nest to some extent throughout the year, but the maximum nesting takes place during that time of year when the greatest number of appropriate trees are fruiting. Baby oilbirds are helpless (altricial), hatched blind and virtually naked, with only a little sparse down. They have an exceedingly slow rate of development. A thicker coat of down replaces the initial one after three weeks, and the adult plumage begins to appear at five weeks, there being no special juvenile plumage. The nestlings are apparently fed semidigested fruit pulp during the first days. At about two weeks there is a gradual change to whole fruits, regurgitated by the adults into the mouths of the young. As a result of the oil-rich fruit diet, young oilbirds build up extraordinary deposits of fat, which led to economic exploitation. The fat can be boiled down to a high-quality, durable oil, suitable for cooking and lighting. For this reason, oilbirds were once subject to heavy predation by their human neighbours. Today this practice occurs on a much-reduced scale because of a general trend toward conservation. The fat buildup in an oilbird reaches its maximum at about 70 days, at which time a young oilbird may weigh half again as much as an adult. By this time the plumage is well developed but not fully grown. The weight decreases as the feathers grow until the age of 100–120 days, when the young leave the nest. At this time they fly well and look like adults. Both parents participate in feeding and brooding, the latter ceasing after about four weeks.