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- pinniped
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- Hemicyon
- Fissipedia
- On the Web:
- CiteSeerX - Body size and species-richness in carnivores and primates (PDF) (Mar. 07, 2025)
Distinguishing taxonomic features
There is great diversity in Carnivora, especially among the highly specialized pinnipeds. Thus, the characteristics used to separate Carnivora from other mammalian orders and to define the subdivisions of Carnivora are primarily structural. Of great importance are certain features of the skull (such as jaw articulation), feet (number of toes, lack of opposability of the hind toe, type of claws, and fusion of certain bones), and teeth (both the overall tooth pattern and the shape of individual teeth). Dentition is especially important in determining the relationships of fossil forms. Also useful in the taxonomy of modern carnivores are the convolutions around the lateral, or Sylvian, fissure of the brain, the relative weights of the adrenal and thyroid glands, the type of uterus and placenta, and the position of the nipples.
Critical appraisal
The taxonomy of the major categories of major groups placed in the Carnivora has been in a state of flux for more than a century, and these categories do not seem to be stabilizing, even today. Most mammalogists at present regard the seals and terrestrial carnivores as belonging to different orders, the Pinnipedia and Carnivora. There are, in reality, only a few features common to the seals and their terrestrial relatives because of the extensive and numerous adaptations the aquatic forms have undergone to make them efficient carnivores of the sea. Mammalogists who have studied seals intensively now realize that there is no anatomical structure unmodified by the extensive aquatic adaptations; every organ and tissue examined has been found to be different in some way from its counterpart in terrestrial forms. Other mammalogists, tending toward conservative taxonomy, think the relationship of the terrestrial and aquatic carnivores can be best expressed by retaining them in two suborders, the Fissipedia (“split-footed”) and Pinnipedia (“feather-footed”), of the single order Carnivora. This more conservative taxonomy is followed in this article.
Of the living families recognized in the Carnivora, two have separated from their lines most recently and are most easily associated with other existing families: the Odobenidae (walrus) with the Otariidae (eared seals) and the Hyaenidae (hyenas) with the Viverridae (civets). Moreover, a new family, the Mephitidae (skunks and stink badgers), has been proposed as an offshoot from the Mustelidae (weasels). It appears that skunks do indeed possess enough differentiation in features and genetics to warrant the new grouping. Taxonomy of several species of carnivore remains uncertain. Among those, two of the most problematic species are the lesser, or red, panda (Ailurus fulgens) and the giant panda (Ailuropoda melanoleuca). Both species have been classified equally often in the Ursidae (bears) or the Procyonidae (raccoons). However, the latest classification places the giant panda in Ursidae and the lesser panda in Ailuridae. Another lesser-known species, the fossa (Cryptoprocta ferox), is regarded as a viverrid but retains characteristics of cats as well. It has been alternatively placed in Herpestidae, Viverridae, and even Felidae.
The arrangement of the nine terrestrial families into two distinct superfamilies, Canoidea and Feloidea (or Aeluroidea), appears to be a natural arrangement dating back to the works of W.H. Flower and H. Winge in the late 1800s. In Canoidea, as revealed by studies in comparative anatomy and the fossil record, the families Canidae, Ursidae, and Procyonidae seem to be most closely related. Also placed in the Canoidea is the family Mustelidae, although some of the more primitive members show resemblances to the primitive viverrids as well as to the canids. In the Feloidea, the families Viverridae and Hyaenidae seem most closely related, the Felidae being the most aberrant. Those families that contain rather diverse lines have been divided into subfamilies, the number of subfamilies in each family indicating the amount of evolutionary divergence that has occurred. The groups that have probably been distinct the greatest length of time have the most subfamilies, Viverridae with six and Mustelidae with five.
As a result of such complicated taxonomic appraisal, the formal classification of Carnivora is in some ways an artificial system set up for the sake of convenience. Ideally, the system reflects real evolutionary relationships, but these must be inferred from a scanty fossil record and from comparisons of modern species. Since there are differences of opinion among specialists as to which taxonomic characteristics should be given priority, there are certain to be alternate classifications, the acceptability of which depends on new information continually being discovered. Undoubtedly, advanced genetic fingerprinting and DNA analyses will allow a more objective classification of species within the order.

- Order Carnivora (carnivores)
- 274 species found worldwide but introduced to Australia.
- Suborder Fissipedia
- Family Mustelidae (weasels and related species)
- 54 species in 21 genera belonging to 5 subfamilies, found worldwide except for Australia.
- Family Herpestidae (mongooses)
- 37 species in 18 genera belonging to 2 subfamilies, found in the Old World.
- Family Viverridae (civets and related species)
- 35 species in 20 genera belonging to 6 subfamilies, found in the Old World.
- Family Procyonidae (raccoons and related species)
- 18 species in 6 genera belonging to 2 subfamilies, found in the New World.
- Family Mephitidae (skunks and stink badgers)
- 11 species in 4 genera, found in the New World and Southeast Asia.
- Family Ursidae (bears)
- 9 species in 6 genera belonging to 2 subfamilies, found in North America, South America, Europe, and Asia.
- Suborder Pinnipedia (pinnipeds)
- 34 species in 18 genera belonging to 3 families, found primarily in marine waters.