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The crocodilian form is adapted to an amphibious way of life. The body is elongated, and its long, muscular tail is well suited to rapid swimming.
The external nostril openings, the eyes, and the ear openings are the highest parts of the head. These important sense organs remain above the water surface even when the rest of the head and body are submerged. The two nostril openings are close together on a raised portion at the point of the muzzle. When the animal dives, these openings may be closed by membranous flaps to keep water out. A long bone-enclosed nasal passage leads from the exterior nostril openings to the interior nostril openings, or choanae, located at the extreme posterior end of the palate; a membranous flap in front of the choanae constitutes the posterior closure of the mouth cavity. As a result, the crocodile can breathe even if its mouth is open underwater.
Like many nocturnal animals, crocodiles have eyes with vertical, slit-shaped pupils; these narrow in bright light and widen in darkness, thus controlling the amount of light that enters. On the back wall of the eye, the tapetum lucidum reflects incoming light, thus utilizing the small amount of light available at night to best advantage. In addition to the protection provided by the upper and lower eyelids, the nictitating membrane (that is, a thin, translucent eyelid) may be drawn over the eye from the inner corner while the lids are open. The delicate eyeball surface is thus protected under the water, while a certain degree of vision is still possible. Unlike the ears of other modern reptiles, those of the crocodile have a movable, external membranous flap that protects the ears from the water. The sense of smell is well developed and may even operate in the egg prior to hatching.
The outer margin of the jaws in most species is irregular. Each jaw carries a row of conical teeth, which may number more than 100 in species with very long muzzles. The teeth are held in sockets and replaced continuously; new teeth grow from below and force the older ones out. The thick, fleshy tongue is firmly attached to the floor of the mouth, and it is nearly immobile.
The posterior portion of the head forms a flat plate that is attached to a short, powerful neck. On the dorsal side of the neck are two groups of bony scales called scutes. Small postoccipital scutes are located just behind the head and are present in all crocodiles except the estuarine crocodile. Behind the postoccipital scutes are the larger nuchal scutes, which in some species are connected to the adjacent horny plates of the back.

The upper surfaces of the back and tail are covered with large, rectangular horny plates arranged regularly in longitudinal and transverse rows. Most of the dorsal plates have a longitudinal ridge, or keel. Under these plates lie bony structures called osteoderms of about the same size. This configuration occurs in all but one species; in the estuarine crocodile, the bony plates are smaller.
The entire underside of the crocodile has a regular pattern of scales, which are smaller than those on the upper surface. These scales are rectangular, entirely smooth, and contain little or no bone material. An exception to this condition occurs in caimans of the genera Melanosuchus, Caiman, and Paleosuchus, in which the surface plates on the lower side are also bony. The cloaca—a chamber containing the genital, anal, and urogenital openings—extends longitudinally within the body; it is surrounded by an oval area of small scales on the underside of the body. The cloacal vent is slightly posterior to the attachment of the hind legs at the base of the tail. In contrast to the back and belly, the sides of the body have mostly small knobby scales. As a result, the flanks are distensible, which is necessary for breathing and for the expansion of the body that occurs in gravid females.
The legs of the crocodile are short but powerful. The forefeet have five toes—the usual number for class Reptilia. The hind legs are more powerfully developed than the front pair, and the hind feet have only four toes, which are wholly or partially webbed. The upper part of the tail carries two crests of high triangular scales that gradually merge near the middle of the tail.
Structurally, the heart of the crocodile is markedly different from that of other reptiles. In all other reptiles, oxygenated blood mixes with deoxygenated blood in the ventricles, because the ventricles are only partially divided from each other. In crocodiles, both atria and both ventricles are completely separate. Nevertheless, a connection exists between arterial and venous circulation by way of the foramen of Panizza, which opens between the two vessels leading separately from the ventricles. This connection operates when the crocodile holds its breath. It allows blood to bypass the lungs when the animal is submerged, and this structure has the effect of stabilizing blood oxygen levels.