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An eel is distinguished externally from most other fishes by its elongated body, which is seldom laterally compressed. A continuous dorsal, anal, and caudal fin runs around the tail tip; pelvic fins are always absent; and gill openings are usually reduced. The body covering is usually scaleless. Minor departures from this overall body plan occur in the various eel families and are correlated well with different modes of life.
Typically, a leptocephalus is elongate, laterally compressed, transparent, and gelatinous, with prominent W-shaped myomeres and sharp forwardly directed larval teeth. At full growth, eel larvae are 5 to 10 cm (roughly 2 to 4 inches) long but may be much larger, 45 cm (about 18 inches) in the case of the snipe eel Nemichthys scolopaceus. Leptocephali are at least as diverse morphologically as their adults: some are filamentous, while others are deep-bodied, even resembling a small dinner plate in shape and size.
Pectoral and median fins are present in most leptocephali but may disappear during metamorphosis. Eyes are usually normal in shape but are occasionally telescopic, and the rostrum (an anterior beaklike projection) may be greatly extended forward from the snout. The attenuate viscera are located along the ventral aspect, below the myomeres. There is usually a straight unmodified intestine, and the anal vent is often forward of the tail. In some families the larval gut is swollen or festooned at various points along its length, a modification of unknown significance. A long liver, with a well-defined gallbladder, occurs anteriorly on either side of the intestine. The developing adult kidney lies at about mid-length. The organs are supplied and drained by many vertical blood vessels, of which the last one or two are the largest. The position of the last of these vessels equates well with the division between precaudal and caudal vertebrae and indicates the approximate position of the adult kidney.
In most leptocephali melanophores occur almost anywhere on or in the body. These vary from minute and compact to large and irregularly shaped, often distributed along the gut and laterally in a variety of patterns.
In adults there is a strong tendency toward a reduction or loss of fins and a streamlining of the profile, sometimes also with an attenuation of the body. The gill region is variously elongated by a posterior displacement of the gill arches, accompanied by separation of the pectoral girdle from the cranium. There are well-developed pharyngeal tooth plates, and the pharynx has assumed an important function in the movement of food into the esophagus. It also serves as an effective pump in the virtual absence of suction by the gill covers (opercula) for the passage of the respiratory current. The opercular series is much reduced, although numerous curved branchiostegal rays (internal gill supports) are strongly developed to support the long throat wall. Respiration through the skin is important in Anguilla and probably also in other eels.
Evolution, paleontology, and classification
Studies of the few known fossil eels and the comparative anatomy of adults and larvae suggest that eels arose in the Cretaceous Period (145.5–65.5 million years ago). Eels descended from two or more types that had at least some characters of the Elopiformes (tarpons and relatives) and Albuliformes (bonefishes).
Distinguishing taxonomic features
The important characters in determining the taxonomic ranking of eels include the number and arrangement of myomeres and fin rays; the relative positions of mouth, nostrils, gill openings, renal vessels, and gallbladder; and the number and arrangement of teeth, skull bones, and vertebrae. Also important in identification are larval structures and pigmentation patterns.