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- Phasianidae
Young gallinaceous birds (except those of the hoatzin) are extremely precocious, walking and feeding within a few hours of hatching. Parental behaviour parallels mating behaviour: males of species in which a pair bond is formed usually assist in shepherding the young. Although clad in a protective coat of down and usually camouflaged with spots and streaks, the chicks suffer high mortality from predators and adverse weather. Mortality rates of 50 percent or more are reported to occur in the period of a few months between hatching and independence of the young. Partridge, quail, and grouse maintain family groups (coveys) of a dozen or more birds that remain together until the next breeding season.
The hoatzin, unusual in many ways, also differs from other galliforms in that its nestlings are hatched practically naked and are fed by the parents in the nest. The young are fed regurgitated food from the crops of their parents. Although they have a long fledging period, young hoatzins scramble about in the branches around the nest, holding on with the clawed first and second digits of the wings and, in the manner of parrots, with their bills. The fact that the second digit of the wing (now considered to be digit III in the evolutionary sense) is free and bears a functional claw was once thought (erroneously) to indicate affinities with the reptilian forebears of birds. Most authorities now believe that the free digits are a secondary adaptation that allows the young hoatzin great mobility during its flightless period and allows it to climb out of the water, into which it may deliberately drop when danger threatens.
Most gallinaceous birds reach sexual maturity at the age of at least one year. Some species, however, may be physiologically capable of reproduction at a much earlier age. The common quail (Coturnix coturnix), wild individuals of which normally breed at one year of age, matures to breeding condition in seven weeks in captivity. It is uncertain whether wild birds hatched in the spring actually do breed during the summer; environmental control factors, especially decreasing day length, probably prevent the attainment of breeding condition by two-month-old birds in natural situations. Even the Congo peacock (Afropavo congensis), a relatively large species, is able to reproduce at one year of age when reared in captivity.
Like many other birds that inhabit dense cover, forest galliformes are endowed with strong voices, ranging from musical whistles to harsh screams. The repertoire of most species includes alarm notes, food calls, “crowing” by males to advertise territories, and notes used to maintain social groups. Many species are especially vocal at daybreak; a few are reported to call at night. Megapodes give clucking and cackling calls during the day and mewing calls at night. Cracids produce loud calls that have immense carrying power. Males of some species have elongated, looped tracheae (windpipes), which are believed to add to the carrying power of the calls. Members of the social groups often cackle noisily together. Male peafowl utter a long mournful scream that sounds quite like a child in distress.
Form and function
With the exception of the hoatzin, all galliforms have the same general body plan, being adapted for a primarily terrestrial existence. The feet and claws are large in all families, particularly so in the megapodes, reflecting their use for scratching and digging. The hind toe is larger and more functional in groups, such as the cracids, that spend much time in trees; it is smaller in the more terrestrial groups, but in none has it been lost, as it has in terrestrial birds of some other orders.

The short, rounded wings, powered by strong breast muscles (the white meat of the chicken), are indicative of the need for short, rapid bursts of flight, such as the escape from predators. Although no galliform is flightless, none is capable of long flights. The tail varies from extremely short (as in the painted quail) to strikingly long; in many male pheasant the tail may be more than two-thirds of the bird’s total length. The tails of some pheasant and of most megapodes are vaulted, having an inverted V-shape in cross section.
Male ornamental plumage is often remarkable in shape and coloration, combining spots or bars of silver, green, or purple iridescence with areas of brilliant orange, yellow, or white. Sculptured, fleshy wattles on the faces of male pheasant and grouse are often coloured a bright blue or red. In some male pheasant, such as the firebacks (Lophura), impeyans (Lophophorus), and peafowl, the head is ornamented with a small tuft of modified plumes, forming a tiny fan. Many cracids have patches of bare skin on the face or throat, usually red, yellow, or blue. Males of many curassows and guans possess head ornaments in the form of a brightly coloured fleshy knob or a bony casque (helmet) on the top of the head.
Evolution and paleontology
Galliforms represent one of the oldest of all lineages of modern birds, with roots in the Cretaceous Period. Megapodiidae, a family of specialized mound builders from Australasia, is the most primitive of the extant families. The second oldest family, Cracidae, originated in the early Paleogene. The first cracids were most likely from Central America and southern North America, which was tropical in climate at that time. It is also conceivable that the evolution of the major groups of cracids and the divergence of New World quail (Odontophoridae) from other galliform birds over 35 million years ago was influenced by the breakup of Gondwana.