holostean, (infraclass Holostei), any member of a group of primitive bony fishes that make up one of the three major subdivisions of the superclass Actinopterygii (ray-finned fishes). Holosteans are represented today by the bowfins (order Amiiformes) of North America and the gars (order Semionotiformes) of North and Central America and Cuba. Holosteans diverged from their chondrostean ancestors in the order Palaeonisciformes during the Permian Period and were particularly abundant in the Mesozoic Era (251–65.5 million years ago); however, only three living genera remain. The genus Amia contains the single remaining species of bowfin, and the genera Lepisosteus and Atractosteus contain the seven living species of gars. The extinct order Pycnodontiformes is often associated with the holosteans. There is disagreement as to whether infraclass Holosei should be recognized as a natural taxonomic entity, since many authorities believe that bowfins, gars, and their fossil relatives did not descend from a common ancestor.
General features
Bowfins (also known as grindles, mudfishes, and dogfishes) are found in slow-moving waters from the Great Lakes to the Gulf of Mexico. Female bowfins reach a length of about 75 cm (30 inches) and weigh up to 3.5 kg (about 8 pounds); males are smaller. Bowfins eat all kinds of fish and invertebrates and are sometimes destructive to game fish populations. Bowfins are seldom caught as food fish. Relatives once common in Europe and Asia are extinct.
Gars occur only in North America, Central America, and Cuba—from southeastern Canada to Panama—but are not found west of the Rocky Mountains. The longnose gar (Lepisosteus osseus) is the most widely distributed species. Gars are primarily freshwater fish that sometimes venture into salt water or brackish water. The alligator gar (Atractosteus spatula), one of the largest freshwater fishes, is particularly abundant in the Everglades region of southern Florida, where it is caught locally as a food fish. It sometimes grows to a length of nearly 3 metres (10 feet) and may attain a weight of 136 kg (300 pounds).
The names gar, garfish, and garpike are sometimes also applied, especially in Europe, to the needlefishes (Belonidae). Needlefishes are coastal fishes of warm seas and have very long and slender jaws; however, they are not closely related to the Holostei.
Natural history
Bowfins spawn in weedy areas along the edges of streams and lakes. The male constructs the nest and guards the eggs as well as the newly hatched young. The young bowfin has an adhesive organ at the tip of its snout that enables it to cling to weeds. The fish grows rapidly, and it may be as long as 23 cm (9 inches) by the end of its first year.

In the spring, female gars lay large yolk-filled eggs in shallow water. The gar hatchlings grow rapidly, feeding on minnows. The long rows of needle-sharp teeth are effective in capturing fast-swimming prey.
Gars and bowfins are voracious predators that feed on invertebrates and other fishes. All amiiform fishes (that is, the bowfin’s extinct relatives) were probably predaceous. For the most part, the amiiforms were a marine group. The modern bowfin, however, is confined to fresh water. In addition, the bowfin is not limited to its gills for respiration. Its highly developed swim bladder can also function as a lung in times when the water temperature is high and oxygen concentration is low. In contrast, gars are known to occasionally venture into salt water, but apparently they do not attempt to feed there. Gars, which also possess a versatile swim bladder, often float quietly at the surface of slow-moving waters, breathing air.
Form and function
Skeletal features
In the Holostei the dermal bone of the upper jaw (maxilla) is freed from the cheek elements, and its attachment to the skull only occurs in the ethmoid region or near the nasal chambers. The palate is separated from the cheek elements, and the adductor mandibulae muscle, which closes the jaws, is larger and more subdivided than it is in the Polypteriformes (bichirs) and Acipenseriformes (sturgeons and paddlefish). Primitively, the centrum (that is, the central and circular part of a vertebra) surrounding the notochord (a flexible rod that passes through the vertebral column) is absent, but this structure apparently developed independently in most of the holostean orders. The scales are primitively rhomboidal, or diamond shaped, and covered with an enamel-like substance; however, they have become thin and cycloidal (that is, rounded and overlapping) in several groups. The fin rays of the unpaired fins are always equal in number to their basal supports, and the fins themselves may or may not be bordered at the anterior end by fulcra, which are modified scales or spines. The caudal, or tail, fin is typically hemiheterocercal (that is, the body lobe turns up slightly) and externally symmetrical. The braincase is always composed of separate ossifications (centres of bone formation) that resemble, in number and placement, those found in the teleosts.
The infraclass Holostei includes the orders Semionotiformes, Pycnodontiformes, and Amiiformes. In these orders the preoperculum (an L-shaped bone anterior to the operculum, or gill cover) is tied to the palatal elements and provides part of the originating area for the adductor mandibulae muscle.