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All species of Mus are native to Eurasia and Africa, where they range from lowlands to mountaintops. The five species in the subgenus Pyromys are found in Sri Lanka, India, and mainland Southeast Asia. Much of their range originally consisted of open grasslands or grassy patches in forests. Shortridge’s mouse (M. shortridgei), for example, has been found living in tall grasses and pygmy bamboo growing among teak forests in Thailand.
The five species in the subgenus Coelomys are restricted to tropical evergreen lowland and mountain forests of Sri Lanka, southern India, mainland Southeast Asia, Sumatra, and Java. Beneath the forest understory, they live in moist or cool environments, often near streams and other water sources, or in wet, mossy habitats at high elevations. Little is known about their behaviour or ecology. They have tapered, shrewlike muzzles and small eyes. The dark brown fur is woolly or velvety in three of the species and somewhat spiny in the other two. Their diet probably consists mostly of invertebrates, which they locate by poking their noses through moist leaf litter and moss covering the forest floor.
The nine members of the subgenus Mus are found throughout Eurasia and North Africa in a variety of habitats: scantily vegetated deserts, steppes, rocky slopes, open grasslands and grassy patches in tropical deciduous forests, fallow fields and croplands at northern latitudes, and rice fields in the Asian tropics. Four of these species, including the house mouse, have dispersed beyond their natural ranges as a result of human settlement. The earth-coloured mouse (M. terricolor) is native to peninsular India, Nepal, and Pakistan, but it has been introduced into northern Sumatra. The fawn-coloured mouse has a natural distribution throughout mainland Southeast Asia and southern China but also inhabits rice fields on Sumatra and Java, where it was likely introduced. The Ryukyu mouse ranges throughout Southeast Asia, including Taiwan and the Ryukyu Islands, where it lives in rice fields and other grassy agricultural land; humans apparently introduced this species into the Malay Peninsula, Sumatra, Java, and east of the continental margin on Flores Island, where it inhabits rice fields.
Some species are apparently restricted to particular habitats, such as the gray-bellied pygmy mouse (M. triton), which lives only in grassland, heath, and wet scrub, but others are more adaptable. Habitats of the pygmy mouse, for example, include open sandy ground, savannas, forests, and sometimes houses. This subgenus contains the most efficient burrowers: Thomas’s pygmy mouse (M. sorella) and its relatives have protruding upper incisors, longer claws than most species of Mus, and shorter tails relative to body length. They are rarely seen and are caught only by being dug out of their burrows.
The 19 species of subgenus Nannomys live throughout sub-Saharan Africa in many different habitats: sandy and stony deserts, open grasslands, heath, scrub, dry and wet savannas, lowland to montane tropical forests, swamp margins, and cultivated areas.
Classification and evolutionary history
Species of Mus belong to the subfamily of Old World rats and mice (Murinae) in the family Muridae within the order Rodentia. Their closest living relative is the stripe-backed mouse (Muriculus imberbis) endemic to the mountains of Ethiopia. The evolutionary history of Mus extends 6 million years to the late Miocene Epoch in Asia, 3 million to 4 million years to the Pliocene Epoch in Africa and Europe, and 11,700 to 2.6 million years to the Pleistocene Epoch in the Mediterranean region. Based upon study of living and fossil species, researchers speculate that Mus originated in central Asia more than 11 million years ago, evolved into the many fossil and living Asian species, entered Africa around 5 million years ago (where it formed the ancestral stock of fossil and living Nannomys species), and finally reached Europe and the Mediterranean somewhat later.
Guy Musser