- Related Topics:
- anglerfish
- toadfish
- Gadiformes
- Percopsiformes
- Polymixiiformes
Fossil batrachoidiforms include only material from lower Pliocene marine deposits (about 3.6 million to 5.3 million years old) of North Africa. These fossils are similar to a living species, Batrachoides didactylus.
Fossil gadiforms are relatively numerous and are known primarily from Northern Hemisphere marine deposits from the Paleogene and Neogene between 65.5 million and 2.6 million years ago. A Paleocene fossil between 56 million to 65.5 million years old was identified as a codlike fish. Fossils linked to the families Bregmacerotidae, Gadidae, and Macrouridae, along with the Ophidiidae (order Ophidiiformes), date back to Oligocene and Miocene times (34 million to 5.3 million years ago); some fossil bregmacerotids and gadids have even been traced as far back as the Eocene Epoch (56 million to 34 million years ago). Furthermore, many fossil ear stones (otoliths) and scales, beginning with specimens from the Cretaceous (146 million to 65.5 million years ago), are similar to those of gadiforms. Fossil lophiiforms include two species from Eocene marine deposits of Europe and one species from Pliocene marine deposits of North Africa. One of these species from the Eocene has been identified as a goosefish (Lophiidae) and the other a frogfish (Antennariidae).
Fossil percopsiforms include three genera from Cenozoic freshwater deposits of North America and one genus (Sphenocephalus) from Cretaceous marine deposits of Europe. Of the North American genera, two (Amphiplaga and Erismatopterus) that date from the middle Eocene have been identified as trout-perches (Percopsidae). The third genus (Tricophanes), which dates to near the Oligocene-Miocene boundary, has been established as a pirate perch (Aphredoderidae). The relationships between Sphenocephalus and other genera are obscure.
Annotated classification
- Superorder Paracanthopterygii
- Most with a distinctive type of jaw musculature (involving levator maxillae superioris muscle and associated structures). Pelvic fins usually placed anteriorly, thoracic (midbody) or even farther forward. Primarily marine; worldwide distribution. About 1,340 living species.
- Order Ophidiiformes (brotulas, pearlfishes, and cusk eels)
- Many species are parasitic and live within their host. Deep-sea marine. 5 families, about 144 genera, 385 species. Oligocene-Miocene to present.
- Order Percopsiformes (trout-perches, pirate perches, and cave fishes)
- Mouth gape and buccal dentition reduced; median fin spines reduced or lost; head with spine ornamentation. 3 families, 7 genera, about 9 living species, all freshwater; North America; length 8 to 15 cm (3 to 6 inches). Eocene to present.
- Order Gadiformes (cods, hakes, and grenadiers)
- Reduced caudal skeleton; elongate body; altered head and jaw structure. Very reduced fin spines. Marine, worldwide. About 10 families, with about 75 genera and 555 species. Length 7 to about 200 cm (2.75 inches to about 6.5 feet). Paleocene to present. Early gadiforms were similar in structure to early percopsiforms, but almost all remained marine and subsequently specialized into a variety of environments.
- Order Batrachoidiformes (toadfishes)
- Bottom fishes with short, small, spinous dorsal fins; long soft-rayed dorsal fins; flat heads. 1 family (Batrachoididae), about 22 genera and 78 species. Marine, occasionally freshwater, shore fishes of tropics. Length to about 30 cm (about 12 inches). Miocene to present.
- Order Lophiiformes (goosefishes, anglerfishes, frogfishes, and batfishes)
- Spinous dorsal fin modified as a movable lure. Some deep-sea forms with light organs and males parasitic on females. Marine, widespread; in shallow-water and deep-sea habitats. 16 families, about 66 genera and 313 species. Length to about 200 cm (6.5 feet). Eocene to present.
Critical appraisal
The interrelationships of the groups listed here as paracanthopterygians are not yet well established, and the classification given here is provisional. There is considerable agreement that trout-perches (Percopsiformes) and cods (suborder Gadoidei) are closely related, and this agreement may be considered the basis of the Paracanthopterygii. What other fishes should be included in the superorder is a question receiving continued study. The clingfishes (Gobiesociformes) and eelpouts (Zoarcidae) were once classified as paracanthopterygians, but they are now considered to be perciform fishes. Similarly, the order Polymixiiformes was once placed in the superorder Paracanthopterygii, but it is now considered to be the closest living relative of the Acanthomorpha, a clade that includes the Paracanthopterygii and its sister group, the Acanthopterygii. Debate also continues on whether the paracanthopterygian fishes are either close relatives of the atherinomorph fishes or more primitive members of the acanthomorphs.
Gareth Jon Nelson