- Related Topics:
- Icadyptes
- Anthropornis
- giant penguin
- Aptenodytes
- Eudyptula
The penguins are highly specialized for their flightless aquatic existence. The feet are located much farther back than those of other birds, with the result that the bird carries itself mostly upright; its walk can thus be described as plantigrade (i.e., on the soles). The sole comprises the whole foot instead of just the toes, as in other birds. The most notable characteristic of the group is the transformation of the forelimb into a paddle. This is accompanied by a body morphology particularly adapted to movement in a liquid medium. The thoracic (rib) cage is well developed, and the sternum bears a pronounced keel for the attachment of the pectoral muscles, which move the flippers. The flipper has the same skeletal base as the wing of flying birds but with its elements shortened and flattened, producing a relatively rigid limb covered with very short feathers—an ideal organ for rapid propulsion. The body plumage likewise consists of very short feathers, which minimize friction and turbulence. The density of the plumage and the layer of air that it retains provide almost complete insulation of the body.
Insulation of the bird’s body is particularly important for Antarctic species that live in water that is always below 0 °C (32 °F). The cooling power of seawater at −1.9 °C (28.6 °F) is equal to that of a temperature of −20 °C (−4 °F) with a wind of 110 km (70 miles) per hour. The skin is insulated by a layer of air trapped under the plumage, and the only bare skin in direct contact with the water is that of the feet. In the case of the emperor penguin on land, the feet are in almost constant contact with ice. The skin temperature is in the neighbourhood of 0 °C, and snow does not melt upon contact. This is possible because of remarkable anatomical arrangements in the lower limb, whereby closely adjacent arteries and veins form a system of heat exchange between opposing flows of blood. This arrangement permits cooled blood from the feet to absorb heat from outflowing blood, providing maximum economy of heat consistent with the functioning of the foot.
Like other seabirds, penguins have salt glands that enable them to ingest salt from seawater. Excess chloride is excreted in the form of a solution the concentration of which is greater than that of seawater. These glands are located above the eyes and are already functional in the young chick, which begins to consume food of marine origin from its first day of life.
Recent research has shown that the species most isolated geographically, such as the emperor penguin, can be subject to diseases. Some, such as the Adélie penguin, carry in their bodies trace amounts of pollutants, albeit in lower quantities than are found in many birds that live closer to humans.
Evolution and classification
Fossil record
Evidence from paleontology indicates that the penguins and the order Procellariiformes (albatrosses, shearwaters, and petrels) had a common origin. Both groups are represented by well-defined fossils dating to about 50 million years ago. The flightless sphenisciform line produced a number of distinctive side branches, all recognizably penguins, some giant in size. All of the fossil remains of penguins have been collected within the zone of the present-day distribution of the Sphenisciformes. Some apparently lived in warmer regions than do most of today’s penguins.

Phylogenetic analysis of living and fossil penguins shows that the group evolved a large body size early in its history. For example, two of the largest fossil penguins known—Icadyptes, which stood some 1.5 metres (about 5 feet) tall, and Anthropornis, which stood about 1.8 metres (6 feet) tall—date to the Eocene Epoch (56 million to 33.9 million years ago). Living penguins make up a separate lineage characterized by smaller, highly aquatic species that began about 8 million years ago. The comparatively small size of living penguins is thus a geologically recent phenomenon that postdates the original radiation of giant penguins.
- Order Sphenisciformes (penguins)
- 18–21 species in 1 family (Spheniscidae) with 6 genera found in oceans of the Southern Hemisphere; wings flipperlike for propulsion underwater; webbed feet short and stout; stance upright; feathers short and dense, molted in patches; length 35–115 cm (14–45 inches); fossil forms to 180 cm (70 inches).
- Genus Eudyptes (crested penguins)
- 7 species: erect-crested, Fiordland, macaroni, northern rockhopper, southern rockhopper, royal, and Snares.
- Genus Spheniscus (black-footed, or jackass, penguins)
- 4 species: African, Galapagos, Humboldt, and Magellanic.
- Genus Eudyptula (blue penguin)
- 1 species, also called little, or fairy, penguin.
- Genus Megadyptes (yellow-eyed penguin)
- 1 species.