- Related Topics:
- rhinoceros
- Ceratomorpha
- Equidae
- Hippomorpha
- Ancylopoda
The skin of rhinoceroses is extraordinarily thick. The great Indian and Javan rhinoceroses are covered with large, practically immovable plates, separated by joints of thinner skin to permit movement. The two species differ in the arrangement of the folds. The hair of all rhinoceroses is sparse or absent except that of young Sumatran rhinoceroses, which have a dense coat of crisp, black hair. The skin of the tapirs is also thick with a sparse covering of short hairs arranged in irregular groups. The equids have a normal hide with a well-developed hairy coat.
The “horns” of the rhinoceroses are noteworthy structures of epidermal origin. The horn is composed of a mass of fused epidermal cells that are impregnated with a tough, fibrous protein (keratin) and that rest on a roughened bony cushion on the fused nasal bones. The male Javan rhinoceros has a short horn about 25 centimetres (10 inches) long; the horn of the female is rudimentary. The great Indian rhinoceros has a single horn up to 60 centimetres (25 inches) long. The other species of rhinoceroses have a second horn that stands on a protuberance of the bones (frontals) between the eyes. Hornlike structures were also present in the titanotheres and extinct rhinoceroses.
In all living perissodactyls the terminal digital bones are flattened and triangular, with evenly rounded free edges, and are encased by keratinous hooves derived from the integument. The single hoof of the equids—the only mammals to walk on the tips of single digits—is the most highly developed structure of this kind among mammals. The keratinous wall is analogous to the nail of mammals that have claws or nails.
The vertebral column acts as a firm girder, with high dorsal (neural) spines on the thoracic vertebrae, above the forelimbs and ribs. Spines and ribs serve as compression struts above and below. The column balances largely on the forelegs and is pushed from behind by the hindlegs, which are the main propellants. This skeletal structure permits running and also enables great weights to be borne in such animals as the rhinoceroses. There are never fewer than 22 thoracolumbar (trunk) vertebrae.
The neck, or cervical, vertebrae are opisthocoelous—i.e., with the bodies (centra) of the vertebrae hollowed behind to take the convex heads of the succeeding centra. This feature facilitates rotatory movement of the neck and is most highly developed in the horses.

Limb girdles
The shoulder blade is long and narrow with a small coracoid process (a ridge to which muscles are attached) and a low spine. There is no clavicle (collarbone). The pelvic girdle has a broad, vertically raised ilium to which are attached the large gluteal (thigh) muscles, important for locomotion, and the abdominal muscles, which carry the weight of the belly.
There is a clear evolutionary tendency in the Equidae for the limbs to become long and slender, with a reduction in the number of digits in the swift-running forms. These changes are accompanied by an increase in rigidity and specialization for movement fore and aft. The upper (proximal) segments, the humerus of the forelimb and the femur of the hindlimb, have remained short. In contrast the lower (distal) parts, consisting of an anterior radius and posterior ulna in the forelimb and an anterior tibia and posterior fibula in the hindlimb, have become longer and slimmer. The humerus is short and broad. Its articulation with the radius and ulna only permits fore-and-aft movement. The proximal end of the stout femur has a third projection, or trochanter, in addition to the usual mammalian two, which serves as an additional point of attachment for the large locomotory muscles of the hindlimbs.
The anatomical feature of the order now considered most significant is that the axis of symmetry of the limbs passes through the third or middle toe, the most strongly developed and the one on which most of the weight is borne. This is called the mesaxonic condition and is contrasted with the paraxonic condition of the Artiodactyla, in which the axis passes between the third and fourth toes.
Originally, the five toes of the limb were held in the semidigitigrade position—i.e., with the weight of the body being borne on the soles of the toes and on the lower ends of the elongate metacarpal and metatarsal bones of the forefeet and hindfeet. The upper (proximal) ends of these bones were raised above the ground, a condition still to be seen in the tapirs.
As the third digit became increasingly dominant, it became longer and thicker. The upper ends of the third metacarpus and metatarsus broadened and forced the other digits to the side. The first (inner) digit was the first to disappear. The earliest known forms already bore only three digits on the hindfoot. The loss of the first toe on the front foot led to the four-toed condition common in the Eocene; the fifth digit persisted, although it was somewhat weak. The tapirs, with four toes in front and three behind, have retained this early condition.
The fifth digit of the hindfoot was the next to disappear in the evolutionary sequence, and all known forms beyond the lower Oligocene had only three toes in each foot. The living rhinoceroses illustrate this condition. A massive limb with a broad foot is essential in such heavy animals. The feet have cushions of elastic connective tissue well suited to bear the weight of the body.
In the most highly specialized forms, the second and fourth digits also underwent reduction. These digits are retained in the living Equidae only as functionless, vestigial slivers of bone on either side of the third metacarpal and metatarsal.
With reduction in the number of digits, the third has assumed a progressively more vertical position. Its terminal joint, or phalanx, has become larger and the hoof surrounding it bigger and thicker. At the same time the ulna, the smaller bone of the forelimb, decreased in size until, in the modern Equidae, its upper end fused with the radius and its lower end remained merely as part of the articulating surface of the radius with the wrist bones (carpals). In the hindlimb, the fibula became reduced in similar fashion. It articulates with the ankle bones (tarsals) only in a few extinct forms, such as the titanotheres. In the tapirs and rhinoceroses it is slender. In the equids the proximal end remains as a small splint of bone, while the distal end has fused with the tibia.
The arrangement of the small bones of the carpus (“wrist”) and tarsus (ankle) is another characteristic feature of perissodactyl limbs. In most other mammalian orders, the carpals and tarsals provide the limbs with regions of flexibility. Their development in the perissodactyls has been toward increasing rigidity, following the trend in the limbs as a whole. The basic mammalian arrangement is one of three rows of bones: a proximal row of three, adjacent to the lower arm and leg bones; an intermediate row of four (the centralia); and a distal row of five (carpalia of the forefoot, tarsalia of the hind), one to each digit. The centralia, carpalia, and tarsalia are numbered one to four or five, beginning on the side of the thumb and big toe. In all orders the number of wrist and ankle bones has been reduced. Usually only one of the centralia, known as the navicular, remains, while there are the same number of carpalia and tarsalia as there are digits.
An interlocking plan is characteristic of the Perissodactyla. In the forefoot, the third distal carpal (the magnum or capitate) is enlarged and interlocks with the proximal carpals. The elongated third metacarpal thrusts up against these interlocked bones. In the equids, distal carpal I (the trapezium) is absent, and the arrangement in the hindfoot is similar. In the most advanced, modern forms metatarsus III thrusts against the enlarged and flattened tarsal III (ectocuneiform), and this in turn is in contact with the large, flat navicular (centrale II and III). The navicular abuts on the flattened astragalus (or talus), the intermediate bone of the proximal row. The articulation between the upper surface of the astragalus and the tibia is pulley-like and permits only fore-and-aft movement of the limb.
The full complement of mammalian teeth consists of three incisors, one canine, four premolars, and three molars in each half of each jaw. The arrangement may be expressed by the formula 3 . 1 . 4 . 33 . 1 . 4 . 3 = 44 teeth. The figures represent the number of incisors, canines, premolars, and molars in each half of the upper (above the line) and lower (below) jaws, respectively.
The Condylarthra, a group of mammals that first appeared in the Paleocene (about 65.5 million to 55.8 million years ago) and were ancestral to most of the later and recent hoofed mammals, had a full complement of teeth. In many of the early perissodactyls, only the first lower premolar had been lost. The subsequent evolutionary sequence led to losses and specializations of the incisors and canines. Lengthening of the facial part of the skull resulted in the formation of a gap, the diastema, between the incisors and the premolars. The first upper premolar was reduced or lost in consequence. The canines, when present, were situated in this diastema, as they are in male horses.
Among the living perissodactyls, the tapirs have the least specialized battery of teeth. In this, as in many other features, they have remained primitive. The dental for mula of the family Tapiridae is: (2–3) . 1 . 3 . 3 3 . 1 . 4 . 3 = 40–42 teeth. The first upper premolar is noteworthy in being the only premolar with a milk, or deciduous, predecessor.
The cutting teeth are reduced in the Rhinocerotidae. Incisors and canines are absent in the two African forms. The Asiatic species have one or two upper, but generally no lower, incisors in each half of the jaw. They have no upper canines; the Javan and Sumatran rhinoceroses have one short, sharp lower canine on each side. There are three upper and lower molar teeth in all five species. The white and Sumatran rhinoceroses have three premolars, and the others have three or four premolars. The dental formula for the family is set up, therefore, as follows: 0 . (0–1) . (3–4) . 3(0–2) . 0 . (3–4) . 3 = 24–30 teeth. The dental formula of the Equidae is 3 . 1 . 3 . 3 3 . 1 . (3–4) . 3 = 40–42 teeth.
The form of the premolars and molars is of great interest and their evolutionary history has been studied in some detail. Primitive, browsing members of the order had brachydont cheek teeth (i.e., with low crowns and long, narrow root canals), with separate low, rounded cusps—the bunodont condition. Increasing specialization for grazing resulted in fusion of the cusps into ridges (lophs), thus teeth of this kind are called lophodont. Lower molars typically have two transverse lophs, the protoloph and the metaloph. In the upper molars these ridges are fused with a longitudinal ridge (ectoloph), which runs along the outer edge of the tooth. Further development leads to a convoluted arrangement of the lophs, such teeth being termed selenolophodont.
Associated with these changes in the tooth surfaces is a tendency for the crown to become higher. High-crowned teeth are termed hypsodont. The hollows between the lophs of hypsodont teeth are filled with a deposit of secondary cement, which strengthens the teeth and makes them more resistant to wear. A further evolutionary trend is for premolars to become as large as molars. Where the process of molarization is complete, as in horses, all grinding teeth are identical.
The Tapiridae have primitive brachydont premolars and molars. They possess two simple transverse lophs, and are thus termed bilophodont. They lack secondary cement on the crowns.
The Sumatran rhinoceros, the most primitive of the living rhinoceroses, and the Javan rhinoceros have similar brachydont, lophodont cheek teeth. The great Indian rhinoceros, which is less of a specialized browser, has hypselodont (hypsodont and selenodont) premolars, with a layer of cement on the crowns. The black rhinoceros has brachydont and lophodont teeth, with a thin layer of cement. The white rhinoceros is more specialized, for the cheek teeth are hypselodont and have a thick cement layer.
The grinding teeth of the Equidae are highly specialized, high crowned, with a complicated selenodont surface and thick cement deposits.
Digestive system
The stomach of perissodactyls is small, simple, and undivided. In the horse its capacity is only 8.5 percent of the whole digestive system. The comparable figure for the ox is 71 percent. The intestine is very long, and the cecum (blind gut) and colon are huge and sacculated (i.e., with many blind pockets). Here food is macerated and fermented and the fibrous portions are dissolved. The liver has no gall bladder.