- Related Topics:
- mudminnow
- Esociformes
- Osmeroidei
- Osmeriformes
- Salmoniformes
Evolutionarily important taxonomic characters
Studies of the skeletal system (osteology) and comparative anatomy have produced most of the information used in the classification of protacanthopterygian fishes. The Protacanthopterygii once contained a large number of primitive orders of fishes, including fishes now classified in, for example, the orders Salmoniformes, Esociformes, Aulopiformes, and Myctophiformes, no two of which are considered each others’ closest relatives. The skeleton and external anatomy continue to provide a wealth of characters for systematic ichthyologists; yet focus on the significance of certain characters, such as presence or absence of the adipose fin, seems not to have provided any breakthroughs in scientists’ understanding of bony fish evolution.
Annotated classification
The classification presented here is based on the work of American ichthyologist G.D. Johnson and British ichthyologist C. Patterson, with modifications from Canadian ichthyologist J.S. Nelson.
- Superorder Protacanthopterygii
- Epicentral cartilages, absence of proximal forking in the intermuscular bones. Vertebrae usually more than 24; adipose fin present in many members; mesocoracoid bone usually present; glossohyal teeth usually prominent (lost in some); upper jaw usually not protrusible; proethmoid and a series of several perichondral ethmoid commissures; 1 supraorbital bone; no gular plate.
- Order Esociformes
- 5–150 cm (2–60 inches) long; freshwater; Northern Hemisphere. Adipose fin lacking; swim bladder with open duct; maxilla without teeth; pyloric caecae lacking; pectoral girdle without mesocoracoid bone; tail support on 3 separate vertebral centra; 2 sets of paired ethmoid bones on snout region of skull. Order includes the pikes and pickerels (family Esocidae) and the mudminnows (family Umbridae).
- Family Umbridae (mudminnows)
- 3 genera (Dallia, Novumbra, and Umbra), about 8 species.
- Order Osmeriformes (argentines, deep-sea smelts)
- Complex posterior branchial structure, the crumenal organ; adipose fin usually present. Freshwater and marine, all oceans. 12 families, 79 genera, and about 290 species.
- Suborder Argentinoidei
- About 72 species; 3–40 cm (about 1–15.75 inches) long; marine, worldwide. Adipose fin present on most species; swim bladder without duct or absent; maxilla and premaxilla reduced, without teeth; light organs present in several species; tail support on 2 vertebral centra.
- Superfamily Alepocephaloidei
- About 130 species; 3 to 700 cm (about 1 inch to about 23 feet); marine, deep-sea; worldwide. Adipose fin lacking; swim bladder lacking; teeth small; intestine with pyloric caecae. Light organs present in some species (on raised papillae). Tail supported by 3 vertebral centra.
- Family Alepocephalidae (slickheads)
- About 17 genera, approximately 90 species.
- Family Bathylaconidae
- 2 genera, 4 species.
- Family Leptochilichthyidae
- 1 genus, 3 species.
- Family Platytroctidae
- About 13 genera, approximately 40 species.
- Superfamily Argentinoidea
- 4 families, 4 genera, 4 species.
- Family Argentidae
- 2 genera, approximately 25 species.
- Family Bathylagidae
- 8 genera, about 24 species.
- Family Microstomatidae
- 3 genera, approximately 20 species.
- Family Opisthoproctidae
- 6 genera, 11 species.
- Suborder Osmeroidei
- Posterior shaft of vomer short; mesopterygoid teeth reduced or absent; 6 families, 24 genera, and 74 species; marine, anadromous, or catadromous.
- Superfamily Osmeroidea
- Adipose fin present; palatine bone dumbbell-shaped; notch in dorsal margin of preopercle. 2 families, Osmeridae and Salangidae.
- Superfamily Galaxioidea
- About 50 species; 7.5–40 cm (3–15.75 inches) long; freshwater, anadromous, or catadromous; Southern Hemisphere. Adipose present or absent; swim bladder with or without duct; relationship of maxilla and premaxilla variable among genera. Pyloric caecae present or absent. Tail support on 1 or 2 vertebral centra; mesocoracoid bone of pectoral girdle absent; teeth present on mesopterygoid bone in roof of mouth.
- Family Galaxiidae (South American trouts)
- 7 genera, approximately 50 species.
- Family Retropinnidae (New Zealand trouts and southern graylings)
- 3 genera, about 6 species.
- Family Lepidogalaxiidae (salamanderfishes)
- 1 genus, 1 species.
- Order Salmoniformes
- Cretaceous to present. Cartilaginous epicentrals; absence of ossified epipleurals; separate dermethmoid and supraethmoid; scales without radii; marine and freshwater, worldwide. 1 family, 11 genera, and about 66 species. Length about 10–150 cm (roughly 4–60 inches); weight to about 50 kg (roughly 110 pounds).
- Family Salmonidae (salmons and trouts)
- Freshwater, anadromous, or marine; Northern Hemisphere. Adipose present in all species; swim bladder with open duct; maxilla dominant over premaxilla in upper jaw; no light organs; intestine with pyloric caecae; tail support on 3 distinct vertebral centra. 12 genera, about 175 species.