- Also called:
- polecat
- Related Topics:
- teledu
- Western spotted skunk
- stink badger
- hog-nosed skunk
- spotted skunk
- On the Web:
- Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission - Skunks (Feb. 24, 2025)
Hog-nosed skunks are capable diggers and have powerfully built upper bodies, which allow them to climb in rough terrain. Spotted skunks are the most agile, able to climb squirrel-like both up and down trees. Striped skunks spend most of their time on the ground and are less agile than spotted skunks. Striped skunks are omnivorous, feasting on insects, small vertebrates, and eggs, as well as vegetable matter. Hog-nosed skunks and stink badgers have elongated snouts adapted to rooting for grubs and other insects in the soil; they too rely on a variety of foods. Spotted skunks are the most carnivorous.
Skunks remain solitary except during the breeding season, though in colder climates females may den together. After mating, the male is driven off, and the female raises the litter of 2 to 12 offspring (kits) alone. Kits are born from about the end of April through early June. Breeding occurs in the spring, except in the western spotted skunk (S. gracilis), which breeds in the autumn but undergoes a period of delayed implantation lasting about 150 days.
Striped skunks are common throughout their range. Despite their unique system of defense, they are eaten, chiefly by great horned owls but also by eagles, crows, vultures, coyotes, foxes, dogs, bobcats, mountain lions, American badgers, and even humans. Stink badgers are preyed upon by civets, cats, and humans. Automobiles are a major cause of mortality for skunks in the United States.
The striped skunk and most other species are considered species of least concern by the International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources (IUCN). The IUCN classifies two species—the pygmy spotted skunk, which lives along Mexico’s Pacific coast, and the eastern spotted skunk, which is widespread across the Great Plains and southeastern U.S.—as vulnerable species. The pygmy spotted skunk is threatened by habitat loss and hunting related to the expansion of tourism in Mexico’s coastal areas. Likewise, declines in eastern spotted skunk populations have been caused by habitat loss; however, recent increases in mortality have been linked to the spread of diseases, such as parvovirus, rabies, and distemper, and the widespread use of pesticides in the region.
Importance to humans
Skunk pelts (especially striped) were once valuable in the fur industry but are less so today. Living skunks are more valuable, as most skunks prey primarily on insects, especially those harmful to agriculture. They are also very useful in destroying rats and mice that commonly infest farm buildings. Spotted skunks are particularly efficient hunters because they are quick and are able to follow rodents into smaller spaces than larger skunks can. The earliest legislation for the protection of skunks was passed in 1894 and grew out of appeals from hop growers in New York. In some areas of North America, skunks are a major carrier of rabies, which is fatal to skunks. Although striped skunks can be domesticated and their scent glands removed, they do not generally make good pets.
Paleontology and classification
Skunks have long been classified as a subfamily of the weasel family (Mustelidae). Genetic data, however, suggest placement of skunks in their own family, Mephitidae (mephitis being Latin for “bad odour”). The oldest fossil identified as a skunk dates to 11–12 million years ago and was discovered in Germany. Genetic data indicate the family originated about 30–40 million years ago, with mammals that displayed skunklike dentition dating back to the Late Cretaceous Epoch (some 100.5 million to 66 million years ago). Stink badgers were formerly included in the badger subfamily of the Mustelidae, but comparative anatomy and genetic data were used to reclassify them with skunks.
- Family Mephitidae (skunks)
- There has been some debate as to the number of genera and species within the family. Two species of stink badgers were thought to be distinct genera but here are referred to as a single genus. The eastern and western spotted skunks had been classified as a single species, but genetic and reproductive data warrant separate recognition. Chromosomal data suggest that additional species may be identified in Central America.
- Genus Conepatus (hog-nosed skunks)
- 4 species found in North and South America.
- Genus Spilogale (spotted skunks)
- 4 species found in North and Central America.
- Genus Mephitis (striped skunk and hooded skunk)
- 2 species found in North America.
- Genus Mydaus (stink badgers)
- 2 species found in Southeast Asia.