- Also called:
- serpent
A regularly recurrent event during the activity period of all snakes is the shedding, or molting, of the skin. Dormant individuals do not shed, but quite often this is one of the first events to take place after the end of dormancy. The integument of all animals represents the primary buffer between internal structures and the environment, and it is constantly subject to wear, tear, and other damage. The first line of defense against damage, especially when the skin is completely broken, is the formation of a blood clot or a scab, cellular reorganization, and scar formation. The second line of defense is the constant production of new cells in the deeper layers of the skin to replace cells lost or worn away from the surface. In snakes, the replacement procedure has been modified to a considerable degree. The replacement cells are not constantly produced independently of one another but grow on the same cycle and cohere into a complete unit. When this unit is functional, the old skin lying external to it becomes a threat to continued good health. At this point, the snake’s eyes become a milky blue, an indication of a physiological loosening of the skin that forms the eye cap. This loosening is duplicated all over the body, although not so obviously. Shortly, the eyes clear, and the snake rubs loose the skin around the mouth and nose and crawls out of it completely, leaving a new, functional skin resplendent in fresh, bright colours. The rattlesnake sheds its skin in the same fashion as all other snakes, but the process is highly modified at the tail tip, where successive layers of keratinized, hardened epidermis are interlocked, or nested, to form the rattle, a device used to ward off large mammals. The use of the rattle is reasonably successful with buffalo, cattle, or horses but spectacularly unsuccessful with humans because, through this advertising, the rattling snake precipitates either its death or its capture but seldom its escape.