Annotated classification
Also known as: Thysanoptera
- Related Topics:
- Thripidae
- Aeolothripidae
- Heterothripidae
- Tubulifera
- Terebrantia
The classification presented here is based on that of H. Priesner (1957, 1960).
- Order Thysanoptera
- Insects averaging about 2 mm; unique in that the right mandible is atrophied, resulting in an asymmetrical mouthcone; wings, when present, bear long fringes. Extensible bladders on the tarsi of the adults.
- Suborder Terebrantia
- The 10th and last abdominal segment, rarely tubelike, always split ventrally, major anal setae arising from subapical region, never from separate platelets; with sawlike ovipositor in female; wings usually with fine hairs (micotrichia) and at least 1 longitudinal vein; larvae with intermediate antennal segments bearing rings and microsetae; pupae with antennal sheaths either extended forward of head or lying over head; eggs without polar thickenings. 2 fossil families, Permothripidae and an undetermined family are, respectively, from Permian and Jurassic periods. Present families include the following.
- Family Aeolothripidae
- Oligocene (Baltic amber) to present. Worldwide. Antennae 9-segmented; ovipositor may be upturned or straight; forewings broad and rounded at tips, surface with microtrichia and several longitudinal and cross veins; antennal sensors on intermediate segments in form of linear or circular disks.
- Family Merothripidae
- Oligocene (Baltic amber) to present. Worldwide. Antennae 8- or 9-segmented; ovipositor downturned, often weakly developed; forewings narrow, surface smooth; antennal sensors on intermediate segments disclike.
- Family Heterothripidae
- Cretaceous (Cedar Lake amber) to present. Western Hemisphere and India. Antennae nine-segmented; ovipositor downturned; forewings narrow, surface with microtrichia; antennal sensors on intermediate segments as flat discs or protruding peglike cones.
- Family Thripidae
- Oligocene (Baltic amber) to present. Worldwide. Antennae 6- to 9-segmented; ovipositor downturned, rarely weakly developed; forewings narrow, with microtrichia; antennal sensors on intermediate segments as simple or forked sense cones.
- Suborder Tubulifera
- The 10th abdominal segment tubelike, never split, major anal setae arising from separate plates adjacent to the tube; females without ovipositor; wings without longitudinal veins or fringe; larvae with antennal segments smooth not ringed; pupae with antennal sheaths hornlike or curved around (not over) head; eggs often with a tubercule on anterior pole.
- Family Phlaeothripidae
- This is the only family currently assigned to the suborder. Representatives occur throughout the world are known from Oligocene (Baltic amber) to the present.
Critical appraisal
The subordinal disposition of the thrips is well established, but the ranking of family groups as given above is disputed by some who would raise the families to superfamily rank. The order was earlier (1838) designated the Physapoda by H. Burmeister, given in allusion to the swollen tarsi, the so-called bladder feet.
Lewis Judson Stannard