Three clerics contributed religious verse of considerable merit. The Roman Catholic Joannes Stalpaert van der Wiele wrote Den schat der geestelycke lofsangen (1634; “The Treasury of Devotional Praise”), containing songs of medieval simplicity and devotion. Jacobus Revius, an orthodox Calvinist, was a master of the Renaissance forms and the sonnet. Ironically, Dirk Rafaëlszoon Camphuysen, removed from his parish because of his unorthodoxy, satisfied a widespread demand for personal, devotional poetry in Stichtelycke rymen (1624; “Edifying Poems”). Equally popular was the introspective mystical poetry by the ascetic Jan Luyken, a layman who began by writing hedonistic songs in De Duytse lier (1671; “The Dutch Lyre”), containing fine love lyrics.
The 18th century
The appearance in 1669 of the first literary society (dichtgenootschap) was an omen of a decline in Dutch literature lasting through the 18th century. Material well-being sapped the vitality of the nation. Even the talented poet Hubert Poot suffered from the delusion of his day that rococo flourish and prescribed form were the criteria of poetry. Prose, too, consisted almost exclusively of translations and bombastic disquisitions. Significantly, Justus van Effen wrote in French before he founded De Hollandsche spectator (1731–35). The simple style of his moralizing essays contrasts with the work of his contemporaries, and his descriptive realism links him with two popular Dutch authors, Betje Wolff (byname of Elizabeth Wolff-Bekker) and Aagje Deken (byname of Agatha Deken).
Betje Wolff, essayist and poet, blended rationalism and romanticism in her creative genius. Her association with Aagje Deken as friend and fellow writer produced the classic epistolary novel De historie van mejuffrouw Sara Burgerhart (1782; “The History of Miss Sara Burgerhart”), dedicated to “Dutch young ladies.” Remarkable for its wit and realism, it owed much to the English novelist Samuel Richardson. Wolff’s intelligence and humour also dominated the original didactic purpose of the pair’s eight-volume Willem Leevend (1784–85).
By the end of the century a number of poets—including Hieronymus van Alphen, Rhijnvis Feith, Jacobus Bellamy, and Antony Staring—were reacting against Neoclassicism. The most admired and influential poet of the period was Willem Bilderdijk, whose versatile genius was almost smothered with excesses of rhetoric but whose Protestant zeal had repercussions in the Réveil (Revival), a Calvinist fundamentalist movement that gave impetus to the literary revival of the 1830s.
The 19th century
Although Jacob Geel’s essays in Onderzoek en phantasie (1838; “Inquiry and Fantasy”) set a new standard in philological and philosophical criticism in Dutch literature, Geel’s liberal rationalism was almost swept aside by the growing wave of Romanticism. Simultaneously, the freethinking born of the Enlightenment roused the militancy of the Calvinists, who realized that their entrenched position was being threatened. Willem Bilderdijk and his disciple Isaäc da Costa reminded the nation of its divine mission, and foreign historical novels (particularly the work of Chateaubriand and Sir Walter Scott) provided models for historical national Romanticism. In 1826 David van Lennep published a paper calling for novels modeled on Scott; his son Jacob was the first of many writers to respond, with De pleegzoon (1833; The Adopted Son). Aernout Drost, author of Hermingard van de Eikenterpen (1832; “Hermingard of the Oak Burial Mounds”), set at the beginning of the Christian era, also started a new literary journal, De muzen (1834), which, like his novel, was true to the spirit of the Réveil. Two men on the journal’s staff—a historian, R.C. Bakhuizen van den Brink, and a future leader of the literary revival, Everhardus Johannes Potgieter—continued the campaign to improve critical standards in De gids (“The Guide”), known as the “Blue Butcher” because of its merciless treatment of complacency. Potgieter defined the historical novel, and Anna Bosboom-Toussaint put his ideas into effect, transposing the universal Christian idealism of Drost to the national Protestant faith of the Golden Age. Bosboom-Toussaint’s best known book, Majoor Frans (1874; “Major Francis”), was not historical, belonging rather to an era of liberal politics and female emancipationists.

Nicolaas Beets, although feted as a national Protestant poet, owes his enduring fame to his sketches in Camera obscura (1839), with their stylistic virtuosity and Dickensian observation of detail. Potgieter’s allegorical humour was less direct in its appeal, and his quest for originality tended to deprive his style of simplicity and clarity. The perceptive and often scathing critic Conrad Busken Huet, a progressive who left the church, placed Dutch writing in a truer perspective with western European writing. His essays were collected in Litterarische fantasiën en kritieken (1868–88; “Literary Fantasies and Criticisms”), and his later work was best represented by Het land van Rembrand (1882–84). Meanwhile, a furor had been caused by an entirely unknown writer, Multatuli (pseudonym of Eduard Douwes Dekker), whose Max Havelaar (1860; Eng. trans. 1927), a satire of Dutch exploitation of the Dutch East Indies, unexpectedly revealed a stylistic innovator of genius. Dekker’s writing, in Wouterje Pieterse (1865–77; Eng. trans. 1904) and Minnebrieven (1861; “Love Letters”), vibrated between extremes of sentimentality and anarchy, iconoclasm and utopianism. Although poetry as a convention was anathema to him, Dekker was greatly admired by the young men of the new generation, such as Jacques Perk, who wrote sketches in Dekker’s humorous style before composing a sonnet cycle, Mathilde (published posthumously in 1882), which opened a new epoch in Dutch literature.
Movement of the 1880s
The appearance of the periodical De nieuwe gids (“The New Guide”) in 1885 marked the beginning of an important renaissance of literature in the northern Netherlands. Unlike the earlier periodical De gids, it pursued an exclusively aesthetic ideal. Leaders of the movement were the poets Willem Kloos and Albert Verwey and the violent and lyrical critic Lodewijk van Deyssel. Among others prominent in the movement were the dramatist, poet, and prose writer Frederik Willem van Eeden; Herman Gorter, who became the foremost poet after his poem “Mei” (“May”) appeared in 1889; and the poets Pieter Cornelis Boutens and Jan Hendrik Leopold.