Classical literature
Ancient times
The origins of Korean literature can be traced back to an Old Stone Age art form that combined dance, music, and literature. Originating in festival activities, this art form served the political function of unifying society, the religious function of identifying and describing a supernatural power capable of averting calamity on earth, and the economic function of inspiring productive activity, especially that related to agriculture. The farming and work songs and the early forms of myth and narrative poetry that had their basis in the abundant harvests of the New Stone Age were probably transmitted orally; it is difficult to find examples that have survived intact.
During the Bronze Age the foundation myths and early epics of the Korean people first coalesced. The foundation legend of Old Chosŏn, the state that dominated the Korean peninsula in ancient times, is centred on Tangun, the mythological first king of the Koreans, who was born of Hwanung (who had descended from the heavens) and Ungnyŏ (who had been transformed from a bear). The legends that explain the origins of the kingdoms that came to dominate the Korean peninsula include those about Koguryŏ and Puyŏ, in which their royal ancestor Chumong is born of Haemosu and Yuhwa, as well as those about Silla and Kaya. All these legends praise the achievements of their protagonists, who are exalted as nation-founding heroes who have overcome hardship, and glorify their heavenly powers as earthly rulers. For the most part, these legends were passed down in the form of festival ceremonial observances focused on the worship of heaven.
Also important in early Korean literature were songs, the earliest of which reflected a historical period in which much was changing. “Hwangjo ka” (17 bce; “Orioles’ Song”), composed in Chinese, is a well-known example. “Hwangjo ka,” which is thought to be the first lyric poem in Korean literature, evokes the personal loneliness of the unfortunate Koguryŏ king Yuri.
The Three Kingdoms period and unification: 57 bce–935 ce
The Three Kingdoms—the states of Silla, Koguryŏ, and Paekche, which ruled the Korean peninsula from 57 bce to 668 ce—utilized Chinese as their official literary language. This state-sanctioned use of Chinese, along with the adoption of Confucianism and Buddhism, meant a significant transition in the history of Korean literature. Such books as the Yugi (“Extant Records”), Shinjip (“New Compilation”), Sŏgi (“Documentary Records”), and Kuksa (“National History”), all collections of historical records, were compiled in Chinese. They represented an attempt to consolidate the political structures of these kingdoms. The carving of monumental inscriptions, such as those at the grave of King Kwanggaet’o (who reigned in Koguryŏ in 391–412) and those that record the travels of King Chinhŭng (who reigned in Silla in 540–576), served a similar purpose. Together they helped to usher Korean literature, which had previously relied on oral transmission, into an age of both oral and written literature. Confucianism and Buddhism contributed to the thematic depth of Korean literature. A cavalier quatrain sent by the Koguryŏ military commander Ŭlchi Mundŏk to an enemy and a panegyric by Queen Chindŏk of Silla are among representative works of poetry from this period.
Records indicate the existence of such Koguryŏ songs as “Naewŏnsŏng ka” (“Song of Naewŏn Fortress”), “Yŏnyang ka” (“Song of Yŏnyang”), and “Myŏngju ka” (“Song of Myŏngju”) during the Three Kingdoms period, though only their titles have survived. Other songs, such as “Tosol ka” (“Dedication”), which is known to date from the third decade of the 1st century ce, were composed and sung in Silla. Songs about nature, such as “Sŏnunsan” (“Sŏnun Mountain”), “Mudŭngsan” (“Mudŭng Mountain”), “Pangdŭngsan” (“Pangdŭng Mountain”), and “Chirisan” (“Chiri Mountain”), were popular in Paekche. Most important, hyangch’al, a writing system that used Chinese characters to represent spoken Korean, originated in Silla, where hyangga (“native songs”; see above Poetry) also first appeared. Such developments reflect the fact that Silla led the other two kingdoms both artistically and politically (the latter demonstrated by Silla’s spearheading the subsequent unification of Korea). In Koguryŏ and Paekche there may have been songs and a system of transcription corresponding to the hyangga and hyangch’al of Silla, but they have proved difficult to trace.

After the unification of the Three Kingdoms in 668 under the Unified Silla dynasty, Korean literature in Chinese underwent a fundamental development in which a group of literati played several roles. Asserting the significance of Confucianism and literature, they instituted a social class of literati leaders. Of this group, Sŏl Ch’ong was the author of “Hwawanggye” (“Admonition to the King of Flowers”), in which he personifies flowers in order to satirize the king. Another member of the group, Ch’oe Ch’i-Wŏn, who had studied in Tang China and passed the civil service examination there, contributed greatly to the development of Korean literature in Chinese. He was renowned for his poetry and his prose. Noteworthy legends that developed during this time include such tales as “Tomi sŏlhwa” (“Tale of Tomi”), about a woman who undergoes a gruesome ordeal at the hands of a tyrannical king, and “Chigwi sŏlhwa” (“Tale of Chigwi”), about a man who, after having fallen in love with a queen, dies and turns into a ghost. In their depiction of human protagonists, these tales differ from older legends, which instead recount the heroic struggles and accomplishments of mythical figures.