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- dendroglyph
The first indication of the existence of any form of art in Melanesia is shown by the use of pigments, probably for personal decoration, in the eastern Highlands of Papua New Guinea by 15,000 bc. Other examples of early art in New Guinea include the stone carvings, including pestles, animal and human figures, and mortars, that have been found in the central Highlands, where most seem to have been made. Some were exported to eastern Papua New Guinea. The carvings are as yet undated, although it is known that plain stone bowls were in use about 2000 bc. Much of the sculptures’ imagery has been repeated in the recent art styles of the Sepik area and elsewhere. Rock art, in the form of paintings and petroglyphs, is abundant in Papua New Guinea but also remains undated.
The most important evidence of art in the early western Pacific is the ceramic style called Lapita, after a site in New Caledonia. It is the most prominent material aspect of a culture that flourished from approximately 1900 bc to the beginning of the modern era and that achieved an astonishingly wide distribution. Lapita sites, or other evidences of Lapita influence, are found from the northern coast of Papua New Guinea throughout the major island groups of Melanesia to Fiji, Tonga, and Samoa in the east. The Lapita culture complex involved intensive exchange of ceramics, stone tools, and other goods over long distances. Obsidian for tools, in particular, was traded from the Admiralty Islands and New Britain as far as New Caledonia.
The Lapita ceramics include a range of handsome vessel forms: flat-bottomed dishes, shallow and deep bowls, and small-mouthed, carinated vessels. It is their decoration, applied with toothed stamps, that makes them so distinctive. Much of it is applied in stacked horizontal zones; most of the design units are constructed from simple arcs or right angles, but some are intricate interlocking patterns. There are also some complex curvilinear designs incorporating faces that are the earliest dated human representations in the Pacific Islands. The early western ceramics are the most elaborate; designs become increasingly simple to the east until, after about 500 bc, vessels made in the Fiji-Tonga-Samoa area retain some Lapita shapes but lack decoration. Little else remains of this elegant artistic tradition. Wood carving was practiced, judging by the remains of suitable tools, but no examples have survived.
It is possible that Lapita art was fundamental to the later development of art in the Pacific. Some Lapita design motifs, especially the more complex, can be shown to have survived in Melanesia until the present day, as have Lapita principles of design layout. Lapita art was also in all probability ancestral to early phases of much Polynesian art and even to the tatooing and tapa decoration styles of recent times.
No other surviving early art from Melanesia approaches the accomplishment of Lapita, but a few contemporary and subsequent prehistoric ceramic traditions deserve mention. Some, as at Sohano on Bougainville Island in the northern Solomons (c. 500 bc) and Yule Island off the southern coast of Papua New Guinea (c. 1000–2000 bp), have incised designs that may derive from Lapita. A more elaborate and impressive style is that of the Mangaasi culture of Vanuatu, which dates from 700 bc to ad 1200. Early Mangaasi ceramics include spherical pots and are decorated with bold triangles outlined with applied fillets, within which are further arrangements of incised triangles. Handles were modeled in bird and animal forms.

The apparently early New Guinea tradition of stone carving has parallels in other parts of Melanesia. Stone bowls have been found in New Britain, and stone flared ax heads with flanges shaped like birds’ and animals’ heads have been found in the northern Solomons.