Regional styles and traditions
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Melanesia, including New Guinea, houses a multitude of regional musical styles, few of which have been thoroughly investigated. The diversity, which parallels the linguistic situation, is assumed to be a result both of migrations and of the relative isolation of ethnic groups due to geographic conditions. Intergroup contacts, including European influences, mostly since the late 19th century, have had a clear influence on present styles.
Generally speaking, Melanesian music tends to be less word-determined than Polynesian and Micronesian music. Melody, rhythm, and form appear to be shaped by intrinsically musical principles rather than by the structure and meaning of accompanying text. In fact, song texts in Melanesia often use archaic or foreign languages and are thus frequently unintelligible to all participants in a performance.
Melodic characteristics
Musical scale and melodic movement have been primary criteria in the Western analysis of Melanesian music. The main types of melodic form are triadic, in which the melody moves exclusively or predominantly on the steps of a triad (three tones, each a third apart, as C-E-G); and pentatonic, which uses five steps within an octave, the melodic structure typically emphasizing seconds, fourths, and fifths. Other types include “narrow,” in which melodic movement is restricted to an ambit (range) of a third; and “tiled,” in which the melody consists of a sequence of short narrow phrases on different tonal levels, always in a descending order.
Several attempts have been made to link these types of melodic form with specific cultures within Melanesia. In the mid-20th century the Dutch scholar Jaap Kunst attributed the tiled type found in the interior of western New Guinea, the Torres Strait, and Australia to “a people who, without doubt, emigrated from Asia to Australia—where the majority of them finally settled—by way of New Guinea and Torres Strait.” Triadic melody style has been connected with speakers of non-Austronesian (Papuan) languages in New Guinea and elsewhere in Melanesia, while pentatonic structure is described as an element of Austronesian culture in Melanesia. But, whenever new data become available, previous hypotheses on the distribution of stylistic characteristics and their attribution to ethnic and cultural groupings usually have to be revised.
Also, rarely is the music of an ethnic group found to be based on one single principle of melodic structure. In most cases a mixture of several principles is apparent, with one or the other prevailing.

Musical style and cultural context
This mixture of musical structures holds true for the few New Guinea groups whose music has been studied in its cultural context: the Monumbo, the Kate, the Watut, and the Kaluli. A more detailed discussion of Kate music illustrates the stylistic heterogeneity of the Kate, who live in the hinterland of the Huon Peninsula of northeastern Papua New Guinea and speak a non-Austronesian (Papuan) language, while some of their neighbours on the coast and on adjacent islands speak Austronesian (Melanesian) languages. A Lutheran mission was established in that area in 1886.
Before the mission terminated their non-Christian religious activities, the Kate shared with their neighbours, specifically the Melanesian-speaking Jabem, Bukawa, and Tami, a secret initiation cult that provided for an exchange of music and dances among participants. The mission introduced “Christian songs” with texts in Kate language and European church tunes; but missionaries also created “Christian” adaptations of traditional Kate melodies, which were more readily acceptable than Lutheran hymns.
By about 1910 the Kate experienced a twofold cultural change resulting from the continuing contact with their Melanesian-speaking neighbours and from the impact of European colonial culture. But many aspects of their precolonial culture were then still functioning or in fresh memory. Music and dance activities were connected with childbirth, children’s games, initiation, hunting, agriculture, ceremonial bartering of pigs, warfare, and death—the latter occasion being the only one to prohibit dancing. Consequently, initiation ceremonies, which usually extended over two years, had to be interrupted whenever a death occurred. In addition to music and dance in ceremonial contexts, there were songs for entertainment and expression of individual sentiments or experiences. Most of the common social dances and dance songs were adopted from the off-coast Siassi Islands, including texts that were unintelligible to the Kate.
Structural characteristics of Kate music include triadic and pentatonic melody, both pure and in various degrees of blending; monophony (music having a single voice part); reverting and progressive strophes (stanzas) of varying lengths; basically isorhythmic organization (i.e., using recurring rhythmic patterns); and a wide range of tempi. Analysis of stylistic characteristics in relation to context and historical data revealed that triadic melody and short progressive strophes are associated with the old, non-Austronesian (Papuan) stratum of Kate culture. Pentatonic melody and longer, reverting strophes seem to represent Melanesian influence, while a specific melody style characterized by the use of several pentatonic modes in succession (“modulating pentatony”), very wide ambit, and extended strophic form can be attributed to European culture contact.
For the Kaluli, a group of rain-forest dwellers in the Southern Highlands province of Papua New Guinea, the American anthropologist Steven Feld has demonstrated the integration of diverse musical structures and natural sounds under one aesthetic ideology. The concept of “lift-up-over sounding,” which calls for a continuity of overlapping sound qualities and the avoidance of unison, governs all Kaluli musical expression, including recently acquired Christian church tunes and pan-New Guinea popular music, and thus projects Kaluli ethnic identity.