Choral music has been enriched for centuries by the composition of motets, which were originally settings of liturgical or biblical texts. Responsories (liturgical texts originally performed responsively) were of major importance until the great monastic institutions lost their influence in the early years of the 16th century. Subsequently, the choral motet was mainly cultivated in royal and collegiate chapels. Settings of votive antiphons (verses preceding psalms and canticles), frequently, though not exclusively, texts in honour of the Virgin Mary, were popular in the late 15th and early 16th centuries. Many of these compositions demanded a high degree of skill and virtuosity from the choir and its soloists; a noble example is the British composer John Browne’s Stabat Mater, from The Eton Choirbook. An Italian contemporary, Giovanni Spataro, displays a more simple and restrained style in his four-part Virgo prudentissima, which nevertheless belongs to the same category of motet.
During the 16th and 17th centuries, the term motet was used in looser connotation, sometimes linked with a few verses of a psalm, sometimes a complete psalm including Gloria Patri (lesser doxology). Many of these longer settings, by 16th-century composers such as Josquin, Willaert, and Lasso, attain the level of symphonic choral writing through their high degree of formal organization and their imaginative vocal scoring. The concertato motet (using contrasting groups of singers and instruments), as developed and perfected in the 17th century by Gabrieli, Monteverdi, Heinrich Schütz, and Scarlatti, added the vivid colours of the orchestral palette to the already highly malleable vocal textures. Pergolesi’s Stabat Mater, although sometimes performed as a choral work, was originally written with solo voices in mind. Bach’s motets, of which Jesu meine Freude (Jesus My Joy; c. 1723) is a typical and splendid example, return to the a cappella manner of performance. Contrary to one popular conception, this often included instrumental doubling of the voice parts and the use of an organ continuo, an improvised part. Subsequently little used in the Protestant Church, the motet continued to be cultivated by the Catholic composers of Europe and the Americas. Especially worthy of note are the motets and psalm settings of Anton Bruckner, whose Te Deum (composed 1881, revised 1883–84) is one of his choral masterpieces. Conservative tastes in much religious music somewhat discouraged the greatest talents from contributing fully to this genre. Stravinsky’s Threni (on the Lamentations of Jeremiah), for instance, is more frequently heard in the concert hall than in church, as are also Poulenc’s Stabat Mater (1951) and other liturgical motets of his.
The use of the vernacular after the Reformation in England made it necessary for composers to forge a new style of choral music. The elaborate melodic tracery of Robert Fayrfax and John Taverner gave way to a completely unelaborate kind of choral counterpoint designed to allow the English words to be clearly heard. Both Thomas Tallis and William Byrd made outstanding contributions to the development of the anthem. Tallis perfected a style of contrapuntally animated homophony that ensured clarity of declamation, while Byrd experimented with more elaborate textures both in full anthems (for choir alone) and in verse anthems, in which the choir was supported by the organ and sometimes other instruments, allowing solo voices to detach themselves from the main body of singers. Among Byrd’s finest verse anthems are Christ rising again (for Easter) and O God that guides the cheerful sun. Orlando Gibbons carried to a further stage the use of a consort of viols, which accompanies with a rich but discreet body of sound the countertenor and bass soloists in Glorious and powerful god. One of the most effective of his full anthems is the seven-part Hosanna to the Son of David for Palm Sunday. Thomas Tomkins displays a mastery of 12-part polyphony in his full anthem O praise the Lord, all ye heathen, but for quiet expressive intimacy of thought there is little to surpass When David heard that Absalom was slain. Among a considerable number of verse anthems by Tomkins, two of the most inspiring are My Shepherd is the living Lord and Thou art my King, O God, both of which can be accompanied by organ alone or by organ and string ensemble.
When the monarchy was restored in 1660, Matthew Locke contributed a number of fine anthems to the repertory of the revived Chapel Royal, among them the double-choir setting of Not unto us, O Lord and the grandiose, almost Venetian The king shall rejoice, scored for three four-part choirs and orchestra. Another eminent musician of the time was Pelham Humfrey, whose verse anthem By the waters of Babylon is one of the best examples of its kind. For chromatically expressive music Michael Wise provides an admirable pattern in his The ways of Sion do mourn, as does Daniel Roseingrave in his Lord, thou art become gracious.
The verse anthem with instruments reached its zenith in the late 17th century in the music of Henry Purcell and John Blow. Much of their music was performed in the Chapel Royal, the choir and consorts of which had improved markedly. Among the most memorable of Purcell’s full anthems are the eight-part Hear my prayer, O Lord and the five-part Remember not, Lord, our offences. His most successful verse anthems frequently make use of short, impressive passages for choir alone, as in the evocation of the turtle’s voice in My beloved spake and the moving harmonies of “O worship the Lord” toward the end of O sing unto the Lord. Blow excels in the antiphony of verse soloists and full choir in I beheld, and lo, a great multitude. In his full anthems, such as God is our hope and strength and O Lord God of my salvation, he sometimes almost equals Purcell in the richness and resource of his eight-part writing.

Of the succeeding generation of composers, William Croft seems most at ease in his full anthems, notably Put me not to rebuke and O Lord, rebuke me not, two distinct and different works in spite of the similarity of text. Maurice Greene excelled in this style in works such as God is our hope and strength and Acquaint thyself with God. William Boyce carried on the tradition of sensitive word setting in such works as I have surely built thee an house and O where shall wisdom be found?.
Although the late 18th and early 19th centuries did not exactly overflow with masterpieces, a trio of composers proved themselves competent craftsmen. O Lord, look down from heaven will assure Jonathan Battishill a place in the history of the genre, while the Epiphany anthem O God, who by the leading of a star speaks eloquently for Thomas Attwood. Although Samuel Wesley, converted to Catholicism, chose Latin for the greater number of his church compositions, one of these is sometimes sung to its English text, Sing aloud with gladness.
Samuel Sebastian Wesley attempted, often with considerable success, to raise up the anthem to a new level of artistry and accomplishment, extending it so as to form a kind of cantata giving freer rein to soloists than was customary in the older type of verse anthem. His finest contributions are perhaps The Wilderness; Ascribe unto The Lord; and O Lord, Thou art my God. Also noteworthy from this epoch are Sir John Goss’s setting of The Wilderness, Thomas Attwood Walmisley’s O give thanks, and the double-choir anthem O Saviour of the world by Sir Frederick Gore Ouseley.
Sir Joseph Barnby, Sir John Stainer, and Sir Arthur Sullivan wrote anthems of fair quality, but not until Sir Hubert Parry demonstrated the need for a return to conscientious word setting did new spirit begin to pervade English church music in works such as Parry’s double-choir anthem Lord let me know mine end, Sir Charles Stanford’s similarly scored Jesus Christ is risen today, and Charles Wood’s O thou the central orb. In the 20th century, T.T. Noble’s The souls of the righteous and John Ireland’s Greater love hath no man are typical of the earlier period, while O pray for the peace of Jerusalem by Herbert Howells and Benjamin Britten’s Hymn to St. Peter successfully continue a long tradition.
Cantata and oratorio
The cantata, as developed in northern Germany in the 17th century, often relied only upon soloists and a small group of instruments, although the role of the chorus gradually became more important. In more than 200 church cantatas written by J.S. Bach, the chorus often occupies a prominent place and is given music of challenging complexity—frequently on a par with the music of the accompanying instrumental forces. The cantatas use the chorus again in the closing chorale, which is usually a special setting of a hymn tune with orchestral doubling or accompaniment.
In Italy, the oratorio achieved what was beyond the motet’s capabilities by projecting through verse and music a story of Biblical origin that the public could enjoy while learning. Giacomo Carissimi, whose Jephtha is still an established classic, led the way to the oratorios of Antonio Vivaldi (Juditha triumphans, first performed 1716), Handel (a long series of oratorios written for London, all dramatic in form except for Israel in Egypt of 1739 and the Messiah of 1741), and Haydn, whose greatest oratorio is Die Schöpfung (1798; The Creation). The choral contribution to 19th-century oratorios remained at a remarkably high level, enhancing such works as Beethoven’s Christus Am Ölberg (1803; Christ on the Mount of Olives), the perennially popular Elijah (1846) of Mendelssohn, Franz Liszt’s Die Legende von der heiligen Elisabeth (The Legend of St. Elizabeth), Berlioz’s L’Enfance du Christ, Opus 25 (1854), and a series of compositions by the British composer Edward Elgar, culminating in The Dream of Gerontius (1900). The oratorio tradition, because of its links with choral bodies, has shown constant renewal and growth in the 20th century. Among outstanding 20th-century oratorios are Frank Martin’s Golgotha (1949), Arthur Honegger’s Le Roi David (King David; 1921), Sir William Walton’s Belshazzar’s Feast (1931), and Bernard Rogers’ The Passion (1944). A work in oratorio style, though in a class of its own, is Ernest Bloch’s Avodath Hakodesh (Sacred Service) composed 1930–33 and scored for baritone solo, chorus, and orchestra.