Stop and key mechanisms
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- Berklee Online - Different Types of Keyboard Instruments (Mar. 09, 2025)
The operative part of the stop mechanism lies between the pallet and the foot holes of the pipes. It normally consists of a strip of wood or plastic running the full length of each rank of pipes. In it is drilled a series of holes, one of which registers exactly with the foot hole of each pipe. The perforated strip, or slider, is placed in a close-fitting guide in which it may be moved longitudinally. When it is moved a short distance, so that its holes no longer register with the pipes, wind is cut off to that rank, even when the organist opens the pallets by means of the keys. Wind-chests in which the stops operate in this way are called slider chests. Other ways of working the stops will be referred to later; but the simple, reliable slider chest was in almost universal use before the 20th century. The slider is connected to the console by a system of levers and cranks, and it terminates in a knob that the organist pulls outward to bring the stop into play or pushes in to silence it. The name of the particular rank governed by the stop is usually engraved on the knob or appears on a label next to it. An organ’s tonal specifications are customarily defined by a list of the names of its ranks and their respective pitches.
Often the organist needs to play two or more interweaving, contrasted melodic lines, to give prominence to a melody against a quieter accompaniment, or to play loud and soft passages in rapid succession. None of these effects can be achieved on an organ with one manual, as so far described. For this reason, organs of more than about seven or eight stops usually have two manuals, each controlling its separate wind-chest and stops. Each manual department is self-contained, so that the organ is really a composite instrument. By prearranging the stops on the manuals, the organist may perform in any of the three ways mentioned above. The organist, therefore, may vary the sounds produced in one or both of two ways: by changing the stops on the manuals being played or by leaving the stops as they are and changing from one manual to another.
Since the 18th century organists have had yet a third way of controlling the volume of sound. The pipes of one or more manuals may be enclosed in a box, one side of which consists of hinged and movable shutters (similar to Venetian blinds) that are connected to a pedal at the console. By opening and closing the shutters, the sound from the stops of the manual concerned is made louder or softer. Such enclosures are called swell boxes. In pursuit of still greater expressivity, organists since the 16th century have often employed an accessory called a tremulant, which by repeatedly interrupting the flow of wind to the wind-chest creates a pulsation in the tone of the pipes.
Since the 14th century, one department of the organ has commonly been played from a keyboard controlled by the organist’s feet. The pedal department is basically like the manual departments but controls predominantly longer pipes. Modern organs normally have pedal keyboards of up to 32 notes.
The organist sometimes wishes to combine the stops of two different manuals or to couple one or more of the manuals to the pedals. This is effected by a simple mechanism, called a coupler, that is controlled at the console.
Certain combinations of stops on each manual are more commonly needed than others; in order that these combinations can be readily available, the console may be provided with several short pedals disposed above the pedal keyboard, or pedalboard. Each of these short pedals, called combination (or composition) pedals, is connected to one commonly needed combination of stops. When a combination pedal is depressed, the stops connected to it are drawn on, and any others that are already drawn are pushed off.
In the simplest mechanical action, the connection from key to pallet is by a series of cranks, rollers, and levers that transmit motion horizontally and vertically from keyboard to wind-chest. The overall distance may be considerable, and the main distance is bridged by trackers, slender strips of wood, metal, or plastic, which are kept in constant tension. Adjustment screws are employed to take up slack occasioned by wear and changes of humidity.
The mechanism of the organ as described so far is entirely mechanical, and such organs, including the great majority of those built before the late 19th century, are said to have tracker action. Tracker action is also used in many modern organs, especially those built according to historical principles. Many organists prefer tracker action to all other forms because it affords superior sensitivity of touch. Organs may, however, have pneumatic, direct electric, or electropneumatic action, although these actions result in a loss of sensitivity and responsiveness. In very large organs with tracker action, considerable strength may be necessary to depress the keys. Also, where the layout of the building is inconvenient and the departments of the organ have to be widely separated, tracker action is not practicable. To overcome these difficulties, especially with the object of lightening the touch, other forms of action were devised.
The first effective system was developed in the 1830s by Charles Spackman Barker, an Englishman. It consisted of a series of small, high-pressure pneumatic bellows or motors, one attached to each key of the main manual at the console. When a key was depressed, compressed air was admitted to the motor, which, in turn, operated the tracker action. Lacking encouragement at home, Barker went to France, where the great French builder Aristide Cavaillé-Coll employed the Barker lever almost exclusively from 1840 on.
Later, the trackers were supplanted by lead tubes, and the connection from key to pallet was solely by compressed air traveling through these tubes. This system was called tubular pneumatic action. At its best, it was remarkably effective, being reliable, long-lived, reasonably silent in action, and perfectly prompt in operation. At anything but its best, it was none of these things, and its worst fault usually lay in sluggish operation. Tubular pneumatic action is almost never used in modern times.
As early as 1860, electric action was used experimentally, and it came into wide use at the end of the 19th century. Direct electric action, in which an electromagnet pulls the pallet open, is sometimes used, but a combination of electric and pneumatic mechanism is more general. In this system the depression of a key completes an electrical circuit, which energizes an electromagnet, allowing wind to enter a pneumatic motor attached to the wind-chest, and this motor opens the pallet. The stops may be operated in exactly the same way, but, where they are operated electrically, the sliders are often replaced by a series of valves, one to each pipe. The organ is then said to have a sliderless chest, and the most usual type is the pitman chest, so called because it contains a type of floating valve called a pitman. This action is commonly known as electropneumatic.
The combination pedals can also be operated electropneumatically. They are usually supplemented by a series of buttons, or pistons, placed below each manual, where they are conveniently operated by the organist’s thumbs. The pistons may easily be made adjustable so that the organist can quickly alter the combination of stops controlled by each one.
A compromise has been used successfully with tracker action for each department, with the coupler action operated electrically. This arrangement has considerable merit, since the coupling together of three or four manuals with tracker action results in a very heavy touch. Electric stop action may also be combined with tracker key action, enabling the use of electric (including solid-state) combinations—an invaluable aid in quickly changing groups of stops, especially in larger instruments.