20th-century notation
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- score
- tablature
- solmization
- G
- F
- On the Web:
- Monash University - LENS - The future of music notation in a digital world (PDF) (Feb. 17, 2025)
Two developments in musical style in the 20th century have placed great strain upon staff notation: integral serialism—in which the music is controlled by a mathematical system—and indeterminacy, or chance music. In the former, every note in a texture may have its individual dynamic marking and type of attack (for example, in Olivier Messiaen’s Mode de valeurs et d’intensités and in parts of Structures I and II of Pierre Boulez). There may also be extensive use of unconventional playing techniques. Since staff notation indicates volume, attack, and technical effects in a comparatively clumsy manner, the written page becomes cluttered and unclear. In indeterminate and aleatory music (the latter type allowing the performer a limited degree of freedom), the notation must offer choices to the performer or be deliberately imprecise. Staff notation is for these purposes often too specific. In addition, electronic music, composed with such devices as graphs, mathematical symbols, and diagrams, is not easily translated into a readable “score” for publication.
New systems
Notation, in face of this, has moved in two directions: toward adaptation of staff notation and toward the devising of new notational systems. Music using microtonal intervals (less than a semitone) has tended to adapt by modifying the standard accidental signs—meaning one-third sharp, two-thirds sharp, and so on (e.g., in Krzysztof Penderecki’s Anaklasis).
So-called space time notation is a further adaptation that reasserts the graphic nature of staff notation. It abandons symbolic indication of note values and replaces it by the spacing of note heads horizontally on the staff, accompanied by an instruction such as “1 inch = 1 second.” The principle may then be amplified by using different note heads (𝅝, 𝅆, 𝆹, etc.) to signify short, medium, and long sustaining of a note, thus obviating the use of rests, and by beaming together notes to be performed in one breath or bow (e.g., Witold Lutosławski’s Trois poèmes d’Henri Michaux and John Cage’s Music of Changes).
Indeterminate music requires constant experimentation with notation. A composer may offer directions for one element of the music—as rhythm or pitch contour—and leave the performer to improvise the remaining elements. Or he may simply describe the general character of a passage by resorting to a specially designed symbol, a verbal description, or even an impressionistic drawing (as in Earle Brown’s Hodograph). At the extreme, John Cage supplies “materials” (lines, dots, shapes) and leaves the performer to attach musical significance to them. For electronic music, published scores typically adopted either strict graph form (Karlheinz Stockhausen, Electronic Study II; see illustration) or pictorial form, using patterned drawings to represent different timbres (as in Henri Pousseur’s Electre [see illustration] and Stockhausen’s Kontakte).

Adaptation to non-European music
Notations evolve with the musical styles they serve, and they reflect the underlying aesthetics of their own cultures. Thus, staff notation is ill-equipped to cope with non-Western scales and tunings, with music to which the idea of the “note” (a stable, sustained pitch) is foreign, or with music whose subtlety lies as much in delicate gradations of volume or timbre as in pitch and rhythm. Ethnomusicologists have developed a range of supplementary symbols—e.g., for notes of uncertain pitch, glissandi (slides), slight lengthening of a value, half-voiced notes, and other sounds. They have also experimented with staves of fewer or more lines. The Western system of proportional note values (for example, quarter note = half of a half note) does not easily cope with fine fluctuations of value; instead, constant changes of metronome tempo mark may be necessary. Among the most complex uses of staff notation in ethnomusicology are the transcriptions of Serbo-Croatian and Romanian folk song by Hungarian composer Béla Bartók. Other transcribers have used graph paper to draw a curve of pitch against time. Many significant mechanical methods of transcription have been devised. The two most notable are the melograph, invented by ethnomusicologist Charles Seeger, which traces a pitch/time graph immediately above a volume/time graph, and a device developed by Dahlbeck, which produces two similar graphs by means of a cathode-ray tube. These methods can reveal a level of interpretation by the performer that aural transcription into staff notation fails to bring out.