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Tragic themes in Ibsen, Strindberg, and Chekhov
The movement toward naturalism in fiction in the latter decades of the 19th century did much to purge both the novel and the drama of the sentimentality and evasiveness that had so long emasculated them. In Norway Henrik Ibsen incorporated in his plays the smug and narrow ambitiousness of his society. The hypocrisy of overbearing men and women replace, in their fashion, the higher powers of the old tragedy. His major tragic theme is the futility, leading to catastrophe, of the idealist’s effort to create a new and better social order. The “problem play”—one devoted to a particular social issue—is saved in his hand from the flatness of a sociological treatise by a sense of doom, a pattern of retribution, reminiscent of the ancient Greeks. In Pillars of Society (1877), The Wild Duck (published 1884), Rosmersholm (published 1886), and The Master Builder (published 1892), for example, one sacrifice is expiated by another.
In Sweden, August Strindberg, influenced by Ibsen, was a powerful force in the movement. The Father (1887) and Miss Julie (published 1888) recall Ibsen’s attacks on religious, moral, and political orthodoxies. Strindberg’s main concern, however, is with the destructive effects of sexual maladjustment and psychic imbalance. Not since Euripides’ Medea or Racine’s Phèdre had the tragic aspects of sex come under such powerful analysis. In this respect, his plays look forward to those of Eugene O’Neill.
Anton Chekhov, the most prominent Russian dramatist of the period, wrote plays about the humdrum life of inconspicuous, sensitive people (Uncle Vanya, 1897; The Three Sisters, 1901; and The Cherry Orchard, 1904, are typical), whose lives fall prey to the hollowness and tedium of a disintegrating social order. They are a brood of lesser Hamlets without his compensating vision of a potential greatness. As in the plays of the Scandinavian dramatists, Chekhov’s vision of this social evil is penetrating and acute, but the powerful, resistant counterthrust that makes for tragedy is lacking. It is a world of victims.
American tragic dramatists
In little of the formal drama between the time of Ibsen, Strindberg, and Chekhov and the present are the full dimensions of tragedy presented. Some critics suggested that it was too late for tragedy, that modern man no longer valued himself highly enough, that too many sociological and ideological factors were working against the tragic temperament. The long and successful career of Eugene O’Neill may be a partial answer to this criticism. He has been called the first American to succeed in writing tragedy for the theatre, a fulfillment of his avowed purpose, for he had declared that in the tragic, alone, lay the meaning of life—and the hope. He sought in Freud’s concept of the subconscious the equivalent of the Greek idea of fate and modeled his great trilogy, Mourning Becomes Electra (1931), on Aeschylus’s Oresteia. Although the hovering sense of an ancient evil is powerful, the psychological conditioning controls the characters too nakedly. They themselves declare forces that determine their behaviour, so that they seem almost to connive in their own manipulation. Desire Under the Elms (1924) presents a harsh analysis of decadence in the sexual and avaricious intrigues of a New England farmer’s family, unrelieved by manifestations of the transcendent human spirit. The Great God Brown (1926) and Long Day’s Journey into Night (1939–41; first performance, 1956) come closer to true tragedy. In the latter the capacity for self-knowledge is demonstrated by each member of the wrangling Tyrone family (actually, O’Neill’s own; the play is frankly autobiographical). The insistent theme of the “death wish” (another example of Freud’s influence), however, indicates too radical a pessimism for tragedy; even the character of Edmund Tyrone, O’Neill’s own counterpart, confesses that he has always been a little in love with death, and in another late play, The Iceman Cometh (1939), the death wish is more strongly expressed.
Although he never succeeded in establishing a tragic theatre comparable to the great theatres of the past, O’Neill made a significant contribution in his sustained concentration on subjects at least worthy of such a theatre. He made possible the significant, if slighter, contributions of Arthur Miller, whose Death of a Salesman (1949) and A View from the Bridge (1955) contain material of tragic potential that is not fully realized. Tennessee Williams’s Streetcar Named Desire (1947) is a sensitive study of the breakdown of a character under social and psychological stress. As with Miller’s plays, however, it remains in the area of pathos rather than tragedy.
Other serious drama
The 20th century produced much serious and excellent drama, which, though not in the main line of the tragic tradition, deserves mention. In British theatre, George Bernard Shaw’s Saint Joan (1923) and T.S. Eliot’s Murder in the Cathedral (1935) dramatized with great power both doubt and affirmation, the ambiguity of human motives, and the possibility of fruitless suffering that are true of the human condition as reflected by tragedy. During the Irish literary revival, the work of J.M. Synge (Riders to the Sea, 1904) and Sean O’Casey (Shadow of a Gunman, 1923), like Faulkner’s work, sought a tragic theme in the destiny of a whole people. The masterpiece of this movement, however, is not a tragedy but a comic inversion of the ancient tragedy of Oedipus—Synge’s Playboy of the Western World (1907).
The drama of social protest—exemplified in such works as the Russian Maxim Gorky’s Lower Depths (1902), the German Bertolt Brecht’s Threepenny Opera (1928) and Mother Courage (1941), and the American Clifford Odets’s Waiting for Lefty (1935)—shares the tragedians’ concern for evils that frustrate or destroy human values. The evils, however, are largely external, identifiable, and, with certain recommended changes in the social order, remediable. The type shows how vulnerable tragedy is to dogma or programs of any sort. British author George Orwell suggested in Nineteen Eighty-four that tragedy would cease to exist under pure Marxist statism. Brecht’s fine sense of irony and moral paradox redeem him from absolute dogmatism but give his work a hard satiric thrust that is inimical to tragedy. Traditional values and moral imperatives are all but neutralized in the existentialist worlds of the dramas and novels of Jean-Paul Sartre and Albert Camus, two outstanding philosopher-dramatists of the post World War II era. In their works, the protagonist is called upon to forge his own values, if he can, in a world in which the disparity between the ideal (what one longs for) and the real (what one gets) is so great as to reduce the human condition to incoherence and absurdity. Plays that led to the coinage of the term the theatre of the absurd are exemplified by Waiting for Godot (1952) and The Killer (1959), respectively by the Irish writer Samuel Beckett and the Romanian Eugène Ionesco, both of whom pursued their careers in Paris. Here, the theme of victimization is at its extreme, the despair and defeat almost absolute.
A coherent and affirmative view of the individual, society, and the cosmos is vital to tragedy—however tentative the affirmation may be. Unresolved questions remain at the end of every tragedy. There is always an irrational factor, disturbing, foreboding, not to be resolved by the sometime consolations of philosophy and religion or by any science of the mind or body; there is irretrievable loss, usually though not necessarily symbolized by the death of the hero. In the course of the action, however, in the development of character, theme, and situation and in the conceptual suggestiveness of language, tragedy presents the positive terms in which these questions might be answered. The human qualities are manifest, however limited; human freedom is real, however marginal. The forces that oppress the individual may be mysterious but actual—fate, the gods, chance, the power of one’s own or humanity’s past working through the soul. Though never mastered, they can be contended with, defied, and, at least in spirit, transcended. The process is cognitive; one can learn.