Policies as prime minister of Cape Colony of Cecil Rhodes
- In full:
- Cecil John Rhodes
- Born:
- July 5, 1853, Bishop’s Stortford, Hertfordshire, England
- Died:
- March 26, 1902, Muizenberg, Cape Colony [now in South Africa] (aged 48)
- Title / Office:
- prime minister (1890-1896), Cape Colony
In the meantime, he had returned to office in 1890 in the only post big enough for him, as prime minister of Cape Colony. For five years he proved a successful and imaginative prime minister. He acquired a property called Groote Schuur, which he rebuilt in the Dutch colonial style and bequeathed as an official residence for future prime ministers of the Union of South Africa. There he lavishly entertained Dutch and British inhabitants of the Cape Colony and eminent visitors of all nationalities. Everything he undertook was on a massive scale.
In parliament he cultivated the support of the Afrikaner Bond without losing the goodwill of British liberals. His agricultural policies were sensible and effective. In native African policy he had to move cautiously. His Franchise and Ballot Act (1892) was passed, limiting the native vote by financial and educational qualifications. The Glen Grey Act (1894), assigning an area for exclusively African development, was “a Bill for Africa,” as Rhodes proudly called it. In reality it served to enforce segregation of native Africans, further disenfranchise them, and control their economic options. His main aim was to prevent the Dutch and British quarreling over such policies. To him that involved the risk of “mixing up the native question with the race question.”
He also sought to unite the Boers and the British on his northern policy. The prospects were good because Kruger’s obstinacy alienated the Cape Dutch. To ensure that commercial traffic did not have to reach the Transvaal through the Cape Colony, Kruger had built a railway to Delagoa Bay. Then in 1894 he closed the “drifts,” or fords, of the Vaal River to prevent the transport of goods by wagon, besides imposing heavy duties on Cape produce. Rhodes went to the Transvaal capital to protest, but in vain. Kruger was compelled to yield only after a declaration by Rhodes’s attorney general that he was in breach of the London Convention, coupled with a threat by Joseph Chamberlain, who had become British colonial secretary in 1895, to support a military expedition.
Rhodes’s patience had begun to wear thin even earlier, partly because he knew his health was precarious and partly because he learned that the gold deposits of the Transvaal were enormous, whereas those of Mashonaland were proving poor. His northern policy was encountering unexpected frustrations. The chartered company was in financial difficulties, its resources being overstretched. Although Rhodes’s agents secured some new territories for the company, elsewhere he was forestalled. An Anglo-German agreement of 1889 gave a strip of land to Germany, cutting off Bechuanaland from the north. The Belgian king Leopold II anticipated Rhodes by laying claim to Katanga (1890). The Anglo-Portuguese Convention of 1891 ended his hopes of eliminating Portugal from Africa. Harry Johnston proved uncooperative in administering Nyasaland. When Rhodes paid his first visit to Rhodesia in 1891, he found the pioneers in an angry mood; to pacify them, he helped them generously out of his own pocket.
Serious trouble broke out in 1893, when Rhodes’s close friend the BSAC administrator, Leander Starr Jameson, instigated an invasion into Lobengula’s Matabeleland under dubious pretenses. A short sharp war ended in the total defeat of Lobengula and led to his death shortly thereafter, and pioneers streamed into Matabeleland. Rhodes was then at the pinnacle of his achievement, but still the wider union of Southern Africa eluded him. He was growing petulant and impatient and was visibly aging. By 1895 he was determined to settle accounts with the last obstacle, President Kruger.
There was already talk of using force to remedy the grievances of the Uitlanders in the Transvaal. The Uitlanders formed a National Union to support their cause, with Rhodes’s brother Frank among its leaders. Kruger sought the support of Germany, and in 1895 he again closed the drifts across the Vaal. Once more he was forced to withdraw, and by that time a conspiracy against him was under way.
Rhodes was well aware of the existing tensions between the Uitlanders and Kruger’s government and, with Jameson and others, plotted to exploit the situation. They organized an uprising of the Uitlanders that was to take place at the same time that Jameson, using the BSAC’s private military, would invade the Transvaal to lend support. Ultimately, they planned to overthrow Kruger and install a provisional government. Chamberlain was privy to the plan, but no one foresaw what actually resulted. The National Union in Johannesburg lost heart and decided not to act. Rhodes, the high commissioner Sir Hercules Robinson, and Chamberlain all assumed that the plan had been called off, but Jameson recklessly decided to force the hand of the Uitlanders by invading the Transvaal on his own. He launched the famous incursion, now known as the Jameson Raid, on December 29, 1895. It was a fiasco, his whole force being captured apart from a few killed. Rhodes was compelled to resign almost all his offices, not only in the Cape government but also in the chartered company, but he refused to denounce Jameson.