Chaim Soutine
- Born:
- 1893/94?, Smilovichi, near Minsk, Russian Empire [now in Belarus]
- Died:
- Aug. 9, 1943, Paris, Fr.
- Movement / Style:
- Expressionism
- The Beehive
Chaim Soutine (born 1893/94?, Smilovichi, near Minsk, Russian Empire [now in Belarus]—died Aug. 9, 1943, Paris, Fr.) was a Russian-born French painter whose highly individualistic style, characterized by the use of thick impasto, agitated brushwork, convulsive compositional rhythms, and the presence of disturbing psychological content, is closely related to early 20th-century Expressionism.
Soutine was born the 10th child of a poor Jewish tailor in Belorussia. At age 16 he went to Vilna (now Vilnius) in Lithuania, where a friendly doctor helped him attend the school of fine arts for three years. In 1913 he emigrated to Paris, where he met Marc Chagall, Amedeo Modigliani, and Jacques Lipchitz, and attended the École des Beaux-Arts. Modigliani introduced Soutine to the art dealer Leopold Zborowski, who enabled him to spend three years (1919–22) painting at Céret in the south of France. The feverish, visionary landscapes Soutine painted there marked the emergence of his mature style. Soutine spent most of the remainder of his life in Paris. He exhibited little during his lifetime and relentlessly reworked or destroyed old canvases, but his paintings nevertheless found their way into French and American private collections and museums. Soutine died in France in 1943 during the wartime German occupation.
Soutine is most popularly associated with his studies of choirboys and cooks and his series of pageboys (e.g., “Page Boy at Maxim’s,” 1927; Albright-Knox Art Gallery, Buffalo). Also well known are his paintings of hung poultry and carcasses of beef, which convey the colour and luminosity of putrescence. He obtained these effects by painting in as many as 40 different hues with as many brushes.

Soutine’s portraits from the 1920s, distinguished by their subjects’ twisted faces and distorted limbs and by the emphasis in each canvas on one brilliant colour, frequently red, are among his most expressive works.