Conon of Samos
- Flourished:
- c. 245 bce, Alexandria
- Flourished:
- c.250 BCE - c.225 BCE
- Notable Works:
- “De astrologia”
- “Pros Thrasydaion”
- Subjects Of Study:
- conic section
Conon of Samos (flourished c. 245 bce, Alexandria) was a mathematician and astronomer whose work on conic sections (curves of the intersections of a right circular cone with a plane) served as the basis for the fourth book of the Conics of Apollonius of Perga (c. 262–190 bce).
From his observations in Italy and Sicily, Conon compiled the parapegma, a calendar of meteorological forecasts and of the risings and settings of the stars. He settled in Alexandria, where he served as court astronomer to Ptolemy III Euergetes I (reigned 246–221). When Berenice II, the consort of Ptolemy III, dedicated her hair as an offering in a temple of Aphrodite and the offering disappeared, Conon claimed he could see where it had been placed among the stars in the region of the constellations Boötes, Leo, and Virgo. He named this constellation Coma Berenices (“Berenice’s Hair”), thus immortalizing Berenice and further securing his court position.
Conon became a lifelong friend of Archimedes while the latter was studying in Alexandria and later sent him many of his mathematical findings. According to Pappus of Alexandria (flourished c. 320 ce), Conon discovered the Spiral of Archimedes, a curve that Archimedes used extensively in some of his mathematical investigations.

Conon’s works included De astrologia (“On Astronomy”), in seven books, which according to Seneca contained Egyptian observations of solar eclipses; however, some historians doubt this. He also wrote Pros Thrasydaion (“In Reply to Thrasydaeus”), concerning the intersection points of conics with other conics and with circles. None of his works survive.